•Chapter 1•

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Re-published on 31 of July cause I accidentally drafted it.

*Your POV*

I've been working at the Supremacy for about a week or so now. Today I'm working on one of the radars in a room. I'm fixing the wires underneath the radar when I hear footsteps coming closer and closer. There are 2 sets of footsteps. I'm lying down on the floor so I can't see who it is. "Y/n, I got someone who wants to meet you." It's Parker. I slide out from under the panel and dust off my shirt and pants. I look up and my heart stops. Holy macaroni.  Fuck. It's Supreme Leader Ren. He's wearing his usual uniform, the one I've seen in First Order posters. "I'm sure you know that this is Supreme Leader Ren."

 *Kylo's POV*

As Parker and Y/n talk, I can tell something about Y/n is off. His force signature is strong. Not as strong as mine, but too strong for him to be a regular person. He's force sensitive and hasn't been trained.  I decide to not bring it up just yet. But there is something else. I haven't felt this way in ages. Before I turned to the dark side. But I can't put my finger on it. I try to enter his mind but I can't. He's blocking me out. How can someone who's not trained in the force do this? It took me years to be able to fully block out Snoke. I leave and make my way to my private quarters.

I try to label what I felt in that room, but I can't. I take off my helmet, put it on the dining table, and head to the small kitchen attached to my room. I open the cabinet that has the cups and I take one out. I fill it with cold water from the sink and chug it down and put the cup on the countertop. I grab my helmet and put it back on, exiting the room. I need answers from Y/n. And the sooner, the better.

*Your POV (Time Skip)*

Parker let me off for lunch early as there isn't much to do today. I sit down at an empty table after getting food. Food consisting of a bowl of mac and cheese and apple juice (or orange juice if you like that better). As I start eating someone approaches me. I look up to see a woman with tan skin, straight black hair, and green eyes. "Is it alright if I sit here?"

"Ah, sure." She sits in front of me, placing her tray of food down. A sandwich and a bottle of water.

"Name's Grace, what about you?"

"Y/n." She looks me up and down before asking,

"So, you are a technician ha?"


"I haven't seen you before. You're new?"

"Yha came here a week ago. I think. I've lost track of the days." She nods and we continue eating.

We finish our lunch and start talking about our jobs. Turns out Grace works as a translator which means that unless I have to fix something in her office, the only time we would get to see each other is during lunch break.

"We might bump into each other in the halls too," I add.

"That too. Well, I gotta get going." I look at my holopad, checking the time. My break ends in 3 minutes.

"Yha, I better go too. See you next time Grace."

As I'm walking down to the hall, I hear someone call out my name from behind me. "Technician L/n." I turn around to see Ren.

"Supreme Leader."

"I would like to have a chat with you." I nod, "In my quarters." Oop- Before I can say anything else, he starts walking so I follow him. We enter his room and he takes me past his bed to the kitchen. His bed is much bigger than my single in my shared quarters, but he's the Supreme Leader and I'm just - "Your name is Y/n correct?" I stop thinking and look up at him.

"Ah, yes sir."

"Call me Ren." I nod again.

"So... Why did you bring me here Ren?"

"You don't have any idea." I shake my head. "You are force sensitive."

"Oh. And?"

"I want to train you." Wut. "Only if you want to of course."

"Will I still have my job?"

"Only if you want to. If you don't you can become my apprentice." Although I love my job, something, probably the force (lol idk) now that I know i'm force sensitive, in my head is telling me to become his apprentice.

"I'll choose to be your apprentice then." He nods and tells me that I can go now and that he'll message me when I'll start.

A/N: First chapter! So do you like the story so far? I forgot to mention that this takes place after TLJ, but that whole lightspeed thing through the Supremecy doesn't happen because the Supremecy is well... here. Idk this is my first real fanfic.

One Day • Kylo Ren x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now