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Peroratio- Latin for conclusion

14- year- old Iris Sheaf from District 9 died at the end of the 36th Hunger Games after sustaining many injuries to the face which proved to be fatal. Over the course of the games, she allied with the boy from her District, Robin Sheaf, the female from District 5 and the male from District 6. Iris sustained a kill count of 7, the highest in the games that year, and unbelievably good for her age.

She was extremely profound in knife throwing, hitting the target every time, and showed her skill at many points during the games. At the Cornucopia bloodbath, she showed true bravery by fighting for supplies to keep herself and her brother, Robin, alive. It was in this bloodbath that she killed the boy from District 11.

During the games, she usually stayed near the careers, but remaining undetected and picking them off one by one when the time came. This strategy resulted with lots of kills to her name, and many interesting chase scenes for the viewers. As the Hunger Games went on, Iris executed more and more daring stunts, trying to win the attention of sponsors and the careers.

The most important arena event was when Iris was dropped sponsor gifts, which were trapped with explosives. She realised the nature of the gifts mere minutes before they went off, and managed to get away before they killed her, but almost died to the fire that the bombs started.

Overall, Iris was a very stand- alone and quietly violent character, who didn't care about herself physically, as in, if she could stand she could run, if she get up she could fight. The Capitol viewers supported her at first, because of the relationship with her brother, but it took a few days after Robin died for the Capitol to like her again. During the entire games, she was almost killed twice by the girl from District 4, and at the end finally killed by Kamalyn Hutcherson, from District 4, who won at the age of 15, becoming the youngest victor.

Name: Iris Sheaf
Age: 14
District: 9
Kills: District 11 male, District 2 female, District 7 male, District 4 male, District 2 male, District 1 female, District 1 male.
Weapon: Throwing knives
Place: 2nd

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