•Chapter 9•

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Republished on the 4th of December for grammar fixes.

I'm too tired to write anything before the story so let's get on with it. And by the way, the song we sing and our past that we tell him is based on personal stuff, so if I do see any inappropriate comments about those parts, I will be deleting them.

Content & trigger warning: mention of depression (that happened in the past but as in Y/n's past and sort of in the past of the story *chapter 5*). There is also some mild sexual content. Not actual smut just sort of before they fuck and then it skips to after they do.

(Time skip to idk let's say a week or so)

*Y/n's POV*

It has now been a week since the beginning of the formation of the alliance with the Resistance. Because of that, I haven't seen Kylo as much as he's been coming back late at night and leaving early in the morning. The only times I've seen him is when I happen to be in a meeting with him, but then it's with other people as well, or if I pass him in the hallways. However, today I was pleasantly surprised when I woke up to find him still asleep in his, well our, bed. I sit up, move my pillow to my lap, and reach down and weave my fingers through his soft hair. As I sit there, I start to subconsciously sing a song my dad would sing to me.

*Kylo's POV*

I wake up to the sound of Y/n's voice, and his hand running through my hair. "But it's okay little caterpillar because soon you'll come out of your cocoon-" he sniffles softly, "and- and fly like the beautiful butterfly that you are. Soon little caterpillar you will be able to see the rising sun after the eternal night." I open my eyes and look up at him. Tears are now falling down his face. I reach to hold the hand that's on my head as I look up at him. He looks down at me and with his other hand, wipes the tears away. "Good morning." He leans down and kisses my forehead. Just when he pulls away, I hold his head, keeping him from moving.

"Keep singing."
"I-I. Kylo, I can't remember all of the words," he says, as he sits back up. I follow his moves, as I sit beside him.
"Then sing the words you do remember." A wave of sadness spreads across his face. "What's wrong?"
"It's just that... My dad would sing that song to me. When I was little."
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay Kylo. It's just when I was 12 I- I... Nevermind."
"You can tell me if you want to sweetheart."
"I want to." I nod, gesturing to let him continue. "When I was 12 became well... depressed. And I tried to well kill myself. But I got better. Mostly because my dad helped me. But then It got worse again. It got really bad that day we were doing my lightsaber so I ah yha."

*Y/n's POV*

Once I tell him I start to regret it. How is he gonna react? Will he still want to be with me? Is he going to tell me that I'm just faking it for attention like how others have before? Maybe- My thoughts stop when I see him pull back the covers from him and me. His left arm, which is the one closest to me, wraps around my back to my left hip, and he pulls me towards him. I look up at him confused. "Kylo what are you doing?" He pats his lap as he moves his legs to be crossed. "Unless you have arranged it so I don't have work today, no." He smirks. "You got to be kidding me," I say as I straddle his waist
"I'm not."
"Now why don't I have work today? And why are you still in bed?"
"I do have work, just later in the day. I want to spend the morning with you. And you don't have work because the gala is tomorrow."
"What gala?"
"Stop asking so many questions love." I shake my head,
"Tell me or I'll get off." His eyes widen.
"Tomorrow we are having a gala to celebrate the alliance."
"Where?" He rolls his eyes,
"Shut up." I smile as I start standing up from my knees. He quickly grips my waist. "No."
"No what?" I ask, taking advantage of the situation.
"No, you stay here."
"Hm. What happened to your manners?"
"Please. Please stay here." I give in and sit back down. He leans closer to the point our noses are touching each other. "I love you."
"I know."
"Can I show you how much I love you, babe?" I feel my cheeks blushing.
"What do you mean by showing me?" He pulls me closer down and I feel the slight bludge in his pants. Oh.
"Only if you want to," he whispers.
"Kylo I've never done it before."
"Neither have I."

Yha and then they fuck I guess.

(Time skip of idk half an hour. still Y/n's POV)

Kylo and I are now looking through his wardrobe for his suit. "It's here somewhere," he says as he looks through his clothes. I open a drawer and see a neatly folded suit. I pull it out and show it to him,
"This it?" He nods,
"Thanks." He places it on the shorter bench. "Now time for you."
"I don't think I own a suit Kylo."
"Well we will look and if you don't, we'll get you one."
"What's the point of getting me a suit if I'm only gonna wear it once?"
"What if you need it for someone else though?"
"Like what?"
"I don't know, just some other event you need to wear a suit for."
"Okay fine, we'll get me a suit then."

(Another time skip because plot is for nerds)

Kylo and I walk out of the seamstress's office after she takes my measurements and I pick a style for my suit. "Y/n can I tell you something?" Kylo asks as he walks down the hallway back to our room.
"Yes, what is it?"
"Kylo isn't my real name. It was given to me when I joined the dark side."
"Okay, why are you telling me this?"
"Because I want you to call me Ben from now on."
"Is Ben your real name?"
"Yha. It is. I want you to call me by that instead of Kylo because it's my birth name."
"Okay. I like Ben better anyway." We are nearly at our quarters when someone calls from behind us.
"Kylo." We turn around to see Hux, "You are needed in the event hall." Ben nods and Hux walks back to where he came from.
"Sorry but I need to go."
"It's okay, I'll wait for you in our room." He kisses me goodbye before walking away. 

I enter the room and turn to my right, facing the bookshelf. After 5 minutes of looking through all of Ben's books, I find a few that will keep me occupied until Ben comes back. I carry them to the dining table in the kitchen and start reading.

Hours soon pass and it's now 12. I get up and look around the kitchen to see what I can make for lunch. There's not much so I decide to leave and go to the mess hall. I arrive and unsurprisingly, it's mostly empty, only consisting of a few Stormtroopers and officers. I get a sandwich and leave, deciding to eat while reading.

(another time skip to later that day)

It's nearly 10 and Ben isn't back yet. I've gotten up to the last book but I've gotten really tired. I try to keep my eyes open, but I fail as I soon fall asleep.

*Ben's POV*

I walk into our room, expecting Y/n to be in bed considering it's quarter to 11. But he's not. I go to the kitchen to see that he's fallen asleep while reading. I place the bookmark on the page he was reading and put it away with the others. I walk back and gently pick him up, and move to our bed, placing him down.

I walk out of the bathroom after taking a shower and getting changed into my pyjamas. Y/n has managed to pull the blanket over himself in his sleep. I lay down next to him and he moves right against me. "I wanna be the big spoon tonight," he mumbles in his sleep. I sigh, as I turn over so I'm facing the kitchen. I guide his arms around me and I feel his feet tangling with mine. I can't help but smile before I fall asleep.

Yay! I've posted a new chapter for the first time in a little over 2 months (2 months & 10 days).

-Lake :)

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