Part 4: Social Media

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A/n Okay, so I thought a little, and I realized that Riley Hubatka kind of looked too old to be 16, so I thought I'd make Emily, Lauren Orlando like I do with my other stories. Cause first off she's super pretty, and she looks age relatable I would think. This is her if you don't know who I'm talking about...

 This is her if you don't know who I'm talking about

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So yeah, now let's get on with the story.

"𝕎𝕖 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕞𝕡𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤
𝕄𝕪 𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕
𝕎𝕖'𝕝𝕝 𝕜𝕖𝕖𝕡 𝕠𝕟 𝕗𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘
'𝕥𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕖𝕟𝕕"

Kristy- okay, what are we going to do about the videos, they are going to be posted all over social media
Claudia- too late, it already has

She showed us a the post with the videos in it. It was titled 'Is this who you want Babysitting your children' Then all of a sudden my phone starts blowing up with texts from friends and other celebrities.

Payton Moormeier
Emily are you okay?! Have you seen social media?!

Charli D'amelio
Emily what's going on?!

Addison Rae
Emily have you seen insta?!

Billie Eilish
Umm have you seen social media?

Chase Hudson
Have you seen social media?! Emily are you alright?!

I messaged them all back saying I'm fine and that I saw the post. They all told me I shouldn't be staying with my father, so of course I told them I'm staying with my friends.

Charlie- I emailed Instagram, they are gonna take the video down
Stacey- thank god
Avi- it's too late though, it's gonna end up on every social media...
Emily- I'm gonna deactivate my accounts for a while
Sam- but what about your album?
Emily- it will still go up. It's going out in a few days anyway.
Claudia- ok, I'm not gonna lie, I'm super excited for your album to come out!
Kristy- okay, me too, but we have to figure out how we are going to fix this.
Stacey- well I guess the only way is to tell everyone...

*2 days later*

Emily- omg I'm so nervous
Stacey- me too. But we are doing this together
Emily- yeah, together
Kristy- alright you guys can go now
Stacey- *sigh* let's go
Emily- um, hey guys. I'm Emily Walter, and this is my friend Stacey McGill
Stacey- and we wanted to talk to all of you over some things that were sent around on social media. I'll start, in the video you can see me going into shock, this is because I have diabetes. It's type one, so there is no cure. This doesn't effect anything with the care of your children, it's something that I closely monitor, as well as my family and close friends, when needed. So yeah that's all I gotta say...
person- how do we know this won't happen while you are watching the kids?
person- yeah, I don't this to happen and one, you don't get any help, and two my child won't be watched
Charlotte's mom- um hey, I'm Charlottes mom, Stacey has watched Charlotte a few times, and Stacey may not know it, but I quickly realized she had diabetes. I've seen her take care of it while watching Charlotte, and Charlotte loves her. She's always asking when she's coming back and when she's gonna bring the kid kit.
Kristy- which we bring with us to every job to help entertain kids.
person- but what about Emily?
Emily- umm *sigh* okay, my mom died in a car crash when I was younger... and let's just say my father flipped. He turned abusive... and did things like what you saw in the video. I understand that you don't want someone taking care of your children, thinking that they will end up the same way they were treated, but I'm not that kind of person. I, unlike Stacey, haven't taken care of any of your children before, so I have no proof of this. I've thought about it, and if you want me to resign, for the safety of your children, I will.
Sam- bubba...
Kristy- Emily no...
Elizabeth- that won't be necessary. I called CPS (child protection services) they are taking care of Emily's case. She won't be living with her father anymore and he will be going to jail for what he has done to Emily. Emily is an amazing girl. Sam and her have been best friends for years, and she has never once been disrespectful to my family, or any others. And my youngest son, David Michael loves her, he always asks when she's coming over, and when she's gonna play with him
person- she looks like a sweet girl. And she does seem to be really respectful, and a very responsible kid for her age...
person- yeah, I agree. I think she should stay, and Stacey
Everyone- yeah
Kristy- Looks like you're staying!
Mary-Anne- you did it!
Stacey, Emily- we know, we know!

We all group hug. Then I turn to look at Sam, and he is smiling at me, with his goofy smile. I walk over to him and hug him. He hugs me back and kisses my forehead.

Sam- you did great cupcake
Emily- couldn't have done it without you

We let go and Sam looks at me in the eyes. I look back into his, and that's when I realize... I'm in love with Sam Thomas...

