•Chapter 4•

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(Art above made by Chrisily from DeviantArt)

More re-publishing cause grammar issues.

*Kylo's POV*

I slowly wake up. First I realise that I'm no longer facing Y/n, instead, he is behind me. Then I notice that he has lifted the back of my shirt just enough for him to rub my back. His warm fingers feel nice against my skin. Soothing you could say. He removes his hands from my back as I turn around to face him. "Good morning Kylo," he says, his voice groggy from sleep.
"Good morning to you too." He suddenly looks slightly panicked and asks,
"Where's the bathroom?" I point to the door that's behind him. He turns his head and gets up. "Thank you." I watch as he opens the door before closing it.

*Your POV*

I walk out of the bathroom and see that Kylo isn't in the bed still. Then I smell something good being cooked in the kitchen so I walk over there. I see is Kylo wearing an apron. I raise an eyebrow and look at him. "Really?" I ask him. He rolls his eyes.

"I don't want stuff getting on my clothes while I'm cooking," he explains. "I'm nearly done making pancakes so you can just sit down while I finish." I do as he says, and I take a seat at the table. There's a book on the table so I pick it up and open it to the first page.

The text is written in some sort of language I don't know so I flick through a few pages to see if there is any text in basic or some other langue I know. There is non so I look at some of the drawings in it instead. I look up now and then so I don't get caught by Kylo.

When I see Kylo taking off the apron, I manage to close the book and put it back before he turns around with two plates of pancakes. He puts one plate in front of me and then puts the other one down to my left.

We finish eating and Kylo pushes his chair back and stands up in one smooth motion. Before I can push my chair back, he has pulled mine out from the table. I barely register what has happened as he pulls me up from my seat. Suddenly everything becomes blurry and dizzy. I feel myself lose balance but then Kylo's large hands grip my waist, keeping me steady.

My mind quickly stops spinning and my vision returns to normal. I see Kylo looking at me concerned, his hands moving from my hips to my hands.
"Thanks." I look down at our intertwined hands.
"You okay?" He asks. "You nearly fell."
"Everything just got dizzy and blurry that all," I explain. 

I open my mouth to say something but then my head suddenly hurts. I wrap my arms around my head and scream in pain. Normally, I can ignore the pain from headaches, but this feels like someone is ripping my soul out of my body.
"Y/N!" Kylo yells as I stumble backward. I hit my head on I'm guessing my chair, before I land on the floor. 

Kylo rushes towards me and sits down next to me. "Are you okay?" Panic is the only tone in his voice, well alongside worry, and confusion.
"I am now. I think."
"I probably just pulled you up too fast. I'm so sorry."
He carefully pulls me up from the ground into a seated position. He then puts his hand behind my head. "Just checking to see if you busted your head open." He withdraws the hand and looks at it. "A bruise might form but I think you are alright."
"Okay, Doctor Kylo, see you at our next appointment," I joke as I stand up.

"Where are you going?" Kylo asks me as he stands.
"Nowhere. Not without you at least."
"Because I love you silly."
"Why?" Kylo asks. Why? Why what? 
"Is there something wrong Kylo?" It's now my turn to ask questions.
"No. It's just that..." He turns around and walks over to his bed, and sits on the side. I sit next to him and put my hand on his shoulder.
"Just what?"
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry if your love for me is conflicting any emotions."
"Why would it be conflicting?"

"You know what I've done. The number of people who are dead because of me, directly and indirectly. You don't belong with me. You don't belong with the First Order. It's too dark here. I'm too dark. You are too good for me Y/n. Please I already hurt you just before when I pulled you up from the chair. I don't want to hurt you even more." Guilt, sadness, and pain fill his voice as he slowly breaks down and starts to cry. His hands cover his face with his elbows on his knees. I get up from the bed and squat down in front of him.

"Kylo," I say softly, as I remove his hands from his face. "Our love isn't conflicting me." I put my hand on his cheek and he leans into my touch before I start wiping his tears. His eyes are already bloodshot. "I love you Kylo. I belong here with you. If you hurt me, and if it's by accident I will forgive you."
"What if It isn't by accident? Like what if I've had a really bad day and I... I don't want to keep you in an abusive relationship."
"Then we can talk about it. And if the relationship is no longer working, we can break up. But for now, it's not. The little accident in the kitchen was an accident. We both know that. Please Kylo, let me love you and let yourself love me. At least until we don't, if that ever happens. Which I don't want it to." I stand once more and I offer Kylo my hand. He takes it and rises.

"I'm sorry. It's just I've done bad things and I don't understand how you can just ignore it all."
"I'm not ignoring it all. It's just that you are broken. So am I. And I want to fix it, to the best of my abilities, or at least help you fix it." Suddenly Kylo pulls me into a hug. We stay there in each other's embrace for what seems like an eternity.
"What do you mean by 'So am I.'? You're not broken." Kylo asks, breaking the silence.

*Kylo's POV*

"What do you mean by 'So am I.'? You're not broken." I ask.
"Kylo... I." He releases the hug. I can tell by the look in his eyes that I've reminded him of something. Something not good.
"I'm sorry you don't need to tell me," I apologise.
"I want to tell you but not right now."
"That's okay."

(Time skip)

After deciding to do some training, and a walk around the ship it's now nearly 10 pm.
"It's getting late," Y/n says as we head back to our room. "Can. I Ummm... I can sleep with you tonight? I don't want the nightmare to come back," Y/n asks.
"Thank you."

We enter our room and Y/n goes into his separate quarters to shower and get dressed, and so do I. I'm now sitting on my bed, waiting for Y/n to return. I hear the door to his room close and he emerges from the hall. "Sorry if I took a while."
"It's alright," I say as I get up and pull back the covers of the bed.

We lie down, first with our backs turned towards each other until Y/n turns around and cuddles from behind me. It feels strange but in a good way. Y/n's breathing against my neck has slowed down so I guess he's asleep already. I close my eyes and let the sheet of darkness cover my mind as I fall asleep.

Btw your pyjamas look like this: 

Heeeeeey sorry for the late upload

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Heeeeeey sorry for the late upload. It's currently 4 minutes to 10 pm so imma just publish it right now and fix and grammar issues tomorrow. I got school tomorrow noooooo.

-Lake :)

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