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it was true. heaven was truly paradise and it was a legit pinterest aesthetic.

the sky was a pretty blue, the grass was a pretty green and everyone looked so calm and happy.

there were people having a picnic, people rowing on boats and even people throwing small pebbles into the lake with laughter.

honestly, it was nothing like earth, but it had everything earth had. the place was small and was easy to find your ways. there was a lot of rooms for fun as well, it was paradise.

in all truth, millie had no idea what to do when she arrived. but when she arrived, somehow she ended up in a lovely floral dress that she absolutely adored.

her scars were also fading away and pain wasn't something she felt.

so now, she was finding her treehouse or just any treehouse in general. it had everything earth had just in a prettier way so there had to be a treehouse around here somewhere.

"u-um hi," she taps a woman on the shoulder, "i was wondering if there is any treehouses around here?"

the woman smiles softly, "there's a few but they're all around the park. just walk over that stone bridge and you're there."

millie smiles, "thank you." she walks off and heads towards the stone bridge the woman pointed at.

the bridge was absolutely beautiful. there was some people standing on the sides watching the water and the goldfish in it and millie couldn't help but look as well.

"pretty, isn't it?" a woman speaks up as she turns around and nods, "they are."

"want to feed them?" the woman holds her palm out as her eyes light up, "yes!" she grabs some of the small seeds which are probably fish food and then throws them into the water.

but then she remembers she's supposed to look for her treehouse. "shit." she shakes her head and her easily distracted self, "it was nice meeting you, but i have to go." she waves at the woman and then crosses the bridge.

once she crossed the bridge, she was immediately met with the entrance gate of the park and so she walked in quickly.

there were people sitting on benches, some walking with their spouse and some sitting on the grass even.

that's when a treehouse catches her gaze. it looked exactly like hers. same wood, same design, same staircase on the side.

she smiles widely to herself and quickly walks over. walking up the small grass hill, she passes a few trees and some people cloud gazing before she got close to the treehouse.

"how many pieces of grass did you pick? six? good job!"

"finn?" she whispers as he looks up slowly, "harley!"

her smiles softens as her eyes trail down to the baby in his arms, "bella? h-how did you find her?"

"well, it's not that hard to find a mini you." he smiles as she sits down next to them.

the beginning of the end | fillieWhere stories live. Discover now