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"where were you, millie!? you said you'd be back for dinner and now you show up at breakfast!? we were worried sick!" annie scolds as millie walks through the door.

she sighs, "i'm sorry. it won't happen again." she whispers.

"why do you look so tired? what happened?" annie cradles her face in her palms softly.

she shakes her head, "i-it's nothing, i didn't sleep too well."

"why, because you were at a party?" annie asks and crosses her arms.

"sure, think that if you want. it doesn't matter anyways." she walks past her and sits down with layla and the little kids instead of the boys.

"you didn't bring my lollipops." layla says as she climbs onto millies lap.

"hey, layla. yeah, i forgot, i'm sorry." millie murmurs against her head.

"it's okay. i know you didn't mean to forget." she answers with a smile.

millie nods, "thank you for understanding." she then looks over at tony, "did you sneak into my room and get the candy?"

he nods, "sorry."

she chuckles then smiles, "it's alright, i knew you would. it was the only thing i was thinking about since i promised you."

he smiles and crawls to the other side of her and she holds both him and layla close, "i need to head to school soon but i promise i'll bring back candy this time."

"i want ice cream instead." layla whispers as she nods, "to make up for my disappearance, sure."

"but i want marshmallows and ice cream." tony says and raises his hand.

"how about i come by after school and take all of you out for ice cream instead? you can pick out your own toppings and then maybe i'll let you guys decorate my treehouse." she suggests as they all nod rapidly.

"okay, i have to go now but i'll see you guys later." she smiles and kisses the top of their heads.

"johnny i saw that." she says as she stands up once she sees him dump his food onto tony's plate.

he giggles and covers his mouth as she rolls her eyes, "i won't tell, babe." she pretends to zip her mouth and then dumps the key as he grins at her.

"okay, love you guys, bye!" she waves and walks off as they wave back, "i love you!" tony shouts as she smiles to herself, "i love you too!"

"let's go." she drags the boys up as they groan, "i want food!" tommy exclaims as she rolls her eyes, "we have better things to do."

"what's wrong with you? you're so-" robbie starts as she stops dead in her tracks.

she grabs his collar and pulls him close to her, "speak another fucking word and i will beat the living shit out of you."

their eyes widen a bit at her threat. she may be cold but she would never act this way towards robbie.

she lets go off him with a huff, "i'm not going to school anymore. go without me." she scoffs and walks off.

the beginning of the end | fillieWhere stories live. Discover now