Chapter VI

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My eyes flutter open to the sight of the dirty blond next to me...naked? I look down at myself to see, that I'm naked too. God, I stink and feel disgusting.

I slowly try to escape the alpha's tight grasp, but he shifts and his bright emerald eyes look down at me. "What are you doing princess?" I blush at the name and release myself from his grasp.

"I'm going to go take a shower now." I crawl the end of the bed and Clay slaps my ass. I slightly moan at the pain and hide my face into my hands to cover more of my reddened face.

"You like that baby? I should've done that last night." He winks and I feel even more embarrassed.

"Georgie, want to take a shower together." I remove my hands from my face and immediately look down to Clay's boner and feel myself slightly getting hard.

"Baby, my eyes are up here." I feel myself grow a bright red and the blonde chuckles.

"I'm joking my love, but on a serious note, want to take a shower together?" I look up and see a big smile splattered across his face. It makes me giggle and I nod to see his smile grow even wider.

We get into the shower and he automatically puts shampoo into my hair, I relax at his touch. I feel safe.

I rinse out the shampoo and he puts his arms around my waist with his mouth at the nape of my neck. I feel his tongue graze across and a shiver runs throughout my body.

"What if I mark you right now?" I stand there confused. "What does that do?"

"It's when an alpha claims an omega as their own." I think for a moment, thinking about the outcomes of this. "Do you want to? You want us to be a couple?" I ask, unsure if he wants to. No words come from his mouth, only his teeth deepening into my neck. I feel tears prickling in my eyes from the pain.

He releases his tight grasp and licks the bite to soothe the pain. He turns me around and pulls me into a kiss. I melt at his touch, his soft lips touching mine, it feels so good. I slightly moan and his tongue slips into my mouth, making sure not to leave anything untouched.

He stops and sucks my bottom lip as he releases it, he smiles. "You sure are something, George." I feel myself slightly turn pink and smile.

We step out of the shower and Clay wraps the both of us in towels. I flinch as he picks me up bridal style and softly puts me down on the bed.

He walks over to his closet to pick out some clothes. I sit there and admire his body, he's so hot. He turns around and smirks, "Like what you see?" I slightly blush, "yes, yes I do." Now it's his turn to blush, to feel flustered at my comment. Cute.

He tosses me his hoodie and some boxers while he puts on his boxers and sweatpants. I slip on his boxers and hoodie. I stand up to look at myself in the mirror. The hoodie dropping down just above my knees, I smile and sit down on the floor to take in his scent on the hoodie.

"You act so much different when you're in heat. You act so hotly. Now you're acting like an adorable little kid." I ignore his comment and take in his calming scent, even more, it smells so good.

"I'll be back, okay? I need to go get you some heat suppressors." I nod and crawl back into bed. I feel my eyes getting heavier and soon drift off into a deep sleep.


I wake up to a retched musky smell, no scent I've ever smelled before. I put the sleeve of the hoodie over my nose and sit up. I look at the alpha and it's not my alpha. I scoot further away and they smirk. "Are you scared of me? Does my scent disgust you?" he speaks scornfully. I start to sense his pheromones get stronger by the minute.

I feel my stomach turn. My eyes start to water and I quickly run into the bathroom and lock myself in there. I cower in the bathtub, tears flood down like a raging rainstorm that won't stop. Where's Clay? Why did he leave me here? "I-I need y-you." I sob in between my sentence and feel myself get tired.


I wake up to the hard cold floor of the bathtub and remember what happened a few hours ago. I feel myself get cold and tuck myself into Clay's hoodie, taking in his calming scent.

I flinch as I hear a knock at the bathroom door. I start to get scared and feel tears prickling at my puffy red eyes. "George, are you in here?" I remain silent. "George, can you open up please?" I don't respond, I just scoot further into the corner of the bathtub.

I hear it become silent for a second and hear the door open. I let a few tears drip down my red cheeks and the shower curtain slides open. I scream, begging for them not to touch me, not to hurt me. His hands grab my forearm and I kick, scream, begging for someone to save me. I let terror take over my body when he pulls me closer to him.

"George, it's okay. You're safe, I'm here now." I let my sobs quiet down and squeeze him tighter, never wanting to let go. "Never leave me again, I was scared." He rubs the back of my neck and softly combs through my hair. I feel myself calm down and soon feel safe.

"I'm so so so sorry George, I'm sorry for leaving you here with another alpha. T-that was a terrible mistake a-and I don't kn-know w-what I would've done i-if you got hurt." I hear his voice crack and quiet sobs leaving his mouth.

"It's okay, I'm safe and you're here now." I rub his back, trying to calm him down.

He slightly releases from the hug and I look at the hurt and regret beaming through his bright emerald eyes, it hurts me to see him like this. I wipe away his tears and lightly peck his nose. He gives me a soft smile and carries me back to his bedroom.

He pulls me closer to him as we lay under the blanket. I feel the coldness leave my body and is soon replaced by warmth, I feel safe. He nuzzles his nose into my neck and I giggle. "What's so funny Georgie?" he says softly. "That tickled." He smiles and starts setting soft kisses on my neck.

The soft kisses turning into little nibbles. I move my head slightly to give him more access and I quietly moan in the process. He chuckles, "Did you enjoy that baby?" I blush, my face turning into a deep red. I nod and he kisses my forehead.

"How did I get so lucky with someone like you Georgie?" I smile and nuzzle my face more into his chest. He tightens his hug, slightly spooning me.

"I love you, George." He speaks softly, almost mumbling.

My heart skips a beat. "I love you too, Clay."

Soon after, sleep takes us over.

a/n: A short chapter, with a little bit of fluff.

This chapter has been in the works for three days now, my English assignments are a pain in the ass at the moment. I'm learning about the Great Depression again, in English...

I'll try to finish up two more chapters today and post them, but I'm not making any promises.

Maybe next chapter, Sapnap and Karl meet? Who knows? Definitely not me.

Also, the first two chapters of my new book should be releasing by next week? Maybe.

"Clay gets a divorce and has full custody of his son (don't know who will be the son, I'm still doing my research on CC's boundaries.). He moves back to America for a fresh start and meets someone who changes his life. Forever?

George, a soft caring person, finds out he's bi. He breaks up with his cheating girlfriend, that wants nothing to do with their son. He takes full custody and his mother says he needs a fresh start, so he moves to America and meets someone. Who makes him happy?"

This story will contain no smut. Maybe little angst, but nothing too heavy. Karlnap? Definitely and they're married. I'll explain more when I release the story:)

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