•Chaper 12•

91 4 0

Updated on 18th of November because the ending was shit.

Okay, so I pinky promise that this will be the last time I take a break from this fanfic unless something really bad suddenly happens.

Also, there are a lot of time skips.

NEW CW/TW HAS BEEN ADDED FOR THIS CHAPTER: Mention of past (childhood) trauma.
This has been added to the CW/TW section in the 'Before you read' chapter.

*Ben's POV* (Bit of a time skip from the end of the last chapter)

I wait outside the room they place him in, hoping that when the doctors walk out, everything has gone well and that I can go in. Minutes pass. Hours pass. Only once has anyone left, but soon someone else walks in to replace them. After 3 and a half hours, of waiting, pacing up and down the hall, 4 doctors leave. 3 walk down the hall, while the other turns to face me. "The surgery went well. He should be awake in about 15 minutes or so." Surgery. Fuck.
"What happened?"
"Moderate trauma to the skull. Low trauma to the brain." There was a long pause. "He should be alright now. Just try to avoid anything that could hit his head hard for a month or so, as we believe his skull hadn't fully healed from the explosion." Another pause. "If you don't mind telling, do you know what he made contact with?"
"Marble floor." The doctor nods.
"You can go in if you want. I must leave."

(Another time skip because why not)

I sit on a chair, waiting for him to wake up. He's so still that the only sign of life other than the force signature coming from him is the beeping from the heart monitor. 15 minutes arrive, and leave but still, no sign of him waking. The doctor had come in earlier to check up on him and told me that it was very unlikely he was not waking up due to being in a coma.
"People tend to wake up earlier or later than the estimated time. 15 minutes for this case is just the average."

"I'm so sorry Y/n." It's been half an hour.

"Please wake up." It's been 45 minutes.

"What was I thinking?" An hour has passed. I see his left arm move slightly.

"Y/n?" He moves back onto his back, his eyes half open. "You are awake. Thank the force."

(Another time skip because *internal screaming & wanting to get this done by the next day*)

After Y/n gets the go-ahead to leave, we walk back to our room. We decide to discuss what we are going to do when he leaves the ship over some late-night dinner. Once I placed our order via my datapad to the kitchen, we set the table. Only when I sit down do I remember something. The chair accident. "Y/n."

He walks to where I'm sitting, and places a cup in front of me, placing the other in front of the chair next to me before sitting.
"Ben It's okay."
"But I promised I would never hurt you again."
"I also remember that I said if you hurt me again by accident I'll forgive you. Let's talk about something else okay? We all do dumb things when upset."

(Another time skip because why not at this point? Nha this is me trying to get it done by the next 30 minutes at the time of writing this.)

After dinner & and a shower, we made our way to bed. "Can I ask you something?" Y/n asks as he sits on his side of the bed.

But I do now. So I tell him. Everything to how Han was always away & that Leia was too busy running the resistance to properly take care of me herself. How they left me to train with Luke.

After I finish I realise that he is crying. "My... my mum, who I just call Linda now, she would abuse me. It started when I was 10. She started yelling at me for no reason. I would get out of bed 2 minutes later than usual and she would yell. I would get a paper cut when doing origami, my favourite thing to do when I was little, and she wouldn't let me use a band-aid despite there being blood." He pauses for a moment.
"I didn't think it was bad until one day my dad left to go and visit his unwell dad.  I was 12 I think. We went to the local market and she left me at a stall. I tried calling her but she didn't pick up. I ended up having a panic attack on some stairs until a police officer, who was there for security reasons I think, came up to me and asked what was wrong. They found her and she said that I was the one who wandered off and got lost. The thing is though, there were security cameras. The moment the officer mentioned that, she grabbed me and ran out."

Silence falls across the room. My parents weren't the best either, but at least they tried to care for me as much as they could.

"We should probably go to sleep," he says breaking the silence. "It's half past 10."
"Alright." He shuffles around so he's laying on his side to face me.
"Goodnight Ben."
"Goodnight Y/n."

AN: Omg! I can't believe it's been a whole YEAR since I publish the first chapter of this. Not really surprised as I took a bunch of breaks. Originally I planned to have a chapter out every 2 weeks, meaning I would have gotten up to this chapter in November. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing but whatever.
Also, because I am so determined to get this chapter published on its anniversary, I'm going to publish it now at 11 pm. I'll idk fix stuff later lol.

-Lake :)

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