•Chapter 14•

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Alright, guys, this will be the last chapter other than a potential epilogue. Potential, as in, if I can be bothered, but I want to write one.

*Third person POV*

After spending a few more weeks sorting things out with the Treaty, Ben began working at the repair shop with you, which is great because now you both have more income to use. Despite knowing nearly nothing when he started, he's learnt enough in 2 months that the shop owner lets him work without supervision. Everything was going smoothly until Ben got a holo call from Rey. You were fixing up some dinner in the kitchen after a tedious day of work when his datapad went off due to an incoming call from the table behind you. He turned around, giving a glance before looking at you. "Take it. I can handle it from here." He nods & walks off to the bedroom. You hear him talking to someone on the other side as you finish preparing. The call doesn't take long, as he returns just as you get two plates out. "Who was that?" You ask. He hasn't taken a call in a while. The last one was with Leia when you told her about the engagement, as you felt it would be better to inform her over a call than send her a message.
"Rey," he answers shortly, "I have something to discuss with you about her, you and me after dinner."

Dinner passes & you clean up before heading to the bedroom with him. "Rey wants to move here, probably into one of the apartments on the other side of the area."
"What apartments?" You never knew there were apartment blocks in the town.
"On the North-East area, there's an apartment block with some townhouses next to it." North-East... You faintly remember that you were there when you first arrived.
"Is North-East where the hanger bays are?"
"Yha. It's funny because our boss owns those apartments."
"When did you know this?"
"He told me one day. I think I asked him how much he profits from the repair shop & he bought it up. Anyway, there's something else I need to tell you from the call. Rey has suggested that we can train together." You hadn't trained with Ben much since you moved here, only managing one half-an-hour session a week, two if you are lucky. "I'm going to force you to, but Rey wants to resume her training and get to know you better, particularly because the first time you met, things didn't go that well." You think about what happened that night at the gala. She was pretty upset Ben was with you & not her. The interaction still lingered in your mind whenever she was bought up in conversation.
"I'll think about it."

At work, you think about Rey's offer while fixing a hoverbike. You managed to push the thoughts aside in the morning, but now you have been left alone in one of the repair rooms. Slowly, you realise that you are okay with training with Ben & Rey as long as she respects your relationship with him. You become so focused on your thoughts & repairing the vehicle you don't notice the door opening. "Y/n, how's the bike coming along?" You look up & see Lucas, your boss, standing in the doorway.
"Just give me five to ten minutes and I'll be done," you answer.
"Alright, I've you leave to it." He walks out, closing the door behind him. You soon finish up the repairs & check everything once more before leaving. You see Ben talking with Lucas. "He needs more hands anyway, always complaining that he's having to run around and deal with too much at once." Noticing you entering the main room, they turn their attention to you; just as someone walks in through the entrance to the shop. "You guys can have an early lunch break." You take Ben's hand & walk to the small break room. It's just a re-furnished supply room, evidenced by the shelves bolted onto all walls. Most of them are empty, only one storing a box of spare small bolts & two first-aid kits & another used for your bags.
"What were you two talking about?" You ask as you grab both his & your bags from the shelf.
"I told him about Rey moving here and he said that if she's interested, one of his friends runs the hanger bay and needs help with that," he answers as you hand him his bag." The square table in the room is only big enough to have four people sitting there at once & you are sure the chairs are the same at the bar down the street. Sitting down, you open your bag, pulling out the container of food & fork you packed in the morning.

"I've decided I'm okay with training with you & Rey. Only if she respects our relationship & doesn't push any boundaries only to say it's because of your force-bond." Ben, is halfway opening his lunch container and pauses his movements to look at you. Based know his shocked face, you guess he thought you would say no.
"That's great. I'll tell her when we get home." He pauses for a moment, "I'm sorry about how she acted when we told her I'm with you. I didn't know she had feelings for me. I'm sorry if since then you've been worried I might leave you for her. She did tell me she regrets saying what she did when we were on the Resistance base before we left..." He had already apologised after the gala finished, but you know how nervous he gets about these things. Things that could impact your relationship.
"Ben, it's not your fault she was like that, but thank you for telling me she apologised. Also, I know you aren't going to leave me for her because if you were, you would have done so already." You reach over & hold his hands in yours. "I love you."
"Love you too."
"We should probably actually start our lunch," you motion towards his still half-opened container.

After work, Ben went to the back porch to call Rey while you took some leftovers out of the fridge. You had only just started to boil the water in a pot when he came inside. "All went well?" You asked as he approached you. He pulls you into a hug. "Ben, what's happening?"
"I love you." You're now concerned & confused.
"Sweetheart, please tell me what happened on the call?"
"Nothing bad. I want to hold you." Maybe he had a nightmare last night, but only now he's being affected. After spending a couple of minutes just standing there, he speaks again. "It's just when I walked back inside, you were standing there looking gorgeous as you always do, and it did shit to my brain. The light from the sunset isn't helping me at all. What did I do to get to marry you?" You're stunned. He's never been like this before. Usually, he just says that you look good, which you've never complained about as you understand how he's not used to complimenting people.
"We aren't married yet, Ben."
"I know, but I like to think we are. Who gives to shits about some ceremony and legal papers when I can be married to you here." He takes hold of one of your hands & places it over his chest. You feel his heartbeat under your palm.
"When were you such a romantic?" You tilt your head up to press your foreheads together.
"Since now, I guess. Until the day I die, or until the end of time, whatever one comes first."
"You're not an immortal-" He cuts you off by pushing the back of your head so your lips meet.
"Shhhh, let me have this moment."

So there you two stand, bodies pressed against each other with no worries about anything.

AN: ssalsksdsa I was legit crying at the end there, not gonna lie. I don't know what to say really right now so I'll leave any thoughts I have for my conversations page & the 'Special Thanks/Mentions' I've been working on.

-Lake :)

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