Part 10: Kristy's Mad

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"ℍ𝕖𝕪 𝕁𝕦𝕕𝕖
𝔻𝕠𝕟𝕥 𝕞𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝕚𝕥 𝕓𝕒𝕕
𝕋𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝕒 𝕤𝕒𝕕 𝕤𝕠𝕟𝕘, 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕞𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝕚𝕥 𝕓𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣
ℝ𝕖𝕞𝕖𝕞𝕓𝕖𝕣, 𝕥𝕠 𝕝𝕖𝕥 𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕠 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥
𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕔𝕒𝕟 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕥
𝕋𝕠 𝕞𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝕚𝕥 𝕓𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣"

Later that day I found myself cuddling with Sam in his arms. My head was on his chest, and his arms were around my waist. We were currently watching Umbrella Academy, cause why not?, when we got called downstairs for dinner. We went downstairs, and saw Watson with Chinese take-out. We both sat down next to each other and started eating.

Elizabeth- so guys... the reason Watson came over for dinner is cause we have some news
David Michael- what is it?
Elizabeth- well, we've been seeing each other for a while now, and he asked me to marry him

Everyone went silent, and I looked at Sam. He looked at me with wide eyes, and he grabbed my hand from under the table. Nobody said anything, so Charlie decided to speak up.

Charlie- what did you say?
Elizabeth- well I said I wanted have a family conversation, with Avi and Emily cause we consider them apart of the family to, to make sure you guys were ok with it
Kristy- good because I'm not

We all looked at Kristy and Sam squeezed my hand. Charlie looked at Kristy with a 'what the hell are you doing' type look.

Watson- uh
Elizabeth- Kristy
Kristy- I don't feel ok about it, end of discussion, pass the shrimp
Elizabeth- ok Kristy, we're not asking for your permission, we are trying to have a conversation here
Kristy- then why bother to ask me about it at all if your just going to do whatever you want. Why pretend to care?
Elizabeth- ok, well that's not fair at all
Kristy- my whole life, all you've told me is how important it is to be independent and to stand on your own two feet. But then, you except me to kiss the butt of the first rich guy who walks through the door
Elizabeth- ok that's enough. I need you to go to your room
Kristy- he might be able to buy you mom, but he can't buy us
Elizabeth- I said go to your room now!
Kristy- fine!

She slammed on the table and walked up to her room. I looked at Sam and he looked at me shocked. I've never seen Kristy act like that before...

Elizabeth- oh god, I am so sorry you had to see that girls, and Watson
Avi- no it's completely fine
Emily- yeah, she's your daughter it's normal to have fights sometimes
Watson- yeah, just give her a minute to think about it, she'll come through eventually
Elizabeth- I hope so

I lay my head on Sam's shoulder and he kisses my forehead. I squeeze his hand under the table and he rubs my hand with his thumb.

Watson- so, to change the subject, how are you two lovebirds? (Sam and I)

Sam- great
Emily- mhm
Elizabeth- have you said 'I love you' yet?
Sam- umm no. We've said it when we were still just friends, but... it's different now
Emily- it will come when we're ready
Watson- yeah, taking it slow is a good thing, see how everything goes
Sam- yeah
Emily- how about Charlie and Avi? *wink*
Avi- umm
Charlie- ok fine, we're dating
Emily- yay I knew it!
Elizabeth- aww oh my gosh both of my babies have grown up so much now!
Avi- awww Eliza don't cry!
Elizabeth- Im sorry, I can't hold it in anymore
Emily- aww you're gonna make me cry
Sam- baby, please don't cry!
everyone- *gasp* did you just call her 'baby'?!
Sam- uhhh
Emily- awww bubba, you're so cute!
Sam- you're cuter
Elizabeth- aww and to think you two have known each other since you were so little!
Sam- umm mom remember when I told you I met Em, I said that I met her when she sat down in her seat in class and I told her my name and everything?
Elizabeth- yeah
Sam- that's not actually how we meet...
Elizabeth- huh, I don't follow
Charlie- when she was introduced to the class, the teacher told her to say her name but she was super shy and just stood there, Sam went up to her and grabbed her hand, and told her everything would be ok
Elizabeth- awww why didn't you tell me
Sam- I thought it was embarrassing, and I didn't need you asking me if I liked her 24/7
Elizabeth- Sam, I asked you that anyway
Sam- I know, but that was after I told you the other story
Elizabeth- I guess so
Emily- he didn't even tell me he told you that so...
Charlie- damn, already keeping secrets
Sam- Charlie shut up!
Elizabeth- boys
Watson- so Avi, how is acting?
Avi- good, I'm not really doing anything at the moment, but I have a few auditions soon. Also Emily, there is a role in a Brats show I think you'll be perfect for
Emily- eh I don't know, acting's not my thing
Avi- oh come on please! I'll be in to, we'll do it together!
Emily- I guess, when do I have to audition for it though?
Avi- in 3 weeks, in LA we'll be there for a week, and then if we get it, we'll be back in LA for 3 months
Emily- that's a long time to be in LA...
Avi- I know, but we're both allowed to bring someone with, not including my parents that will be there with us. You can bring Sam, and I can bring Charlie
Emily- ok, fine, as long as Sam comes with
Sam- I'll be there
Avi- yes! Also, Eliza and Watson, you're both welcome to come with as well, but you would probably have to bring Kristy and David Michael if you did, not that it's a problem but I think you know what I mean
Watson- we'll see, thanks for the offer
Avi- of course, just let me know!

