Chapter II

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George woke up the next morning feeling so tired and sticky. Disgusting. Just as he was about to get out of bed, Karl walked in with a sympathetic look on his face. "How are you, George?"

He sat back down feeling confused. "What do you mean?"

"Oh, you were in heat last night. Do you not remember?" WAIT, WHAT?! "No! That couldn't have happened...I'm an alpha? right?" His voice slightly cracked as a tear rolled down his cheek. Karl quickly embraced the brunette in his arms and let him cry.

George had finally stopped crying and his stomach growled. He looked at Karl with his puffy eyes and he left the room. He came back with some waffles and a bottle of water. Karl is just too nice for his own good. The brunette quickly downed his food and snuggled back up in his blankets.


George's POV

I woke up the next morning to the sounds of my blaring alarm. I'm too tired to go to work today and I still feel sick. "Maybe I should just call in sick today and call my doctor."

A few minutes later, my doorbell rings, and I trudge my way to the door. I open it to see an alpha female. "Hi Puffy," I said tiredly as I gave her a small smile.

She had an interesting look on her face, one I could not determine. "Hello George, so I can see you're an omega...and in heat." She spoke as she sat down on the couch. Yeah, this should be fun.

"So George, when did you start your heat and how did it start?" How am I supposed to tell her that I was thinking about an alpha I just met? She cleared her throat and snapped me out of my thoughts. I rubbed the back of my neck and looked at my lap.

"Well, I was thinking about an alpha I just met the other day. How he looked, smelled, and I got jealous that he was flirting with some other omega." She looked at me with a smile on her face.

"I see, well good thing I brought some heat suppressors." She tossed me a white bottle.

"I want you to take these once after every meal, okay? This is your first time going into heat and you're 23, so it might be irregular." I look at the bottle and glance at her.

"What do you mean my heat is irregular?" I give her an askew look.

"Just make sure to take it three times a day and do not forget to take them." She slowly got up and waved goodbye. I hate this already.

"Guess I'll take a shower."


I got out of the shower and went downstairs to make myself something to eat. I got the pan out and my phone began to ring. Ugh, who is it now? "Hello?" "Hi, is this George?" I immediately froze when I heard their voice. "I-um, yes it is." I stuttered and felt my face slightly burn up.

"Okay, good. I thought I might've gotten the wrong number and it's Clay by the way." He chuckled.

"Oh, I see. Why did you call me?"

"Oh, I want to ask if you were sick because you haven't come in for two days." He sounded slightly concerned.

"Yeah, I haven't been feeling good." I put the pan down and took a seat.

"Aw, want me to come over to make you feel better and we still have to work on our plug-in." FUCK!

"Um, sure. I'll send you my address."

"Okay, see you in a few." He quickly spoke and hung up. That was a bad idea.

"I'm not even hungry anymore, I'll just have a yogurt. This technically isn't a meal, so I don't think I need to take my suppressors." I shrugged as I tore of the aluminum flap of the container.

I finished up my yogurt and sat on the couch scrolling through my phone, waiting for Clay to arrive. A quick nap won't hurt. I think to myself and doze off.

a/n: Hello everyone!

Sorry for the short chapter, I wrote this on my way home. I had a great weekend.

Anyway, this is getting interesting. I'll post the next chapter in a few hours, I'm sort of jetlagged and need to chill for a bit.

Hope this chapter wasn't too bad:)

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