Part 3: Telling the truth about... you know who...

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I walked back to the Thomas house with Kristy, Avi and Charlie. I agreed with Charlie that I should probably talk to Sam... So once we got to their house, we got to the door, and the others gave me an encouraging smile. We opened the door, and as soon as it opened, I was greeted with none other, than Sam Thomas. He looked at me, with red puffy eyes, telling me that he had been crying for a while. I think he noticed that I was wet and shivering, so he ran upstairs and grabbed some of his clothes, and a towel to help warm me up. And obviously to get out of these wet clothes. He handed them to me, and our hands brushed against each other when I grabbed them from him.

Emily- thanks...
Sam- yeah... umm they might be big on you, but it isn't like you haven't worn my clothes before so...

He was talking about the hoodie and sweatpants he gave me. I have stolen plenty of his clothes before, and some of the time I don't return what I take. I return some of them though, because if my father saw that I had a boys clothes in my room he might freak out, and.... well, you know. Anyway, I went into the bathroom, and changed into Sam's clothes, which were so comfortable if I may add. I walk out of the bathroom, and I see everyone talking about something. I walked over to them, and I looked at Sam.

Emily- hey... can we... um, talk?
Sam- uh yeah, yeah okay

We walked to his room and I closed the door behind us, after we entered. We both sat on his bed, and I looked at him.

Sam- Em, I'm so sorry... I didn't mean what I said. I know it's no excuse, because I shouldn't have even had the nerve to say it, but I really hope you can forgive me. I won't be mad if you won't, cause I understand, but your my best friend, and I can't live without you...
Emily- Sam... I forgive you... I know you didn't mean it... your my best friend too, and I don't think that I could live without you either.
Sam- really?!
Emily- yeah...
Sam- omg! I thought you were going to hate me forever
Emily- I could never hate you Sam. Even if I really wanted to

We both laugh a little, and he hugs me. I hug him back and cry into his shoulder a bit. I don't think he realized that I was crying, but then he eventually felt his shirt get wet where my head was, and he pulled away and looked at me.

Sam- hey hey hey, why are you crying?
Emily- I don't know what I'd do without you...
Sam- is there something I don't know about? Like... with your dad?
Emily- ...
Sam- Emily you need to tell me
Emily- I don't think I can...
Sam- why Em? We always told each other everything
Emily- everything but this...
Sam- ...does this have to do with when you said 'ow' while I was tickling you?
Emily- um...
Sam- Emily! Is he hurting you?!
Charlie- is who hurting her?
Sam- her dad!
Avi- what?!
Kristy- Emily!
Sam- come on, we are talking to my mom
Emily- what? No, I can't do that, I'll get hurt even more if my dad finds out I told you
Sam- Em... I understand you are scared, but we need to get you help. We can call child protection services, and they can help get you out of that house, and put your father in jail
Charlie- Sam's right Emily
Avi- we need to get you help...
Emily- can we talk to your mom first... and then decide what we are going to do?
Sam- yeah, of course we can. Come on

We slowly walk down the stairs and to the kitchen where Elizabeth was putting away the groceries. I was hoping that I wouldn't have to talk that much, and that someone else would do it for me, but I will probably have to say something.

Sam- mom...
Elizabeth- oh, hey kiddos! What's up?
Charlie- um, we have to talk to you
Elizabeth- okay, go ahead
Sam- Em...
Emily- I can't do it...

He grabs my hand and squeezes it. I look at him and he looks at me with a reassuring smile. I think he got the hint that I didn't want to say it, so he looked at his mom and started talking to her.

Sam- Emily... is um... getting abused by her... father
Elizabeth- What?! Sam if this is your idea of a sick joke
Charlie- mom, it isn't. He's telling the truth
Elizabeth- for how long has this been going on?
Sam- I don't even know that...
Emily- since my mom died... when I was 10
Elizabeth- Emily that was 6 years ago! Your 16!
Emily- I know...
Charlie- can we get her some help...
Elizabeth- yes, I'm not letting anyone hurt you like that. But the girls are coming over again, because apparently something had happened with the club, so they need to talk.
Avi- okay... so after?
Elizabeth- yeah, you need help Em, you can't live like this until your able to move out...
Claudia- move out? need help? What's going on?
Emily- um
Avi- it's up to Emily if she wants to tell you, for right now, we need to talk.

We walk to Kristy's room, and she pulls out her laptop. She opens her email and opens one labeled Revenge for BSC. She opened it and there were 2 links. She clicked the first one, and it was a video of Stacey... she looked like she was having a seizure.

Kristy- Stacey what is this?
Stacey- I-I umm
Emily- you have diabetes?
Stacey- h-how do you know?
Emily- your not the only one with diabetes you know
Claudia- you have diabetes?!
Emily- what? No, I mean in general. This happened to my cousin and a week later the doctor told us he had diabetes
Kristy- ohhh. But how are we supposed to tell people about this?
Mary-Anne- I don't know... but we got a second link. What is it?
Kristy- I don't know, I'll open it

She goes to the second link and opens it. Inside it is another video, that looks to be filmed in front of my house?

Sam- isn't that your house Em?
Emily- um yeah...
Kristy- okay?

Once she starts the video you could hear distant screaming within the house. I look at Sam, and start tearing up. Whoever was filming the video walked closer to the house, and looked through the window. You could see my father, screaming at me. Within a few seconds you could see me start crying and he hits me, repeatedly, until he eventually starts punching me until I pass out. They all look at the laptop screen with wide eyes. I start crying, and I walk away, and sit in Sam's room. I lean against the wall and slide down it crying. I curl up in a ball and put my hands on my face. I keep crying, and I try to calm down, but it won't work, and it just keeps getting worse. Soon enough I realize what's happening... panic attack. I keep sobbing and soon after I can't breathe. The others must have realized something was happening because they all came running in and Sam saw me on the floor. He ran up to me and tried to comfort me but it wasn't working. He picked me up bridal style, and sat me on his lap on the bed, and started hugging me. He had one arm around my waist, and his other hand, rested on my head while playing with my hair.

Sam- shhh it's okay, we're gonna help you alright
Avi- Emily...
Charlie- she'll be okay....
Kristy- it's ok Em, just breathe...
Emily- I-I c-an-t
Sam- shhh yes you can... just breathe in and out... here, count my fingers ok?
Emily- o-one tw-o thr-ee four f-ive six se-ven ei-ght nine ten
Sam- shh there you go cupcake, it's ok...
Elizabeth- guys? What's going on?
Kristy- mom come with me.. I have to show you something
Elizabeth- okay

Kristy takes Elizabeth out of the room to, I'm assuming, show her the video. I cry into Sam's chest while I start to breathe more until my breathing is steady for the most part.

Stacey- Emily... was that your father?
Emily- mhm
Claudia- omg I'm so sorry...
Emily- it's not your fault...
Elizabeth- okay, I'm going to call child protection services. I will make sure they know about your case, and we will get you your clothes and stuff once it's safe to go back to your house. For now, you can borrow some of Kristy's or Sam's, and you will live with us, no matter what
Emily- ok...
Elizabeth- alright I'm going to go do that. I'll be back
Mary-Anne- why didn't you tell anyone?
Emily- I couldn't...
Sam- she ended up telling a couple of us earlier, but it's already been happening for a while.
Charlie- guys, she doesn't have to tell us anything if she doesn't want to. For now, are you okay Emily?
Emily- I guess...

Sam kisses my forehead while rubbing my back and playing with my hair. I love when he does this with me... Wait, What?!

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