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"no, it's fucking bullshit!" millie slams her hand down on the table.

"millie!" violet shouts across the room.

"sorry!" millie yells back quickly before continuing, "i didn't do anything wrong!" she exclaims.

"you beat up three people with a cane." tommy points out. "that's terrible words you're putting it in. it was self defence, they hit me first."

"yeah, yeah. you're fucking psycho, mills." robbie says as she shrugs, "now i'm stuck in the orphanage with you guys for a week!"

"we don't like you that much either!" jason cries out as she groans and slams her head down on the table, "last night was terrible. i forgot how bad the beds were here."

"well at least you get your own room." leo points out as she rolls her eyes.

"oh look who it is." ethan points to besides her as she furrows her eyebrows.

turning her head to the side, she sees a young girl making her confused, "and who the fuck are you?"

"millie. no swearing around the little kids, remember? we don't need a repeat of karla." robbie mutters under his breath.

"karla was a bitch who couldn't take a small insult. she did in fact have giant ears and somehow her attitude was ever larger!" she exclaims.

"millie." annie walks over to her, "meet layla."

"yes, we've met and for what?" millie asks.

"okay, come here." annie drags her off as millie yells, "annie! mi stai facendo male! consoco i pugni della mafia! (you're hurting me! i know good mafia punches!)"

"yes millie, bitch about it all you want in italian." annie sighs out, "WANT ME TO TRANSLATE!? I PUNCH LIKE THE MAFIAAAA- ANNIE!" she screams as annie drags her out.

"as your punishment, you're taking care of that little girl for the following week." annie says, "before you ask why, it's because you guys are similar. she's four and was sent to us after her parents left her in a back alley."


"yes, she's doesn't know what happened like you. she will be staying in your room and you will take care of her. understood?" she asks.

"yes, annie." millie whispers and nods.

"good. if you need to let out your anger or whatever, continue with the italian. by the way, how did you learn?" annie asks her.

"oh! silas taught me when we had nothing to do! i'm getting pretty good but he says no because he's Italian and he thinks he is the best, blah blah." millie grins as they walk back into the room.

she walks back towards her table and then kneels down in front of layla, "hi." she smiles as layla nods.

"so annie says you'll be staying with me and bed time for you little tiny people are in two hours. do you want me to show you around or eat?" millie asks.

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