Chapter IV

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Karl's POV

My alarm goes off and I get ready for the day.

I walk into George's room, forgetting about the alpha. My eyes widen and he looks up from his phone. We speak in unison, "Who are you?"

The alpha scoots closer to the brunette, I can already smell the alpha's pheromones from here. I chuckle. "I'm George's best friend and his roommate, no need to get all protective. I'm also a beta." The tension slowly decreases and he speaks.

"Okay, good. Well, I'm Clay. I work with George." My eyes widen when I hear his name. So this is the alpha George was talking about, interesting.

"George has told me a lot about you." The blond blushes and looks down at George. That's adorable, already falling for gogy.

"Want to talk downstairs?" He nods and I leave the room so he can get dressed.

I see him come down the stairs and I usher him to sit on the sofa. He sits down and rubs the back of his neck. "Did you um...hear what we did last night?" I start laughing.

"No! Thank god I didn't, I came home to the smell of both of your pheromones stinking up the house." He blushes and softly chuckles.

"I had no clue that George was an omega, his strong pheromones got to my head. Never met an omega like him." I smile.

"Yeah, we found out he was an omega-three days ago because he went into his very first heat and all he does is sleep. I was meaning to ask him how he went into heat, but I'll ask him later." Clay's eyes widen and sat there, frozen.

"Wh-what do you mean he had his first heat three days ago? So, last night was his first time?" I laugh and he sits there dumbfounded.

"Yeah, he's 23 years old and finally had his first heat and whatever happened last night was his first time." The blond blushed.

"Didn't seem like it was his first-time last night." He mumbles with a hushed tone.

"What the hell dude, I did not need to know that." I jokingly gag. My phone rings, interrupting our conversation.

"Well, I have to head to work now. Make sure to take care of gogy, he's extremely grouchy when he wakes up." Clay nods and chuckles.

"I'll probably be here all day if he doesn't throw me out." I laugh and wave Clay goodbye. I like this alpha a lot, I know he'll treat gogy well. I start up my car and head to work.

Clay's POV

I watch Karl's car leave the driveway and I head to the kitchen to make some breakfast for George. I wonder if he'll be okay with chocolate chip pancakes. I get all the ingredients and set them onto the island.

I finish mixing the batter and start warming up the pan. I wonder if he likes bananas. I spray the pan and add the batter. A few minutes later, I start adding the pancakes with sliced bananas on the glass plate. I look in the fridge for anything to drink and see something that catches my eyes. Aw, apple juice boxes. That's so adorable. I grab one for myself and George. I start walking upstairs to George's room.

George's POV

I wake up to the smell of chocolate and I smile. I try to get up and immediately fall back onto the bed. Why do my ass and legs hurt? Why am I in just my boxers? I sniff again and smell something else. What's that other smell, it smells good. I feel myself get tired and snuggle back up in the blanket.

"George, are you up yet?" I groan when I hear their voice and sniff to smell a familiar scent.

"Someone smells good, I like that smell." I roll over and rub my eyes tiredly. My eyes widen to see...Clay?

"Clay, what are you doing here?" He stares at me and chuckles. "Guess you don't remember." I stare at him feeling confused and the calming scent grows stronger. I close my eyes to embrace the scent and I blush.

"Oh god, please don't tell me we..." The blond chuckles and leans towards me. "So I'm guessing you remember now. Do you regret it or do you agree with what you were saying last night?" He winks and backs up. I feel my face grow hot. "Well, um...I-I don't remember what I said last night. I was in heat and I'm a different person." The blonde smirks.

"Okay Georgie, well I brought you breakfast and a juice box. It's adorable how you have such cute and simple things." I feel myself grow red and hide my face behind the blanket. "Um, thank you." I speak quietly and he smiles.

"You're so cute when you blush." He hands me the plate and juice box. "Well, I'm going to go home really quick to get some clothes, I'll be back later." My eyes grew and I quickly swallowed.

"No! Please don't go." He turns around and walks back up to me. "Baby, I need fresh clothes." I blush furiously. Baby? "Ca-can I go with you?" His smile grows and nods. "Get dressed and we'll go."

I look down feeling embarrassed. "I-I can't walk." He tries to hold in his laughter, but immediately starts wheezing. "Guess I fucked you senseless." I blush and hide my face in my hands.

"You told me to." He shrugs and I give him a death glare. "Okay, what do you want to wear?"

"Um, just get me comfortable clothes." Clay nods and heads to my closet. He picks out an oversized blue crewneck and black sweatpants. I remove the blanket and start putting my clothes on. I look up, reaching my arms out and signaling him to pick me up. He tilts his head and smiles.

"You're so cute, you know that right?" and he picks me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and he grabs hold of my ass. I flinch at his touch and quickly wrap my arms around his neck.

"You don't have to feel flustered every time I touch you because you weren't like that last night." I slap the back of his head and he starts laughing.

We get to his car and he gently sets me down. "Thank you," I say as I put on my seatbelt. "You're welcome Georgie, anything for you." He winks and gets into the car. He turns on the radio and puts his hand down on my thigh, gently squeezing it. I blush and put my hand over his while looking out the window.

We pull up into his driveway and get out of his car. I slightly limp to the door and he looks at me, quietly chuckling. "Oh shut up Clay." I roll my eyes and we enter the house. I smell the house and feel myself grow hot. Fuck, I forgot to take my suppressors. I hear Clay sniff and he turns around.

"Oh no, George."

a/n: LMAOOO, here's the cliffhanger that I totally planned.

I've been working on this story and forgot I have another story I should be working on, oops.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll probably be posting another chapter later or tomorrow morning.

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