•Chapter 6•

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Re-published on 26th of November for minor changes.

You complete your lightsaber & the colour can be whatever you want. The colour will be written as (f/c) - I know that's for 'favourite colour' but whatever. I guess your colour isn't red though because Kylo didn't really do any dark side specific force training with you, but if you really want it to be that, that's fine.

*Y/n's POV*

I wake up and realise that Kylo is spooning me. Great that means I am alive. I survived. Somehow I'm relieved I did. Somehow I'm glad I made it alive. I just can't explain why or how. I gently remove Kylo's arms from around my waist so I can sit up. I turn to my right and look out the window. Some smaller First Order ships are flying down to a nearby planet. I wonder if they can see through the other side of the window. "It's a 1 sided window." I glance behind to see Kylo sitting next to me. "The other side is a mirror. Most of the windows are like that." I realise he must have read my thoughts. "I'm sorry, It's just that your thoughts are hard to ignore.
"It's fine Kylo. I'm fine with you knowing whatever I think." And I am fine with it. He probably knows things that I wouldn't normally be comfortable with people knowing. I trust him knowing it.

In the distance, there's a planet. It looks beautiful. "Kylo, look," I say like I'm a child. I point to the planet and then look at him. He looks at the planet. "It's really beautiful." He then looks at me. I see a slight smile forming.
"Not as beautiful as you." I feel myself blush so I look back at the window. "Come on Y/n, I've seen you blush before." He pulls me closer to me, however, I maintain my sight on the planet. I shudder as his fingers touch my chin and gently turn my face towards his. He leans down slightly to kiss my forehead. "I love you," he whispers.
"I love you too," I whisper back as I sit on his lap.
"Please don't be embarrassed when you blush. I like it when you blush," he says between kisses. He keeps his lips on my forehead as we sit in silence, just enjoying each other's company.

Now I know why I'm happy I lived.

"So are we doing training today? Or are you going to start work earlier?" I ask, breaking the silence.
"We are not going to train today. I want to give you time to heal. Plus I got a day off." I only now realise how much work he has probably been missing because of me.
He once again reads my thoughts as he says, "I'm not skipping work. Today is supposed  to be a day off for me."
"So what do you want to do today if we aren't training and you don't have work?"
"Well, first we got to change your bandages and have breakfast. Then we'll think about what we are going to do.

(Time skip)

"So," Kylo says as he puts our plates into the sink. "I was thinking we could either do some non-physical training if you want to do that. Or we could just stay for the day. We could go for a walk around the ship." I think about the options and then I remember my unfinished lightsaber.
"I want to finish my lightsaber." He turns from the sink and walks over to where I'm sitting.
"Are you sure? I don't want you to push yourself too far."
"I'm sure. I'll tell you if it's too much." He nods and walks out of the kitchen. I get up from my chair and follow.

"Alright, you remember what to from yesterday?" He asks.
"Yep." I sit down on the floor by the end of the bed cross-legged with my hands open on my knees. He gets the 3 crystals and places them in the same triangle formation.
"You can start now," he says as he sits in front of the door. I close my eyes and start to clear my mind. Once that's done I start focusing on my breathing.

A few minutes go past before I feel something in my right hand. I don't know what it is but it feels cold and warm at the same time. "You can open your eyes now." I look down at my hand and see a crystal. At first, it doesn't have a colour but I watch as the colour shifts. As the colours shift, the crystal becomes warmer, like it is emitting energy. Eventually, it becomes (f/c). I look up from the crystal to Kylo who is staring at the crystal.

"Kylo, you good there?" He suddenly grabs the crystal from my hand. My hand is already missing the warmth it gave. He studies the crystal before handing it back.
"Do I now put it inside the lightsaber?"
"Yes." He passes me the half-made saber and the rest of the parts. I gently place the crystal in and then the remaining pieces.

I stand from the floor. Kylo rises and stands behind me, grabbing my right hand. "I don't want you to accidentally hurt yourself."
"Kylo, calm down, I won't hurt myself." He releases my hand but still stands behind me. I press the activation button, and a beam of (f/c) light shoots out. I slowly move my hand around. "Kylo," I deactivate the saber before turning around, "can we go for a walk around the ship?"
"Sure thing."

(Another time skip because I'm too lazy to write so much)

We enter Kylo's room at around 9. "Want to call it a night?" Kylo asks as we sit down on the foot of his bed.
"Yha sure. I'll just take a quick shower, change my bandages and all that." He nods so I get up and walk to my room.

I gather my pyjamas and place them on the bench in the bathroom. I then take off my badges before stepping into the shower.

Once I've applied a bandage to my arm, and gotten dressed I walk back to Kylo's room. Although I've been sleeping with him for the past few nights, I want to sleep in my bed just for tonight. I open the door and walk out of the hall. Kylo is now sitting on his bed in what he usually wears to bed, nothing but a pair of pyjama pants. Half of me is happy he doesn't wear a shirt, while the other wants him to. Mostly because it embarrasses me when he catches me staring at his chest. "Kylo, I want to sleep in my room tonight." He gets up and walks over to me.
"Okay. Just know that you can always come to me during the night." I nod and walk back into my room.

I soon drift asleep.

An: Ayeeee, chapter 6 is done and dusted. Sorry, it took me a while to get it done but it's now term break meaning no school for 2 weeks so that means more writing!

-Lake :)

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