Part 16: Did you guys fight?

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"𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕕𝕠𝕟𝕥 𝕠𝕨𝕟 𝕞𝕖
𝕀𝕞 𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕛𝕦𝕤𝕥
𝕆𝕟𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕚 𝕥𝕠𝕪𝕤
𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕕𝕠𝕟𝕥 𝕠𝕨𝕟 𝕞𝕖
𝔻𝕠𝕟𝕥 𝕤𝕒𝕪 𝕚 𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕘𝕠 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙
𝕆𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕓𝕠𝕪𝕤"

*When Avi and Charlie left*

Avi's POV

I grabbed Charlie's arm and pulled him out of the room. We walked back to my room, and I pushed him inside. I was pretty mad at Charlie because he shouldn't have kept talking about it when Emily was obviously uncomfortable with it.

Avi- Charlie what the hell?!
Charlie- what?! I was trying to help her!
Avi- yeah but I told you she doesn't want to tell anyone!
Charlie- but she needs to get help!!
Avi- Charlie can you shut up for once and listen to what she wants!! She doesn't want to tell anyone!! She's scared cant you see that?!
Charlie- well-
Avi- no! She didn't even want to tell me! I made her tell me, and she wasn't even gonna tell Sam until I made her! That's enough people to know her personal life! She doesn't want a bunch of people to know what's going on, and if she tells someone else she knows it's somehow going to end up on the internet like when this all first started!! I'm going to go check on her and make sure she's ok.. I don't even want to talk to you right now.
Charlie- Avi...

I grabbed some of my stuff and walked to Sam and Emily's room. I knocked on the door but no one answered, so I opened the door and walked in. I looked over at the bed and saw Emily and Sam asleep cuddling. I smiled to myself and sat down on the couch and just played on my phone a bit. I haven't posted on Instagram in a while so I took a picture of Sam and Em and posted it.


Caption~ awww such cuties!Tagged~ #emilywalter #Sam

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Caption~ awww such cuties!
Tagged~ #emilywalter #Sam.Thomas
liked by #charlid'amelio #dylanhartman #louispartridge #jenniferlopez and 2,299,347 more...

user- awww they're so cute
paytonmoormeier- happy she found someone
fan39- #semily 🥺
user- Aw couple goals
milliebobbybrown- awww i need to meet you guys!
avi_lake- ^ ofc!! Dm me! 💜
tiktok room- ooo future meet up 👀
jacksonfelt- ok they're cute ✋🙄

*load more comments*

Meanwhile, I got a lot of calls and texts from Charlie, but I kept ignoring them cause I really didn't want to talk to him right now. All I need him to do is say sorry to Emily, and then we'll be ok. He should have just respected her decision without making a big fuss about it. If I were in her situation I would have done the same thing. Anyway, I heard someone moving on the bed, and it was Emily.

Emily- Av, what are you doing here?
Avi- I'm trying to stay away from Charlie right now...

She sighed and got out of her bed, making sure to tuck Sam back in and kiss him on his forehead. She came over to me and sat down next to me.

Emily- Did you guys fight? Because of me?
Avi- no no no, this isn't your fault... it's just, Charlie can be so stubborn sometimes and he just doesn't listen.
Emily- *chuckle* I've known that for years
Avi- but I try to talk to him. With this I know you don't feel comfortable talking to anyone about this, so I try to tell Charlie, but he explodes and says 'but she has to tell someone' blah blah blah. I'm not surprised you yelled at him
Emily- yeah well I just spent like 15 minutes regretting that, but then I fell asleep so... *laughing*
Avi- *laughing* he's not mad at you though
Emily- thank god
Avi- I think we were all a bit shocked that you yelled like that though. I've never heard you yell
Emily- I don't yell that much. I think Sam's only heard me yell maybe 2 times for the years we've known each other
Avi- you guys were always friends
Emily- yeah...

We heard a knock at the door. Emily went over and opened it and I saw Charlie standing their with two bouquets of flowers. I looked at him confused, and he sighed. He gave Emily one, and then walked over to me and gave me the other.

Charlie- look, can I talk to you both?
Emily- ok...
Avi- I guess...
Charlie- ok, for starters... Em I'm really sorry... I should have respected your decision, and I didn't... I just really wanted to help you because your like a little sister to me. You mean a lot to me, more than you'll ever know, and I just don't want you hurt...
Emily- Charlie I understand... I shouldn't have yelled at you the way I did... so I'm sorry too

Em hugged Charlie and he hugged her back. She rubbed his back and he started crying a bit. She let go of the hug and whipped his tears. She smiled at him and he kissed the top of her head.

Emily- I love you Charlie... ok, nothing will ever change that. No matter what we argue about, I will always love you... siblings fight... every healthy friendship fights, it's normal
Charlie- I love you too baby sis
Emily- I think you should talk to someone else now...

They both looked at me, and Charlie grabbed my hand and pulled me into the hallway.

Charlie- Look Avi, I'm really sorry, I know I should've just listened to you but I didn't an-

I cut him off and kissed him. It isn't the first time we've kissed because we're dating, but this was probably the best so far. He smiled into the kiss and I did too, and then we pulled away.

Avi- all I needed you to do was apologize to Em... that's it
Charlie- so are we ok?
Avi- always...

I hugged him and he hugged me back... I love this boy, I really do.

Emily- Avi!
Avi- uh oh...
Charlie- what?
Avi- my post...
Charlie- oh...
Avi- run!

We both laughed and ran out of the hotel, and to a coffee shop across the street. Well this was a pretty interesting day...

I'm currently making a Louis Partridge story, so let me know if you want to see that. Also comment some ideas for more chapters for me... thanks!

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