•Chapter 8•

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Ayee I know it's been pretty much 2 months since my last update (ignoring the AN 3 and me republishing chapter 7). This chapter is kind of shorter than the others. This will be probably the last chapter I'm publishing this year as I'm going on holiday and I'm not planning on bringing my laptop. Or If I do, I won't have time to write. This is also the beginning of the end so strap in for a rushed plot.

Updated on the 28th of January 2022

*Second Person POV*

You have been sitting down on your bed, looking out the window to your left to watch tie fighters, shuttles, and transport ships fly by. Realising that your legs no longer hurt, you stand up. Still no pain. You walk to your wardrobe and back, and to your surprise, the pain that was once there has gone. You take this to your advantage by deciding to have a shower, considering that you haven't washed in nearly a week. You bring a change of clothes with you to the bathroom.

*Lake's POV*

I step out of my bathroom and realise how thirsty I am so I walk into Kylo's room and go to the kitchen.

As I'm drinking from a cup I found in one of the cupboards, I hear the door open and close. I walk from my spot in front of the sink to the doorway of the kitchen. I watch him as he takes off his mask and places it on the bookshelf. Something seems off. I'm not sure if it's because his actions seem more controlled or it's from his force signature. He looks over in my direction. "I told you to stay in bed." He walks over to me.
"Yha, but I'm fine now. I even had a shower." The off feeling from his hasn't gone away so I ask him about it. "Is everything okay?" He turns back around and sits on the foot of the bed.
"Yes. It's just that we have decided to make an alliance." What? With who?
"Who are you making it with?"
"The Resistance." What. He must have sensed my shock as he turns his head to face me. "We have decided to make an alliance as we have realised that this war is pretty much pointless. Well, when I say we I mean me and the high ranking officials."

I put the now empty cup in the sink and walk to him. Kylo looks up at me as I stand in front of him. "I understand if this makes you want to leave."
"Leave? What do you mean? I would still have my job, right? I didn't really plan to work here with the order and then after a month or so to be let go." I was confused, why would they make an alliance if that meant a lot of people would have no work. Most of us don't have another place to call home.
"We haven't really discussed that part. I meant if you want to leave me, end our relationship." My eyes widen.
"What?" Why would I not want to be with him after all this time? "Kylo, I will always be with you. I'll go anywhere you want to." I see a smile tugging on his face before he wraps his arms around my waist. Before I can register what is happening, I feel his lips on mine.

*And then they kiss for a moment I'm too tired to write it*

"I love you,"  he says as we pull away from the kiss, both of his hands still on my waist

"I know."

A.N: Sorry for the short chapter. My writer's block is hitting me hard.

-Lake :)

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