Into Thin Air

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Newt sits alone, staring out at the desolate desert before him. He's hidden from view, sheltered by a craggy outcropping, but the protection does little to settle the turmoil of thoughts lurking inside his head. The sound of footsteps approaches behind him, but Newt doesn't have to turn his head to recognize his friend.

Minho stoops and sits down a few feet away. Newt glances at him. It's strange- all of Newt's memories of his life before the Maze have been stripped away, leaving behind only his time trapped within those walls. Minho is his best friend, but Newt can't help but wonder if he had other friends, before all of this started. Before he was imprisoned in the Maze, before they escaped WICKED and stuck themselves in the desert. Did he have friends before that? Would it really matter if he did, anyway? If they're not dead by now, they will be soon.

But he has Minho, and that's enough. Minho's been his friend for a long time. Newt hasn't really known anyone for that long, or grown that close, except maybe Alby. Even the thought of the guy makes Newt's throat burn. He'd known the guy forever, even been his second in command for all that time in the Maze. Newt can still picture Alby's face in the back of his mind, that look of determination just before the Griever snatched him away. They've lost so many people. Alby, and Chuck, and Winston, and-

Newt can't quite bring himself to finish the sentence.

Distantly, Newt realizes that Minho is still there, and staring out over the same horizon Newt had been studying a few minutes ago. At last, the other boy speaks. "We're going to find her, you know? There's no way we won't." Newt sighs. "We don't know if she's out there anymore. Or if she's even somewhere we can find."

Minho shakes his head, resolute. "She has to be somewhere. They wouldn't take her just to kill her when nobody is watching." Newt opens his mouth to argue, but Minho holds up a hand and continues speaking. "WICKED had to have taken her. She would never have left any of us, and definitely not you. Besides, we went to sleep with her right next to us, and woke up to her gone. No footprints, no tracks, no nothing. If she had left on her own accord, we would have seen a trail leading away, but there was just blank sand. It's like she never even existed. Does that sound like some girl who's sick of us and wanted to leave, or like WICKED wanted to send a message?"

Newt's heard Minho's attempt to soothe his worries a couple of times now, but he still plays along. "What message would WICKED want to send instead of just taking all of us? If they have the ability to get her, what's stopping them from completing the job and getting all of us back?" Minho jabs a finger in the air, ready to prove his point. "They want to scare us, make us think that WICKED's way more powerful than we'll ever be. If they pick us off one by one, they're hoping that we'll come back to them easily instead of them having to chase us down. Less damage to the subjects if they return of their own free will, right?"

Newt chuckles quietly. "If they were interested in keeping their subjects in the best condition they wouldn't have put us through the bloody Maze in the first place. They would have stuck to inkblots and blood tests like any other reasonable doctor." Minho grins. "Hey, who said they were reasonable? They just don't want us killed off before they get the chance to do it themselves."

In spite of himself, Newt feels a smile growing on his face. "Alright, alright. I'll stop moping. Are we heading out soon?" Minho stands, clapping his friend on the back as he leaves the outcropping. "In a few minutes. Thomas thinks the Right Arm reinforcements should be in the mountains just a mile or so down. We're almost there."

The Right Arm. Thomas seems convinced that the people of the Right Arm can help them, and save the Gladers from inevitable deaths at the hands of WICKED. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense- use a shadowy, mysterious organization to escape another mysterious organization? At least the Right Arm isn't known for running death tests on teenagers. That's already a bonus.

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