•Chapter 13•

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Updated on the 4th of January because I changed 2 words.

You would think not writing any chapters for 6 months would mean I have written at least 1 good chapter...

(Time skip of a few weeks, probably just a month or so.)

*Second person POV*
You & Ben have relocated to the planet where you now live. It's not completely uninhabited, but not as populated as a planet like Coruscant. You have found work as a mechanic technician at a vehicle repair shop not that far from the populated area where your house is. Ben has to spend most of his days at your house, due to needing to be available for any holo calls to deal with any issues with the treaty. A few weeks ago, Ben, after spending many nights thinking about it, concluded that he wants to marry you. He managed to find a decent ring that he's sure you'll like & has planned to propose tonight.

Today you have a day off from work & he has no calls, so you both head to the shops to get any supplies you need. Ben found a shop where you can clear a few items off the list you made & had told you to stay outside after seeing it's getting crowded. You notice a female togruta running a stall, just outside one of the shops on the other side of the dirt road, selling clothes.

After walking up to it, you see a small sign reading 'hand made crochet infant clothes' placed on the table. Reminiscing of when your mother taught you how to crochet when you were younger, you start talking to the woman. A few minutes pass when Ben exits the shop with the supplies & approaches you. "What are you talking about?" You turn around, showing him the small blue & purple top you are holding.

"My mum taught me how to crochet when I was a kid." Only when you hand over the top when he realises it's for infants. He looks up at you, then the top, then back at you. "What?" You ask. "I know we have no use for infant clothes. We were just talking about crocheting. She makes them with her friends." Ben looks back at the top once more. Several thoughts come to his mind. Are you hinting you want kids? Do you want to join her friends & pick up crocheting again? Or were you just simply admiring their work?
"I'll go & get the rest of the stuff, you can stay here if you want." You notice that his demeanour has changed. He seems nervous. Nervous? You accept his offer, hoping he'll be okay when he returns.

Ben doesn't take long & before you know it, he's back. You had finished your conversation with the togruta not long after he left, so you were standing to the side, messaging your boss about next week's work schedule on your datapad. "I'm back." You look up & see that he has not gotten any better. Deciding you'll ask him when you get back home, you head off. Ben can tell you know he's nervous, but he manages to calm down by the time you reach your house & successfully convinces you it was because he saw someone he knows from 'First Order business' & was nervous about being recognised. He decides to forget about asking you if you might ever want to have kids with him, as he wants to focus on his proposal.

When you enter your house, Ben places the basket of items on the small dining table while you head to the backyard. You & with the help of your next-door neighbour made a garden big enough to grow some produce, without it taking up the whole backyard. Not wanting to disturb you as you carefully examine each plant, Ben stays inside & puts away the supplies where they belong. You return with a handful of ripened fruit & place them on the kitchen counter, deciding you'll use them for tonight's dinner.

(Time skip.)

Once you have cleaned up after dinner, Ben takes you to your back porch. It's just big enough for the 2 of you to be comfortable. You put a bench there for when you both want to sit down. You're confused as to why he bought you here. Usually, you only go out here this late to see the sunset, but it's too cloudy for that tonight. He sits you down on the bench & all your questions vanish when he kneels in front of you. You don't even remember most of what he said, too consumed in the waves of happiness. He notices this but continues. You pick up how he's grateful to have you as his partner. Then something about how he's proud of how much effort you had put into your training & now your work at the repair shop. You keep it together until he pulls the ring box out of his pocket & opens it up. "Will you-" he doesn't finish the sentence before you jump onto him.

"Yes, Ben. Yes, I will." He slips the ring on your finger before pulling you into a hug. Ben takes you inside to your shared bedroom after a gust of cold wind blows. "Is this why you were nervous when we were out?" You ask as you sit down on the bed. Of course, you knew he made up seeing something in the shop.
"Actually, no. I knew you were going to say yes to this."
"To this? Ben, what's going on?"
"It's just that when you showed me the infant clothes, I started to wonder if you wanted to have kids with me," he confesses.
"Really?" He nods. "It's not that my job doesn't pay well, but I don't think we would be able to support a child at the moment given you sometimes need to leave for a couple of days to deal with the treaty in person. Can we talk about it again once that's all done?"
"That sounds great."
After you have gotten ready for bed, Ben decides he wants to tell you something. "You know, my mum would tell me about how some people believe in soulmates. I don't think she did but would say that some people are just meant to be together. Up until I began my training with my uncle, I would like to think there was something out there that was destined to be with me. Even when they sent me to train with my uncle & he was adamant about romantic connections within the Jedi, even when Snoke would tell me, although indirectly, that no one deserves, I still held onto that thought. That one day, I'll be with the one that was made for me & I was made for them."

AN: Guys I finally used the title of the story. Anyway, I'm sorry for dropping off the face of the Earth for 6 months only to re-publish old chapters. The next chapter will most likely be the last (unless you all demand an epilogue or something but the next chapter will have a reasonably big time skip anyway) & I'll try to get that published by the end of the first week of next year.

-Lake :)

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