•Chapter 10•

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Re-published on 27th of June for grammar issues.

Slides into your DMS. Anyway, It's the gala event yay. Ben meets someone and gets all emotional (you probably know who it is) afterwards. Rey also turns out to have/had a crush on Ben, so she got kind of mad when she finds out Ben is with us, because she feels/felt entitled to know because of their force connection or something like that I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. 

*Y/n's POV* 

I enter the room where the gala is taking place. People from both sides, the Resistance and First Order all occupy the tables. I take my seat next to Grace at one of the tables. I haven't seen Ben all day as he left before I woke up and has been busy. "How do I look?" She asks. She's wearing a somewhat simple black dress, and red high heels.
"You look amazing Grace."

Image of Grace's dress I guess:

I start getting more and more impatient as we wait for the event to start

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I start getting more and more impatient as we wait for the event to start. I groan as I lean back in my chair.
"Seems like some want it to start."
"I'm sorry, I haven't seen -" I stop myself before I say 'my boyfriend' or 'Ben'. "Ren all day."
Grace gives me a funny look.
"So I guess you 2 are pretty close."
"I mean, obviously."
"No I meant like," she taps her pointer fingers together while slightly giggling, "together close."
"I aaaah..."
"Y/n, It's okay. I'm not mad."
"How could you tell?" She shrugs.
"Dunno." The room is full of the sounds of everyone's conversations by the time Hux comes onto the stage platform, standing behind a microphone. Everyone stops talking once he taps the mic.

I only half pay attention, mostly waiting for when Ben will appear. However, It seemed like the universe hates me as after half an hour of speeches, he still hasn't shown up. I end up starting to doze off, however, I return to my senses when Grace elbows me.
"Grace, what was that for?" I ask in a hushed tone to not draw attention to us. She side-eyes me towards the stage. I look over to see Ben on the platform, however, there's now a small table with 3 chairs on the stage. I start to slightly panic, how long was I not paying attention? "What did I miss?"
"Not much, however, they are signing it now." I look over at Ben, slightly trying to get his attention by just staring at him. He eventually sees me and gives me a smile. It's barely noticeable, but I still give him a small wave back.

Once the final page has been signed, we all stand up and start the celebrations. Grace decides to stay with me as she doesn't know anyone else. I watch as Ben leaves the stage, and walks over to Grace and me. We hug, and then Grace walks up to him. "So, you are Y/n's boyfriend?" He looks at me and then at Grace.
"Yha?" She points a finger to his face.
"If you do anything I swear to Jesus Christ himself I'll murder you."
"Who's Jesus Christ?" Ben asks. Oh, I forgot that only me and Grace are from Earth. But before their of us and answer someone calls out for Ben.
"BEN!" I see a woman, around in her early 20s, walking toward us. She runs up and gives him a hug. He somewhat gives it back. He doesn't seem particularly happy that he's in this situation now. "So who are these people?" She asks, gesturing to me and Grace.
"Well," I say, "I'm Y/n, and this is my friend Grace."
"How do you know Ben?" She asks me.
"He's my boyfriend." She stares at me and then at Ben. "And how do you know his name is Ben anyway?" Wait. Is this why he wanted this alliance. Is he cheating on me, but the only way he would be with her was by having an alliance?

"Y/n, this is Rey. She's a Jedi and tried to turn me back to the light. No, we aren't dating." I look at Rey who seems to be mildly pissed.

"But what about our force bond? What about literally everything that happened in the throne room, or in the hut in Ahch-To?" Ben just stares at her before she storms off. Ben had told me about their force bond, but I knew that nothing was happening between the 2 other than that.
"Well, that was something," Grace comments.
"So I guess she didn't know."

(Slight time skip)

We are all sitting back down, enjoying the dinner section of the event. "So, what are you 2 gonna do? Like after the gala. I'm planning on living by myself maybe and living in a cottage" Grace asks. I shrug,
"Whatever he wants to do."
"Well that's useful," says Ben. "I was thinking of doing whatever you want to do." I notice Ben starts to glace at one table quickly, then look back at his plate of food.
"Ben, what's wrong?"
"Nothing." He stabs a piece of pasta with his fork.
"Why are you looking at the table over there? It's not like Rey's there."
"Someone else."
"Do you know who the General of the Resistance is?"
"Probably, not," Grace chimed in, "He wasn't paying attention to most of the speeches."
"Yha, Leia... Leia Organa." I answer. "And for your information," I point my finger to Grace, "I paid attention to most of them, just not the one that went for half an hour."
"Anyway," I go back to listening to Ben. "She's my mother." What. "And she's on the table over there. And I'm not sure if I should just walk over and apologise." He puts down his fork and runs his hands through his hair, "I don't know if she would even want to see me after what I've done."
I put my hand on his back,
"We can see her afterwards."
"I'll go with you if you want." He nods, picking up his fork again.

After dinner, we are all taken to a different room. It's larger than the other one, and it doesn't have a stage, and there's a floor-to-ceiling window on one wall. "What's this?" I ask Ben.
"The ballroom."
"When did we have a ballroom?" He shrugs.
"So what are we are gonna do here?" Asks Grace. Then the music starts playing. The same type of music my parents would put on when they would slow dance in the living room... Oh shit. I know how to slow dance. Just that I never got to do it with anyone but my parents as I never really went to any social events that involved it.
"Noooo not slow dancing," Grace groans, "I'm out of here." Before I can tell her to stay, she's already lost in the crowd. Ben takes my hands in his and looks at me.
"Do you want to dance with me?"

After 20 minutes of dancing and talking, we decide to take a break, sitting on the row of benches attached to the wall opposite the window. That's when I see her. Leia. Who's looking at us, well Ben more than me. I guess she's trying to know if it's actually him, or just someone who looks like him. "Ben," I whisper, even though it's not like she could hear us from how loud the room is, and the distance between us.
"Yha, I know. I see her too." To try to ease his worries, I hold his hand in mine. We continue sitting, talking about whatever, until we see her approach us.

"Ben?" We look up and see her walking toward us. I feel Ben gently squeeze my hand.
"Ben, I thought I would never see you again. I knew you would be here, I just thought I wouldn't get to actually see you."
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I know now what I did was wrong. I understand if you don't forgive me. I killed your husband. I killed my father. I understand if you don't want me to-"
"Ben," Leia says firmly, "I forgive you."
"I've always loved you, my son." She pulls him into a hug.
"Thank you, mum."

Sorry not sorry for not posting for a month.

-Lake :)

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