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"who knew a girl like you could insult over a hundred people in a span of a week!" finn exclaims as millie snorts, leaning back on her the shelves of the library.

they were in study hall, well finn was, millie was just skipping class per usual and they were now discussing the list of theirs.

"i can't help it, it's who i am." she shrugs softly as he shakes his head.

"but i did manage to scratch out a few people because clearly people with their heads stuck in a book and doesn't like trouble wouldn't kill you." he states with a small chuckle as she nods, "yeah, i'm sure a jess won't have the ability to."

"oh yeah." he nods in agreement, "but that still leaves eighty or so people."

"give me the damn list." she snatches the paper from the floor in front of him as he rolls his eyes.

"okay, it won't be these few people, or this, or this, or this." she started ticking people off as he furrows his eyebrows.

"oh, i have dirt on 'em and they have tried hurting me before, believe me, but now they won't dare to touch me." she explains due to his confusion, "that narrows it down to around thirty people but then again, i could just die from cancer or something."

"shut up."

"we never know! my parents put me down at the age of four, maybe they were dying? i could die as well." she says.

"well then go get tested." he states.

"right, i'm pretty sure i did, i just didn't look at the results." she tells him as he narrows his eyebrows at her, "then why did you go get tested!?"

"i didn't! i just so happened was in the hospital and the doctors just so happened got me tested for every fucking thing." she explains.

"okay, then why were you in the hospital?" he asks as he crosses his arms.

"because i overdosed?" she says in a questioning tone.


"yeah, annie doesn't let me go near sleeping pills now." she snorts, "it was an accident though."

"how did you-"

"so i couldn't sleep that night because of stuff, let's just say, and then i kept taking them to make me fall asleep but it didn't work so i just kept doing it and doing it till, well, the bottle was fucking empty and i overdosed." she shrugs softly, "not a big deal. they all know it was an accident."

"they as in those boys you hang with?" he asks.

"yes. they don't actually care, they just need me alive for shit."

"or they do care-"

"sir, no one cares about me and i plan to keep it that way for when i die."

"i'm sure a lot of people care about you." he says softly as she shakes her head, "no one does and it's okay. i have accepted the fact that no one does and i like it."

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