•Chapter 3•

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(Art above made by Randomsplashes from Deviantart)

This takes place the next cycle/day after the last chapter.

Republished to fix more grammar fixes :)

*Kylo's POV*

It's about 10 minutes to 10:00 pm, and this meeting has been dragging on forever. This whole day has been dragging on forever as I've had meetings back to back. The only time I didn't have a meeting to attend was when I had lunch. I thought that maybe Y/n would be in the mess hall during that time for his lunch too, but he wasn't there. I was hoping he would so I could talk to him about what happened yesterday. Now I'm stuck in this meeting about trade deals. Hux is rambling about something, and it's driving me up the wall. Then my holopad goes off. It's a message from Captian Phasma saying that I'm required at the command bridge immediately. I stand up and everyone turns their attention from Hux to me.
"Something came up," I say as I leave the meeting room.

I arrive at the bridge and see Phasma and Y/n standing by one of the windows talking. Y/n turns his head to me as I walk up to them. "Your apprentice got lost, and found his here." I look at Y/n and he looks back at me.
"Follow me." He nods and we leave the bridge.
"Ren, I'm sorry. I had gotten lost and Captain Phasma found me. I know I'm not allowed in the command bridge but my holopad had run out of battery so I couldn't contact you or use the map."
"It's alright Y/n, I'm glad you are safe that's all. Can we go to your quarters for a moment?" He nods. I follow him to his room as I don't know where it is. I have decided that I'll tell him my feelings for him now.

We arrive at his quarters and he puts in the code for the pin code lock and a green light flashes from the top of the lock. Then the door slides open. We walk inside his room. Y/n takes off his shoes, putting them on the floor near his bed. He then sits down on the bed and pats the spot in front of him. I take my boots off and place them next to his. I sit down, on his bed, in front of him. I take off my mask, putting it in my lap. "So why did you ask me to take you here?" He asks.
"We need to talk." His eyes connect with mine before quickly looking away.
"Look I'm sorry about what you found in my mind the other day. "
"It's okay," I say. His eyes meet mine again.
"What?" He asks.
"I love you Y/n."
"What did you think was going to happen?"
"Oh, I don't know. Just that you might make me working as a technician again, transfer me to a different ship maybe."
"Why would you think I would do that?"
"Because I didn't know you love me too."
"I didn't know what I feel for you is love. For about a week I've been trying to find what it is and when I found out what you feel for me is love, I realised it's the same feeling I feel for you. I wanted to tell you after training but I had to go to a meeting. I tried to today but I had meetings back to back, and when I had my lunch break, I couldn't find you."
"I'm sorry Ren. I just. This all new to me."
"Same for me."

We sit there in a moment of silence before I speak again.
"Would you like to move Into my quarters Y/n?" I ask.
"Oh really?"
"Only if you want to. I'm not forcing you or-"
"I would love to Ren."
"Kylo. Just call me Kylo from now on okay?"

I help Y/n pack his clothes, and toiletries into a duffle bag.
We are walking down the halls to my room when I see Hux walking towards us. "What's going on here?" He looks from me to Y/n, then to the duffle bag, Y/n is carrying and back to me.
"None of your business General," Y/n says before continuing to walk.
"You are going to let him get away with that?" Hux asks
"Yes," I answer before walking towards Y/n who has stopped at the end of the hallway, where another joins.

We arrive at my quarters. "There is a room that is joint to mine. You can use that one or share my room with me."
"Can I use the joint room?"
"Sure." The door to the other room is different to the other ones as it has red accents. I open it and he walks inside.

*Third Peron POV*

Y/n walks into the room and looks around. There is a double bed in the far right corner, a walk-in wardrobe to the right of the bed, and a bathroom to the left of the door.
"Do you like it?" Kylo asks.
"Yes, Kylo," Y/n says as he gives Kylo a kiss on the cheek. Kylo turns around to hide his blushing face. He takes one step towards to door to leave, but Y/n grabs his arm. "Please stay." He turns back around and nods.

Once Kylo and Y/n are done putting his stuff away, Kylo leaves the room to his for the night. Y/n takes a shower and changes into his sleep clothes. He then dims the lights before going to bed.

(Time skip)

Kylo wakes up to loud screams coming from Y/n's room. "Shit," he says as he gets out of bed and walks to the door that joins your rooms. "Y/n. Are you okay?" He asks. After he hears a thud, he opens the door and walks into the room. He sees Y/n falling onto the floor. The black bed sheets wrapped around his body.
"KYLO!" Y/n screams. Kylo rushes over to him and starts shaking him to try to wake him up.
"Y/n. Wake up." Soon Y/n's screams turn into sobs. Kylo sits on the floor cross-legged and pulls Y/n onto his lap. He hugs Y/n until he starts moving.
"K- Kylo?" Kylo realises the hug and Y/n look at him. "You didn't die oh thank god."
"What do you mean 'I didn't die'?" Kylo asks.
"I had a dream where you died."
"It's alright Y/n, I'm still here," Kylo says comfortingly.
"Can, can I sleep with you tonight?"
"Yes, you can." Kylo stands up while picking Y/n up. Kylo holds Y/n's hand as they walk out of the room. Kylo takes Y/n to his bed.
"I love you," Y/n says before cuddling up to Kylo.
"Love you too Y/N." Y/n then gives Kylo another kiss on the cheek before going to sleep again.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. I really didn't want to delay it to next week. Just keep in mind that any changes to previous chapters will be minor so no need to re-read the whole thing, It would be just grammar corrections as sometimes the grammar checker extension I use only works if you re-load the site. 

One Day • Kylo Ren x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now