•Chapter 7•

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I was planning on writing 2 chapters during the term break, but the first week just disappeared, and before I knew it, it was Saturday, and I hadn't even started planning chapter 7. Anyway hope the wait was worth it!

• This is just a grammar fix update. I'm starting to plan chapter 8, so I'll see you then •

*Second Person POV*

It's nearly midnight when you wake up after a dream. You miss Kylo's preference, even though he's just in the room next to yours. So you get out of bed and walk into his room, opening and closing the door as quietly as possible to not wake him. You slide under the covers and fall asleep.

A few hours pass and Kylo wakes up from his sleep. He instantly realises that you are also in the bed, so he turns around from facing the kitchen to you. However, you are facing the opposite direction. At some point, you must have taken your shirt off as he can see the tattoo on your back. The same tattoo from his dream a couple of nights ago. Kylo starts to play with your hair and only realises you have woken up once you sit upwards in the bed.

*Y/n's POV*

I look down at Kylo, who looks up at me. He sits up as well and holds my hand in his. "Who's heartbeat did you get tattooed on your back?" He asks. I'm slightly confused by his question, but then I realise I'm not wearing my shirt. Instead, it's placed on the floor in front of the window.
"One of my friends. They are... They are no longer with us."
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"Eh, it's okay. It was 10 years ago. I've mostly forgotten that day anyway." Trying to keep the
remaining memories from the event at bay, I get up and put my shirt back on.
"Oh, okay..." He seems slightly confused with me brushing off the topic.
"Anyway, I'm thinking of going to the cafeteria for breakfast. Wanna go with me?" Kylo picks up
his datapad and looks through it.
"Yha sure."
"Okay, I'll get ready now then."

(Time skip)

I walk out of my bedroom and back into Kylo's. He's standing by the door and is in his usual uniform. He puts his mask on before he opens the door.

We are halfway to the cafeteria when the alarms go off. "The Resistance is here. Dam it," Kylo says. "Get to the hanger bay." He starts running, and I follow.

He's faster than me so by the time I get to the entrance of the hangar bay, he's already halfway across the platform. Then I see something coming closer to me. Fuck. It's a grenade. I turn and try to run away from the grenade, but it's too late. I crash into a wall and fall onto the ground. My whole body is searing in pain as I see someone walk up to me. "Shit, Y/n, are you alright?" It's Hux. Honestly, I don't care right now.

"Does it look like I'm okay?" I try to raise my arm to cough, but it hurts too much. I end up coughing onto the ground. Lovely. I look at the small droplets of blood. I'm coughing up blood. Hux seems to also notice.
"I'm taking you to medical." He helps me up and starts walking me down the halls. "Where's Kylo?"
"Hangar bay last time I saw him. When-" Another cough. I don't even attempt to cover my mouth. "When the alarm went off, we started running to the hangar bay-" more coughs.
"Save your energy Y/n," Hux says worryingly. I then pass out.

I wake up in what I can tell isn't a bed in the medbay. It's too soft, and there are no blinding lights. I open my eyes and realise I'm in my bed. I sit up, but the pain from before comes back. I let out a scream as I collapse back onto the mattress.

I then hear a door opening and closing. Then someone, probably Kylo based on how loud the footsteps are, walking around his room. Maybe if I scream he'll come in here. "KYLO!" I try to stifle a giggle as I hear him running to my door. He enters my room and immediately looks over in my direction.

"Oh, thank god, I thought you would never wake up."

"What do you mean?" I sit up again, forgetting how much it hurt last time. But the panic that has seemingly appeared from nowhere pushes it to the side. "Why aren't I in medical? What happened?"
"I'll tell you everything once to calm down, okay." He walks over to me, but I put my arm out.
"Give me some space, please." He nods. He sits on the chair by the foot of my bed.

Once my panic attack has gone away, I gesture for him to sit next to me. "Are you okay now?"
"Yha, I just need to be able to deal with my panic attacks by myself."
"But I want to help you."
"Yes, I know that, but I need to be able to. What if you can't help me?" Silence. "Exactly. Anyway, what happened?"
"Well, when I was about half away across the hangar bay, I realised you had fallen behind, so I ran back to get you. But you weren't there. I was nervous when I saw the part of the hall that had been destroyed by the grenade. But then I felt your force signature. I figured that you were alright, or at least someone had found you and had taken you to somewhere safe."
"How do you know it was a grenade?" I question.
"When you were in medical, Hux told me what happened. That he saw your body being thrown onto the wall and you were coughing up blood, and that you passed out when he was taking you to the medbay."

"How long have I been out for?" I ask him.
"6 days ago."
"What time is it?"
"8 am."
"So like 6 days including day or 6 days from yesterday?"
"Including today."
"Well, I'm glad to inform you that you didn't suffer from any major injuries, and you no longer have to wear a bandage on your wrist." I look at my now fully healed wrist. The scars left behind are barely noticeable.

"That was a lot to take in."
"I thought so, which is why we aren't doing any training today. We'll start tomorrow if you feel up to it." We sit there in complete silence until I speak.
"I'm hungry." He looks at me, a smile spreads across his face. "What?"
"Hi hungry, I'm-" I cut him off by kissing him.
"Shut up," I say in a playful tone as I release the kiss.
"Okay, okay. I'll get you some food." He stands up, and I try to as well, but the agony comes back. "You stay." I roll my eyes. "No, you stay here. It won't be worth all the pain just to get out of bed."
"Fiiiiine." I sit back down and watch him leave the room.

He comes back carrying a tray with a bowl of soup and a spoon. He lays the tray in front of me, and I pick up the spoon. I fill the spoon with soup and try to raise it to my mouth. But it hurts. I groan in pain as I drop the spoon into the bowl. "It's okay, here I'll feed you."
"I don't need you feeding me like a child."
"You aren't a child. You just need to eat and you feeding yourself is not a good idea."

After the bowl of soup has been emptied, Kylo places the spoon and bowl back onto the tray. "I'll be right back," he says as he once again leaves the room. He comes back and tells me that he does have more meetings to attend later in the day, but he can spend the time before that with me. Just as we agree that he'll stay in my room, there's a knock on his door.
He leaves for a couple of minutes before returning. "Sorry, but I have to go.
"Okay, I'll be alright."
"Don't force yourself out of bed, alright."
"I know. You can go now." He gives me a slight kiss on the cheek before leaving.

An: I'm pretty sure I've been saying holopad instead of datapad lol. I might go back to the previous chapters and fix it once I'm done with the story.
Anyway, term 4 starts this Monday so yeee. I'm not looking forward to it as we are still in remote learning :/

-Lake :)

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