•Chapter 5•

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Republished on 8th of April to fix grammar and spelling.

*Kylo's POV* (This starts in a dream)

I exit my command shuttle. I see Captain Phasma talking to General Hux. She turns to face me and walked up to me, Hux following. "How was the mission, Ren?"
"It was a success."
"That's a relief," Hux says before I swiftly walk to our room. I open the door and see Y/n sitting on the bed reading a book. Shirtless. I walk around to the side of the bed where the kitchen is. I look back to Y/n and notice a heartbeat tattoo, on his back.

Then everything goes black.

I slowly wake up. I look at Y/n who's still asleep. I move the loose strands of hair from his face to behind his ear. I think about the dream and wonder whose heartbeat he got tattooed. I guess it could be a family member. Friend or a past partner. I'll ask him later. I feel something grab my hand. His hand. "Good morning," he mumbles. He sits up and rubs his eyes. I sit next to him, only now realising that at some point we must have changed sides as now I'm on the side closest to the kitchen. He runs his hands through his hair.

"I was thinking we could build your lightsaber today," I say to cheer him up.
"Okay." Is all he says. I gently pull him closer to me, and he moves so he's sitting on my lap. I stroke his hair and he leans back into me.

"Are you okay?" I ask. "If you don't feel like it, we can do it another day."
"No, I'm fine. I'm just... tired." Tired? He slept for about 10 hours. I decide not to question it.
"All right then."
"I'ma go get dressed now," he says as he gets up and walks to his room.

After we get dressed, we make our way to the training room.
He sits on the bench while I get the things we need. I walk into a separate room that's joined to the main room. It's small, only containing several boxes of stuff. One of which contains the stuff required to create a lightsaber. I pick up the box and leave the room. I look ever to where Y/n is. He seems lost in thought as he's just staring at the wall opposite him.

"Y/n is everything alright?" I ask as I make my way to the bench.
"Yha, I'm good." He turns to face me and gives me a faint smile, which quickly goes away. Once again I decide not to question it.

I help him make his lightsaber and we get to the part where he has to pick a kyber crystal. "Okay, sit down on the floor and close your eyes." He does so and I open the box again. I pull out the 3 crystals and put them around him in a triangle shape. "Now clear your mind and focus. Focus on the force, on your surroundings. Don't rush, this process takes some time." I sit in front of him.

He stays still for a couple of minutes before the crystal I placed to his left starts moving slightly. It slowly levitates, moving up and down but never hitting the ground. I look back from the crystal to him. A tear falls down his face despite his eyes still being closed. The crystal drops to the ground. "Kylo."
"I can't. I can't do this." He opens his eyes.
"Do want to take a break or do this another day?"
"I just need a break. Can I leave? Just outside of the room." I nod and he leaves. I know he isn't going just outside of the room as there is a bathroom opposite the training room.

I wait for 10 minutes and he hasn't come back. I get up from the floor, put my mask back on, and exit the training room. As expected, he wasn't there. I go into the bathroom and wait for him. One of the cubicles opens and he walks out. Because the sinks are on the opposite wall from me, he doesn't see me until he turns around. "Kylo, I'm sorry." He walks past me and I try to catch his arm but I miss.
"Y/n, It's okay." No use. He just runs into the halls. I go back to the training room. I pick up the crystals and the rest of his lightsaber. He left his water bottle on the bench so I get that too. I then walk back to my room.

(Time skip to when Kylo gets back to his room brought to you by raid shadow legends)

I open the door to my room and put the crystals on my bookshelf. I walk to the door to Y/n's room and knock. "Y/n, I got your water bottle if you want it." No response. I place it down on the carpet floor. "I'll put it by the door okay." I once again can't feel or find his force signature so I have no clue if he is actually in his room or not. There is a  knock on my door so I walk over there. I open it to see Hux standing there.
"Supreme Leader, can I talk to you for a moment?"
"How important is it?"
"Never mind..." He walks off into the hallway. Weird. Normally he says something like "not that important but" then whatever he had to say. I close the door and I go back to Y/n's door. The bottle is still there. Then I feel a searing pain coming from my left wrist. It's not coming from me. It's coming from him. I open the door, which knocks over the bottle and walk into his room. He's not on his bed so I walk to the bathroom. I knock on the door.

"Y/n?" Nothing. Then the pain stops. It doesn't go away, it just stops becoming worse. I hear a loud thud and then the sound of metal hitting the ground. Fuck. I open the door and see him on the ground. A small razor blade lies on the ground next to him. I bend down and gently pull up his sleeve. Cuts. He cut himself. I pick him up.

I run out of our rooms. Slamming my door shut behind me, I sprint to the nearest med-bay. I keep my index and middle finger on his right (unharmed) wrist. There's a pulse so he's still breathing. That makes me slightly less worried. I finally get there. The dude at the front desk looks at me then Y/n. I only now realise that some of the blood has gotten onto his hand. "Follow me." He fast walks down the halls as I follow. He opens a door to a room. "Put him onto that bed while I get the equipment ready." I gently place him down on the bed. The doctor opens a box and pulls out several items. Alcohol wipes, a roll of bandages, and some other things.
"Is he going to be all right?" I ask.
"He should be. You can take a seat if you wish or just wait outside." I look around and find a chair by the door.

"Is it ok if I sit next to the bed?"
"Yep," he says as he lifts Y/n's sleeves. I move the chair to the other side of the bed from where the doctor is. He wipes Y/n's wrist with the wipes as they attach a black wristband thing to the other. A wire thing is joined to the band to a heart monitor thing and soon it starts beeping.
"Is it meant to be making that sound?" I ask.
"Yes, It means he is breathing and well... not dead." He finishes wiping and then gets a smaller box from the main box. "Okay, I'm going to have to start stitching this so if you want to look away, do so." Somehow needles scare me. Me. The Supreme Leader of the First Order is scared of needles. I look away and towards the door. I decided to focus on the timing clock above the door.

5 minutes passed.

Then 10.

Then 15.

I'm starting to worry when, "sir, I'm done with the stitching." I look back to see the doctor has put his sleeves down. "I put bandages over the stitches as the stitches seem to not working completely (Idk how stitches work okay). Have him change the bandage every night and wear them all day, including when he's sleeping, except for when he's showering."

"Is he alright?"
"Yes sir. However, he did lose a lot of blood, but not enough for me to do a blood transfusion. I believe he is your apprentice, so no physical exercise."
"No exercise until when?"
"Come back in a week so I can see how well he is and I'll see, but none before then."
"Can he go now?"
"You can take him or he can wait here until he wakes up. I'm fine if you wait here for him to wake."

I look back to Y/n. The usual blush on his cheeks has gone. I lift him again and walk out of the room. I go back to my room and put him on my bed. I take off my mask and lay next to him.

A/N: Hello :) Sorry for publishing later than normal. It's just that school went funky dunky so my mental health went wopty dopty doo daa. This also means that chapter publishing dates might be a bit all over the place.

-Lake :)

One Day • Kylo Ren x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now