Part 2: The fight

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Emily- anyway, tell us more about, this club and how we can help.
Kristy- okay, so we meet up on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, to talk about any problems with the club, and to schedule jobs.
Avi- okay. Do you need any help spreading the word? Emily and I have pretty big platforms, maybe we can post on our insta for people in Stoneybrook?
Mary-Anne- actually, that's a good idea. Thank you
Emily- no problem!
Kristy- okay, the meeting is over. I will see you all on Wednesday
Claudia- see ya!
Mary-Anne- bye!
Sam- okay, let's go back to my room
Emily- okay.

We walk back to Sam's room and I sit on the bed with him, while Charlie sits on his bean bag thing, and Avi sits on his desk chair.

Charlie- did anyone else notice something wrong about that Stacey girl?
Emily- yeah
Avi- yeah, not gonna lie, she looked kind of pale, and scared
Sam- eh, she is kinda cute
Emily- you like Stacey?! She's like 2 years younger than you. It would make sense if you were older, but seriously?!
Sam- so what? Do you have a problem with it?!
Emily- what if I do?!
Sam- well, it's my life and my feelings, not yours!
Emily- well what if it does bother me and my feelings?!
Sam- well, that's not my problem. Why are you being such a bitch!?
Emily- excuse me?! Your the one who's being an asshole for not caring about what your best friend feels! Your lucky you actually you have family and people who actually care about you! I though I had you, but obviously not!
Sam- well maybe you would have family that cares about you if your mom didn't die!

I looked at him wide eyed. Did he really just say that to me? I looked at him as a tear fell down my cheek.

Charlie- Sam what the hell!
Sam- omg I'm so sorry I didn't know what I was saying-
Emily- but that's where you are wrong... you did know you were saying that, and you did it anyway... I'm leaving
Sam- Em you can't leave, it's raining outside
Emily- I don't care. I need to get away from you
Sam- Em please...

Before he could say anything else I ran out of the house. It was pouring outside and I was cold... I had no jacket, and I couldn't go home because of my father, so I just sat on the side of the road, a couple blocks away from my house. Why would he say that to me? I thought he cared about me... well obviously not... I was sitting on the side of the curb, when a little boy came outside and started playing in the middle of the road, by himself. I looked at the boy, and then all of a sudden a truck came in the road. I ran to the kid and pulled him on the side walk, before he could get hurt.

Emily- omg! What are you doing out here by yourself ?
The boy- my babysitter told me to come outside and play by myself.
Emily- who is your babysitter?
The boy- I don't know... someone from the babysitters agency... I used to have a girl named Stacey, I wish I still had her... she actually played with me...
Emily- okay, hold on a second

I grab my phone, and call Kristy.

Kristy- Emily?! Are you okay?! Sam is freaking out cause you won't answer his calls, and he's really sorry for what he said. He's crying in his room, and he can barely breathe...
Emily- Kristy, there is a kid here... he came out of his house, and started playing in the street by himself. He was super close to getting hit by a truck, and we are lucky I was there. Anyway, he said his babysitter was someone from the agency and she told him to play out here by himself. He said that he used to have Stacey as a babysitter, so I was wondering if she somehow had him mom's phone number.
Kristy- uh what's the kids name?
Emily- hey buddy, what's your name?
The boy- Jaime
Kristy- I got it. I'll come over, and I will tell his mom to meet us at her house.
Emily- okay, thank you
Kristy- no problem, see you soon
Emily- yeah, bye
Kristy- bye

I hung up and waited with Jamie until Kristy, and his mom got here. I was also thinking about what she said about Sam. Does he really care that much?

Kristy's POV

Once everyone left the meeting I sat on my bed and thought about other ways to fix our agency problem, when all of a sudden I heard Emily and Sam yelling at each other. They always argue, but this sounds serious. I was listening to what they were saying, and I heard Sam say...

Sam- Well maybe you would have family that cared about you if your mom didn't die!

Then it was quiet. What the hell was he thinking?!
I was deep in my thoughts when I saw Emily run past my room, and Sam following her saying that she couldn't go outside cause it was raining, but that didn't stop her. She ran away outside, not looking back once. Sam ran into his room, soon after Avi and Charlie came out. They came into my room, and we heard Sam close his door.

Kristy- is he okay?
Avi- no
Charlie- he's crying, I really think that he didn't mean what he said
Kristy- yeah, but it was his fault for saying it
Avi- poor Emily though. She feels like she doesn't have people that care about her. If she feels like that, then she probably didn't go back home.
Charlie- she's probably sitting on the side of the curb right now

We were talking about what happened when I got a call from Emily. I answered the call, and told her that Sam was worried and he was really sorry for what he said. Then she started talking about how a boy was on the side of the road and his babysitter told him to sit out there by himself. Then she said he was almost hit by a car, and that his babysitter was someone from the agency. I asked what the boys name was, and she said it was Jamie. She also mentioned that Stacey used to watch him, so we should have his moms number. I looked in our clients book, and we did have his mothers number, so I said bye to Emily, and called his mom, I told her to meet us at her house, and then I told Charlie and Avi that we were going to his house, and they decided to come with. They didn't live to far away, so we grabbed our umbrellas, and walked over to Jamie's house. When we get there we see Emily and the boy sitting on the sidewalk. Before we get to them, the mom pulls up to the driveway and gets out of the car to see Jamie.

His mom- omg Jamie! What are you doing outside with no jacket, or umbrella?!
Emily- hi, you must be his mom?
His mom- yes
Emily- I was walking home, when I saw Jamie outside by himself. He was playing in the middle of the street, and a truck came and almost ran him over. I was able to get him out of the road, but the babysitter you hired was not supervising your child.
His mom- omg, thank you so much, I will call the agency, and make sure that other people hear about this. I will not let them babysit another kid, without actually supervising them. Thank you again
Emily- it was no problem, anything for your child's safety. The babysitters club, has way better sitters, and Jamie told me that Stacey used to watch him. He seems to like her a lot more than this babysitter so maybe you'll consider her coming over to watch him?
His mom- oh I will for sure. Alright I'm gonna go get the irresponsible kid out of my house

As she said, she walked into her house, and a few minutes later, she walked out, with the babysitter.

the sitter- you will regret this
Kristy- omg Emily! You saved his life. And our business!
Emily- as long as he's okay, and this doesn't happen to anymore kids, everything is fine.
Charlie- hey, I know you don't want to talk to him, but Sam is really sorry... he hasn't stopped crying since you left, and I really think he had no idea what had gotten into him
Avi- I don't think any of us thought he would say that... including him
Emily- do you really think I should talk to him...
Kristy- I think you should...
Emily- okay, fine... I will.

Meh, I don't know if this was that good. I would like if y'all gave me feedback on the story, and if you want, to check out my other stories as well. Thank you!!!

1526 words

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