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Re-published on the 4th of January becasue I had bits of text not there for some reason.

This starts before you get to the Supremacy.

*Second person POV*

It's your 3rd year working as a technician for the First Order. You enjoy working there as you love your job, it's been your dream to be a technician since you were 14. However, when you woke up you saw that Rick, your boss, had sent you a message to your datapad. 'Please come to my office as soon as possible.' You looked at the screen again. You hadn't done anything wrong on your last shift, you were sure of it. You figured you were assigned to train a new worker as you overheard that a few people were being sent for training a couple of days ago. After getting ready for the day, assuming it would be relatively normal, you headed to Rick's office. When you knocked on the door, Jamie, Rick's assistant opened the door. He let you in before closing the door. Rick was sitting at his desk, sorting through papers, before he looked up at you.

"Y/n, thank you for coming in, I need to discuss something with you. Please take a seat." You sit down on the chair on the other side of his desk. "You are being transferred to the Supremacy." What?
"But that's where the Supreme Leader is. Why am I being transferred there?" You ask.
"You will be fine Y/n, as long as you do your job right, you shouldn't have to encounter Supreme Leader Ren. Unless something goes wrong in the throne room or his personal quarters, and they assign you to fix it. You are being transferred because they need more technicians. You and two others from the night shift are being sent from here." Great, I won't even know anyone, you think.
"When do I get transferred?" Rick looks at one of the papers.
"First thing tomorrow. Come back here at nine, with a bag of your belongings. Only bring a cycle or two worth of clothes as you'll be given more when you get there. Jamie or I will take you to the hanger bay from here, and you'll take a ship to the Supremacy. You can go now, see you tomorrow."

Your shift carries out as usual, except for saying goodbye to the day-shift workers when you all return to the storage room to put back the used equipment.

(Time skip to you packing your stuff in your room)

You open the chest of drawers where your clothes are. You get out 2 sets of our uniforms as Rick Instructed and fold them onto your bed. You finish packing your clothes, deciding to pack your other things when you wake up. After having a short shower, you change into your sleep attire, and put an alarm on for 6 the next morning, giving you plenty of time to get ready and finish packing and get to Rick's office by 9.

*Your POV*

I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock beeping. Uggh. I don't want to get up, but I have to so I'm not late. I raise my arm and start moving it around my bedside table, my eyes still closed. It touches the side of the clock and I move my hand to the top and press the button to make the beeping stop. I pull off the black blanket that's wrapped around my body. I get out of my sleep clothes and put them on my bed to pack later. I walk into the bathroom. There is a shower to the left of the door and a toilet in the far left corner. A small sink is opposite the door where a mirror cabinet is. I open the shower door and start the water.

Once I'm out of the shower I brush my teeth and pack my toiletries. I get dressed in my usual uniform and start to pack the rest of my belongings into my duffle bag. I walk back to bed to get my purple teddy bear Freddy I've had since I was 8 years old.

I finish packing It's now 7. It takes about 15 minutes to walk from my room to Rick's office so I have to leave at eight forty-five at the latest.

I decide to sit down and meditate while I wait. I kicked off my shoes and sit criss-cross on my bed. I steady my breathing and think of all the fun memories I've made while working here.

*Time skip to 8:40*
I decide to leave 5 minutes early so I get up from my bed and get my duffel bag. It's heavier than I expected as I didn't pack that much but oh well. I grab my datapad from my bedside table, putting it in my pocket. I then look around my room, getting one good look before I go. I'll miss this place as it's been the closest thing to a home I've had for the past 3 years.

I arrive at Rick's office and I check the time on my datapad. 08:55. As expected, I'm early. I was about to put my bag on the floor so I wouldn't have to stand and carry it but then I see Jamie walk toward me.

"Y/n! I'm taking you to the hanger bay as Rick is caught up with some work." I walk up to her and we start heading off to the hanger bay. I know where it is as I've been there a couple of times before to help repair some ships.

"I'll miss you Y/n," Jamie says as I'm walking up the ramp. I turn my head back to her.

*Time skip*

The ramp lowers and a lady greets me once I'm out.

"Hello there Y/n, I'm Parker Williams, but you can just call me Parker. Welcome to the Supremacy. I'll take you to your room where you can put your bag and then I'll take you on a tour around the sector you'll be in."

"Nice to meet you, Parker. Thank you for showing me around."

Parker, my new boss, shows me to my new room. It's the same as my room on the other ship, all black with hints of dark grey and deep reds. The only difference being instead of a single bed, it's a double bed, and my chest of drawers for my clothes is now a closet with drawers on the bottom. There is a pile of stacked clothes, my uniform.
"Just put your bag on your bed so I can show you around."
"Okay." I put my bag on my bed next to the stack of clothes and we leave so she can show me around. 

Once we are done she takes me back to my room and pulls out a card. "This is to access any rooms you may need to enter to fix things. Access to a room will be given only if you are assigned to it & when you report it's done, access will be removed. Any questions about that?" You shake your head. "I know that where you are stationed last had less security, so if you forget anything, just ask."
"What about the door to my room, how does that work?"
"You set your own code." She walks towards the door and gestures for me to follow outside. "You just type in the code you want to have. Once you do, you'll have to enter it a second time to confirm it." I enter a password twice and a green light flashes above the keypad. "That means it's worked. When you close the door from both sides, it locks automatically."

After talking about some other things, her datapad goes off. "I need got to go now. You are free to roam around your sector or you can spend the rest of the cycle in your quarters." She hands me a piece of paper from her jacket pocket.
"Thank you for showing me around." She gives me a small smile and then walks off. I walk into my room, closing the door behind me. I sit on my bed and open the paper. It's a typed letter. 

Welcome to the Supremacy. Please meet me at my office at nine-thirty next cycle and I'll tell you what to do. From then on, you begin your shifts in the equipment room, and a message will be received on your datapad telling you what to do. Your shifts end at twenty-one thirty. If your shift is extended, you'll be revived a message. If you need anything, please tell me either by messaging me or in person. I'm typically in my office from 8 am to 10 pm. 

Yours truly,

Parker Williams.

Although it's probably a letter she just printed out to give to new workers, I feel a sense of belonging. A feeling I haven't really felt in a while, not even when I was on my old ship. Somehow being here makes me feel happy. I'm not sure why.

I put the note into one of the drawers of my bedside table before putting away all of my stuff.

Once I'm done, I put Freddy on my bed. Sitting it upright on the left pillow. I open my datpad and it's already 22:30. Time to get some sleep I guess. I change into my sleep clothes and I wrap the black blanket around me, holding Freddy close to my chest.

-Lake :)

One Day • Kylo Ren x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now