Part 23: A break.

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Sam grabbed my hand in his, and we all went back to the main room where the reception was being held. We found Elizabeth and the BSC girls sitting at a table.

Emily- hey guys
Stacey- oh my god, you're okay!!
Emily- *chuckle* yeah
Claudia- thank god, I was so scared
Dawn- I was about to cry
Avi- well, Sam was crying
Sam- hey! Don't expose me like that!
Elizabeth- *laughing* well at least you're ok
Emily- I guess the lyrics really got to me, they're really relatable
Charlie- well, enough of that sad stuff-
Avi- eeeee omg look at this!

*plays video*

Elizabeth- *gasp* you're my future daughter in-law
Sam- what is everyone with marriage, I didn't propose to her, I gave her a promise ring
Mary Anne- omg, let's see the ring

I showed them the ring and they all 'awed'. I laughed and held Sam's hand. We all talked a bit until Elizabeth and Watson went to go cut the cake. We all walked over and watched them cut the cake, and might I tell you it was adorable. The girls and I talked a bit, and then Stacey and Claudia frowned.

Claudia- I wish Trevor were here
Stacey- I miss Toby, he's probably a really good dancer too
Emily- ugh, you guys want to dance, my feet are killing me
Sam- hey beautiful, want to dance?
Emily- sure
Kristy- huh, what happened to 'my feet are killing me'?
Emily- oh Kristy, don't be such a baby

She laughs as Sam and I walk out on the dance floor next to Elizabeth and Watson. I turn to him and he looks embarrassed.

Emily- *laughs* what's the matter?
Sam- ok, I've never really danced with someone like this...
Emily- ohhh I see. Here

I take his arms and wrap them around my waist, and then I put my arms over his shoulders.

Emily- there you go!
Sam- *chuckle* today was amazing... minus that one part
Emily- *laugh* yeah, it really was...
Sam- did I tell you that you look really pretty?
Emily- you sure did!
Sam- well, you always look pretty. Even when you're *sigh* I don't know, sleeping or when you're sick
Emily- oh shut up, I look like complete shit when I'm sick
Sam- no you don't! And by the way, when you're sick please tell me, I love babying you
Emily- ok, now I won't
Sam- come on please!
Emily- *laugh* fine, fine.
Sam- yay!
Emily- ugh, stop being so cute!
Sam- that's all you, babygirl
Emily- *sigh* I've been thinking...
Sam- that's not good
Emily- hey!
Sam- okay, I'm sorry. Please continue
Emily- anyway, I think I need a break

I look at Sam and his face immediately drops. He takes his arms off my waist, causing me to take my arms off his shoulders.

Sam- *tears up* l-like we break up?
Emily- what?! No, no! You silly head, I would never want to break up with you!
Sam- *sigh* oh thank god. But what do you mean?

He put his hands back on my waist and I put my arms back on his shoulders.

Emily- like... we don't post for a while... maybe even after LA, we can go somewhere? Just the two of us
Sam- hm, I'm in. But where?
Emily- well, we have a bit to decide, but I was thinking, maybe Hawaii, or Miami
Sam- or Orlando and we can go to Disney World and Universal
Emily- that would be fun
Sam- so I think it's Orlando
Emily- mhm. You don't know how much I love you
Sam- I love you way more
Emily- not possible...
Sam- mhm

He lightly kisses me and then kisses my nose. He pulls me into a hug, still swaying us back and forth. He whispers in my ear.

Sam- i love you more
Emily- you're not gonna give up are you?
Sam- nope
Emily- ugh, ok fine
Sam- nope, I need to hear it
Emily- *sigh* fine. Sam Thomas loves me more
Sam- there we go

𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙰𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜~           𝚂𝚊𝚖 𝚃𝚑𝚘𝚖𝚊𝚜Where stories live. Discover now