We all stood up and cleaned off the table, and did the dishes. Avi and I decided to go check on Kristy cause she might need someone to talk to. We walk over to Kristy's room, and knock on her door.

Kristy- *sniff* come in
Avi- hey Kris
Emily- hey, why are you crying?
Kristy- it's nothing
Avi- I don't think it's nothing
Emily- yeah, you never cry Kristy, this has to be something important...
Kristy- it's just that my mom expects me to like Watson like he's my new dad. He will never be anything like my dad, and if he is he might as well leave now before he decides to later
Emily- Aw baby, this is because of your dad?
Kristy- yeah, everyone's dad seems to care about them. Avi your dad is going to LA with you
Avi- yeah he is, but not all dads are the best. Emily's dad isn't with her right now is he?
Kristy- no...
Emily- no, because he's an asshole, and an idiot, just like your dad, for leaving such amazing kids like you and your brothers, ok?
Avi- we care about you Kristy, it might seem like sometimes you don't have anyone in this world to talk to, but no matter what, you will always have us
Emily- even if we aren't physically here, we're always only one call away
Kristy- thanks you guys
Avi- of course Kristy
Emily- I love you girls ok? We will always be here for each other
Kristy- no matter what

We all stand up from Kristy's bed and group hug. Avi and I then leave Kristy to give her some alone time. Avi goes to Charlie's room, and I go to my own to do my nighttime routine before bed. While I'm taking my makeup off in the bathroom that's in my room, Sam comes in and hugs me from behind.

Sam- you were great with my sister
Emily- really?
Sam- yeah, I'm not good with that kind of stuff, especially because I'm a boy, and she's my sister, but I know that just by Kristy knowing she has you and Avi with her, she'll be ok...
Emily- yeah, I just want her to know that I'm always here for her, even if it has to do with you or Charlie, I'm always here to help her
Sam- now why would you help her with a problem she has with me?
Emily- uh, because your a boy and girls always come first in my book
Sam- what about boyfriends?
Emily- girls are always first, my love
Sam- now that's just mean
Emily- well that sounds like a you problem
Sam- hey!
Emily- *mocking Sam* hey!

He picks me up and throws me on the bed and starts kissing me all over my face, but not my lips. I kept laughing, and the he eventually stopped.

Emily- hey you missed a spot *pouting*
Sam- oh, don't be such a baby

He kisses my pouting lips and I smile into the kiss. He does to, and then we pull away. I get up and grab my clothes to change and go into my bathroom. I changed into a pair of grey sweatpants and one of Sam's hoodies, cause why not. I walk out of the bathroom and Sam looks me up and down.

Sam- I love it when you wear my clothes
Emily- and I love wearing your clothes
Sam- and I love you
Emily- *shocked* w-what?
Sam- I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that-

I cut him off by kissing him. He kissed me back and it lasted a few minutes. I pulled away from the kiss, but our foreheads were still pressed against each other's.

Emily- I love you too...
Sam- let's get some sleep...
Emily- ok, love

I turned the lights off in my room, and lied down in the bed with Sam. I cuddled up to his chest, and he played with my hair. A few minutes later I fell asleep cuddling the love of my life...

𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙰𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜~           𝚂𝚊𝚖 𝚃𝚑𝚘𝚖𝚊𝚜Where stories live. Discover now