*later that day*

Elizabeth- Alright Em, we gotta go to your house and get your stuff. Your dad isn't home, he's at the police station right now
Emily- okay, can Sam come with?
Elizabeth- yeah, I'm going to drop the both of you off with a few suitcases to get your stuff, then I'll pick the both of you up when you're ready to come home.
Emily- okay, thank you
Elizabeth- of course sweetheart. Now go get Sam, I'll wait in the car
Emily- ok

I run up the stairs and go into Sam's room.

Emily- hey, we're going to my house to get my stuff
Sam- is your dad there?
Emily- no, he's at the police station, and they called your moms so we could go get my stuff
Sam- okay, let's go then

We walk downstairs and get into Elizabeth's car. We both decided to sit in the back,  and just talk with each other.

Sam- so how are you with all of this?
Emily- I'm okay, I guess. It's just a lot... the only other family I will have left are my older cousins...
Sam- Ben and Max?
Emily- yeah... not that that's a problem, they are really nice and I love them, but it's hard when your mom is dead, and your dad is in jail...
Sam- yeah I get it... I mean, I have my mom, obviously, but I don't have my dad so...
Emily- yeah. So speaking of dads, how is everything going with Watson?
Sam- eh, he's nice and he cares about my mom. I like him I guess, and Charlie does to, but Kristy? Not so much. I think he might be trying too hard to please her though
Emily- I mean he seems nice...
Elizabeth- alright kiddos, we're here. Em there are suitcases in the back, and Sam will help you get them out of the car, and up to your room.
Emily- okay, thanks Ms. Thomas
Elizabeth- oh sweetie we've discussed this, call me Eliza
Emily- *giggle* okay

Sam and I hop out of the car, and get the suitcases from the trunk (or boot of the car, whatever you call it) of Elizabeth's car. We walk up to the front door and wave goodbye to Elizabeth.

Emily- well, you've always wanted to go in my house, you ready to see it?
Sam- yeah
Emily- alright, fair warning, expect there to beer alcohol and stuff like that in there... not in my room or my bathroom obviously but everywhere else...
Sam- ok...

I take a deep breath and open the door to my house. I walk inside, and just as expected, there were beer bottles everywhere. I look at Sam and he looks shocked. But I couldn't tell him I didn't tell him so. I grab his hand and we walk to my room which is all the way upstairs. My room is the only place within the whole house that is clean.

Sam- wow nice room
Emily- yeah, I tried to keep it clean, so it didn't look like the rest of the house
Sam- well you did a good job at that
Emily- yeah
Sam- well let's get started, shall we?
Emily- *giggle* we shall

We both grabbed a suitcase and opened my closet. He started getting my shirts and putting them into a suitcase, while I got shorts, pants, and everything else. That itself would take a while, so I decided to strike some conversation.

Emily- Watson has kids of his own right?
Sam- yeah he has two, Karen and Andrew
Emily- and how are they?
Sam- well, Andrew's a nice kid, but Karen is a little, weird
Emily- how so?
Sam- well she has really old creepy looking dolls, and she's into all the spirituality kind of stuff I guess. I don't know, I also heard her say that her neighbor is a witch or something
Emily- hm that is kinda weird...
Sam- yeah, but I don't really mind

We talked for a few minutes more, until someone FaceTimed me...

Incoming FaceTime call from

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Emily- hey Payton!
Payton- hey Em, how are you?
Emily- I'm better, thank you. How are you doing? Any new music in the making?
Payton- *chuckle* well I'm good, thanks, and yes I do have music in the making right now
Emily- oooo that sounds fun
Payton- yeah it comes out sometime early next month, I can't tell you the exact date though.
Emily- awww come on please?
Payton- nope. Where are you?
Emily- I'm at my house-
Payton- Emily I thought you said you weren't staying there
Emily- I'm not. My father isn't here right now, and I'm with Sam getting my stuff so I can bring it to his house
Payton- oh okay, hey Sam
Sam- hey
Payton- I've heard a lot about you... *smirk*
Emily- Payton!
Sam- haha good things I hope
Emily- why would I say something bad about you?
Sam- I don't know

How could I say something bad about you when your perfect?...

𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙰𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜~           𝚂𝚊𝚖 𝚃𝚑𝚘𝚖𝚊𝚜Where stories live. Discover now