Chapter VIII

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It was at the end of the week, Clay and George were still rambling on about their bet for the past few days. Karl and Nick have been going on little dates, Karl is hardly at his own house now. Don't get me wrong, glad Karl found someone who makes him happy and isn't always caught up with work.

Clay even told George that he should stop working because the place was full of alphas and just told him that he'll take care of them both. After a few times of bickering, George finally agreed to stay at home and let Clay do all the work.


The roaring sounds of thunder and the clashing of lightning wove up overnight, making the streets flooded. Power struck out, throughout Orlando and the four of them had nothing to do, but talk, sleep, eat, and play board games.


The four of them had a simple breakfast of cereal and fruits. They decided they should play monopoly because who wouldn't? After multiple rounds of both Karl and George winning, they decided that was enough.


"You guys both suck at this." Karl and George said in unison with a cocky smirk plastered on their faces.

"Shut the fuck up, not our fault that we don't play board games," Nick spoke, seemingly annoyed that he took multiple losses. "Yeah, alphas don't spend time together like you both do." Clay rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"What total losers, you don't need to baby rage. We have plenty of time together to play more games." Karl shrugged and got up to stretch. "Yeah yeah, whatever." Nick rolled his eyes and got up shortly after.

Nick let out a groan as he stretched and sniffed the air, his eyes widened at the scent. "Uh, Clay? Can we talk in private for a bit?" Clay looked at him with a concerned look and nodded.

George and Karl watched them walk upstairs and just shrugged.



I followed Nick upstairs into George and I's room and he let out a huff. "Dude, do you know that you're releasing pheromones right now and it's quite strong." I look at him with widen eyes and quickly went to my phone's calendar.

"What? My rut isn't supposed to be until another two months, how is this possible?" Nick looks at me and laughs at my seriousness. "It's fine dude, it's probably George's pheromones that have been taking a toll on you. So, it made your rut come by faster." I let out a sigh of relief, but think about what am I supposed to do about George. I can't go home for the weekend because of the roads, I'm too afraid to tell George, and where do I even sleep?

"Dude, calm down. Karl said to stay in his room for the time being because your pheromones are getting stronger by the minute and we don't want George going into heat because god knows what's going to happen." He reassures and pats my shoulder, leading the both of us to Karl's room.

"What do I even say to George, now that I can't sleep with him tonight?" Nick chuckles. "I'll take care of it, no need to worry. For now, you need to stay in this room at all times." He ushers and closes the door behind him. Great and my rut just had perfect timing.



I hear someone come down the saris and turn around to see that it's only Nick. "Where's Clay, is he coming back down?" Nick looks up with a questionable look, a look I can't comprehend. "Clay isn't feeling good right now, so he's going to go take a nap." He gives me a small smile.

"Okay, I'm sure he won't mind if I lay with him." I hop off the couch and Nick stops me. "Sorry George, we have to separate the both of you for a few days." He gives me a reassuring smile and I groan. "Why? Doesn't he want to see me?" I spat out, feeling myself getting angrier by the minute. "Clay is going through his rut right now, so it's best to separate the both of you because we all don't want you to go into your heat as well." I sigh in defeat and I walk upstairs into my room, making sure to close it after. Maybe I should help him because it's only fair, after what he's done for me.



"Why are they both so difficult?" I rub my temple in annoyance. "They're both experiencing something new in their relationship, so it was bound to end up like this," Karl reassured and gives me a soft smile.

"Why do you have to be right all the time and so cute at the same time?" I walk up to him and wrap my arms around him. "Of course I'm always right. What would you do without me?" I chuckle and kiss the top of his head.

"I definitely wouldn't be like this right now." "You're dumb. I guess I softened you up alpha?" I hear the cockiness in his tone.

"I hate you, Karl," I mumble in the crook of his neck. "What was that? You don't need to act petty right now." I roll my eyes.

"You sure are trying to tick me off right now, aren't you?" He giggles and slightly nods. "Why are you so adorable Karl? I'm glad that you're my boyfriend."

I release from the hug and see that his face is a bright red. "Aw, you don't need to act so flustered baby." His face grows even more red and hot. I gently cup his cheek and guide his face towards my lips, a gentle kiss turns into a hot make-out session.

"I knew it!" we both quickly break from the kiss and see George standing at the top of the stairs. We stand there flustered. Our hair slightly messy and Karl's neck was covered in red marks. Cute.

"When were you guys going to tell us you're both dating?" The brunette shouts with excitement. "Well, we were going to say something today, but Clay's rut happened." I scratch the back of my head and wrap my arm around Karl.

"Well, I'm happy for the both of you. You make a great couple." George gives a soft smile and walks back upstairs.

"He could've found us any other way, but he found us when I was sucking on your neck." Karl turns to me and hits my arm. "You can't just say that so casually!" His face turning a bright red from embarrassment. Adorable.

"I'm joking, let's go get something to eat." He nods and we walk into the kitchen.



My senses were right, guess Clay lost our little bet. Maybe I should call him? I pick up my phone and go to Clay's contact. A few rings went by and he finally picked up. "George? Why are you calling me?" He speaks in a hushed voice. "I wanted to tell you that Karl and Nick are dating! You also lost the bet." I smirk and hear a faint chuckle on the other side.

"Can you keep talking baby? I want to hear your voice." I feel the blush creep across my cheeks. "Okay, what do you want to talk about?" I hear silence on the other side and quiet pants. "Clay? Are you okay?" I hear no response.

Should I go check on him? But Nick said to stay away from him. What do I do? I'll take my suppressants just in case. I grab the white bottle on my nightstand, open it and take one pill.

"Clay? Are you still there?" I hear no response. I groan in annoyance and lay down on my bed. I hear my door open. "Are you guys finally done making out yet?" I giggle.

"No, but we can start."

a/n: sorry for the cliffhanger.

This was kind of rushed because I have to study for my finals at the end of the week and I have a few more lessons to do as well. My plate is pretty full and won't have time to work on anything this week or weekend.

I know the last few chapters were pretty sloppy, I've been so busy with my classes to work on something good, but this is only my first fanfic and I tend to get better later on.

I hope you're all doing good :D

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