Chapter X

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Just felt like giving a karlnap POV of what happened-


Nick and I were sitting in the kitchen, eating our cereal and talking about what other things to do later. We started hearing faint moans and we weren't sure if we should be disgusted or concerned, but we tended to ignore the moans.

A few hours later, I was awoken from a painful scream and I shook Nick awake. A few seconds after, we heard George scream in pain. We both grew worrisome because we both knew what had just happened.

"N-nick, I think Clay and George have been together all this time." I looked at Nick, feeling my eyes water at George's painful screeches.

"Karl don't cry. We can't do anything about it, I'm sorry." Nick embraced me in his arms and George's screams soon died down.

A couple hours of later, we heard the bath water run and we decided not to accentuate it. We were cuddlesome and kept our attention to the movie.



It's been two weeks since Clay knotted me and I can't take this morning sickness anymore. Clay even said that my scent is sweeter and more calming than before. I said that I wanted this, but this isn't what I was expecting. It's very overwhelming and I'm tired all the time.

Clay also said that I'm more hostile and self-isolated, but he said it's normal. He is the same exact way and doesn't even let anyone in the room now, I miss talking to Karl

I started getting weird cravings late at night and it sometimes exhausts Clay. He doesn't complain about me being bossy, he just simply complies.

Ten weeks later

Today, Clay decided that I should get a check-up because my baby bump had gotten bigger and he was kind of worried.

We arrived at the hospital and were guided to get an Ultrasound, Puffy was our doctor, thank god. She guided me to the bed, layered with a white paper. I laid down and she started setting everything up.

When she was all set up, I lifted my shirt and she started to apply this clear substance. I flinched at the coldness, but soon got used to it.

We stared at the confusing screen and she finally turned to us with a smile. I raised my eyebrow slightly, feeling confused about her expression. "George, you are having twins!" She said happily. I felt discombobulated and giddy at her words. I turned to Clay and he was just as shocked as I was.

"S-so, I'm having twins?" I stuttered and she nodded in response. I was perplexed, but I soon felt relief as Clay squeezed my hand. That's right, I have a wonderful alpha and two twins. Who are most definitely going to be beautiful because of the parents' genes.

We got back home and I went straight upstairs. I was mentally and physically exhausted from today's events. Clay came in shortly after and immediately started subbing my stomach. "Two beautiful twins." He spoke softly and kissed my stomach.

I felt myself blush and he looked at me. "You're so pretty and your eyes are absolutely gorgeous my love." He kissed my forehead and felt my cheeks start to heat up.

"Baby, can you take off your shirt?" The blonde hesitated and I nodded in response. I sat up and Clay happily took it off. "I want to try something out." He smirked and I was slightly frightened for what he had planned.

He kissed my stomach and made his way up to my chest. I giggled at his soft kisses and he suddenly stopped. "Clay, what are you doing?" He said no words and I jumped.

He started sucking on my nipples and I felt myself grow red. I felt flabbergasted and couldn't say anything to what was happening.


Recently, my chest was starting to get bigger and so was my butt. It was weird, but Clay really enjoyed the sight. He's so horny all the time.


"Baby, your milk tastes so good. I just want to keep sucking all day." My eyes widened at his words and felt the dark blush across my face. "Did you say...milk?" I felt flustered and he chuckled in response.

It felt like a whole day, but it's only been a few hours and Clay just won't stop sucking. "Clay, I'm tired. Let me go to sleep now, you can continue tomorrow.

He had a big cheesy grin plastered on his face and snuggled up with me in his arms. I felt safe and loved. I started drifting off into sleep and heard a faint 'I love you' and drifted off into a deep sleep.

a/n: I had four tests today and also started packing for my trip, I'm exhausted.

This is pretty sloppy because I worked out and started on this, I am so tired.

I'm sorry if I have made some errors, I was researching and writing at the same time.

I am once again, too tired to edit, I'll probably edit this story or I'll just leave it as it is.

I hope you're all well<333

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