•Capter 11•

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So while writing this chapter, I found this candle exists from cecraft.co ^^

Re-published on the 25th of June because I wrote Lake instead of Y/n.

I'm sorry that this chapter is gonna be a really short one, but I got COVID right after I finished planning the chapter, and I'm still recovering so I don't really have the energy to write a long one. And because I find writing dialogue way easier, this is gonna be like 95-99% dialogue.

*Y/n's POV*

After the gala ends, Ben takes us to our room. "So, what are we going to do now?" I ask as the door opens.
"Well we got a week until we have to basically turn the ship in, so we don't have to rush a plan, but I was thinking we could move to a planet and find a home there. I was thinking about maybe the Mid or Outer Rim."
"Sure, I've heard that Endor is pretty nice." I sit down on our bed.
"It is. When I was young, my parents would take me with them on trips there."
"Really?" He had never really opened up about his family or past to me before the gala.
"Yha... But then they sent me to train with my Uncle so I haven't been there since I was nearly 10."
"I thought you had been trained by Snoke?"
"I was, but that was after I-I..." He looks down and then at me. "Nevermind." He walks towards the bathroom. Before I can call out to him, he's closed the door. I sigh, getting up from the bed and entering the bathroom. He's standing in front of the sinks, with his hand gripping the edges.
"Ben?" He turns his head, his eyes staring into mine.
"What?" I'm slightly confused about why he's asking like this.
"What's wrong?" I take one step forward.
"Nothing, just leave me alone." He turns his head back.
"Ben, I know you don't want me to do that. Now please tell me what's wrong. If it's something I did, please tell me." He turns around, fully this time, and puts his open palm towards me. I feel my airways closing like I'm being choked. "B-Ben, please. Please stop." Black spots start forming in my vision. "Ben." I'm suddenly dropped to the ground with a loud thud.

"Y/n?" I wish I had blacked out, saving me from the agony of my back pain from hitting the hard cold marble floor. He rushes towards me. "Shit, I'm so sorry. I-I... I'll take you to medical." I just lay there on the floor. I don't bother trying to find out if I can talk as my throat is still sore. He carefully picks me up and runs out of the room. He keeps looking down at me, making sure I'm still awake. But it's getting more and more difficult to keep my eyes open. "Please stay awake until we get there. We're nearly there okay." Hearing the desperation in his voice, I do my best. We eventually get there and once they lay me down on some sort of bed, Ben nods and whispers to me, "You can rest now." I close my eyes and let the darkness consume me.

How's that for an ending?
No not the ending of the story, still got about 3-4 chapters left.
I just made it sound like we died lol.

-Lake :)

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