wckd is good (part two)

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Running has always been easier than staying to face the truth. As you swing back through the dark city, you hear Newt's words echoing in your head with every snap of web hitting concrete and glass. It is foolish to let one conversation shatter your entire worldview, but even running can't convince your mind to settle back the way it had been. Newt has done his part well.

Worst of all, you think he was right about you, about everything. Usually, when the moon hangs low over the city such that its glow can be hidden by the shadows of the skyscrapers around you, your worst fears about this city seem like they couldn't be more true. On nights like these, you always see a monster lurking in the face of every man, the darkness bleeding from every eye. Now, though, in every face you see only a blond boy grinning back at you. If the worst monster you've seen lately was just a kid like you, what does that say about every creature you've killed in the name of preserving the peace? What does that say about you?

You don't get into any more confrontations that night, electing instead to perch on the edge of a dark roof and watch the lights of the cars go by far below you. Your shift ends, but you only return to WCKD headquarters when you're certain no one else will be there. A few rooms have lights on, but you avoid them as best you can. There is no one you want to see right now. No, not true— there is one person you want to see, but if he's in WCKD's clutches, it's all over.

Sleep comes fitfully that night, as it has every night before that and will every night again. You see Newt reaching out a hand to you, smiling easily, but then his jaw ripples and the monster's awful fangs come out again, distorting his charm into something terrible. You wake up screaming; for you or for him, you can't be sure.

Even more restless than usual that morning, you decide to go on a walk to clear your head. Normally, walking around in the bright sunshine, seeing the smiling families, the upturned faces, all serves to lift your mood. A strong city is a happy city; this is why you do it, remember? You protect these people, all of them. It's worth every sacrifice.

Turning down another street, though, your spirits refuse to lift. How many more people would be here if you hadn't been in charge of taking them out? How many times did you get it wrong? How many Albys do there have to be before you realize that you can't make judgment calls on someone's life?

Lost in thought, your guard slips unconsciously. You don't notice the hand snaking out to grab your arm until someone's already pulled you under a shadowy overhang. Immediately, you're on high alert, grabbing a knife from your belt to press against their throat, but your attacker just laughs. It is this sound and this sound alone, that call like the high-pitched ring of a bell, that stops you from slitting his throat.

"You shouldn't have done that, Newt," you warn him as you pull your knife away from his neck.

For someone who's life almost ended, he seems remarkably unaffected by your words. "It's lovely to see you, too. Didn't realize you remembered my name."

You roll your eyes. "It's my job to know things. Don't take it personally."

"Yes, Y/N, because it would be terrible to not be as affectionate as you," Newt muses. "Forgive me for wanting to be friendly."

"Being friendly gets you killed." You remark plainly. "So does trying to sneak up on an assassin. Don't let that happen again."

You turn away and walk back onto the sidewalk. Newt, however, just joins you without a heartbeat's delay. "It's not up to me whether this happens again. I think you wanted to see me a little more than you care to admit."

You shoot him an angry look, but Newt remains resolutely cheerful. "You have no idea what you're talking about."

"Don't I?" Newt asks. Without giving you a chance to interject, he carried on blithely, "Or maybe you're right. Here, I'll give you a chance to prove it. I'm meeting up with some friends tonight to discuss our favorite enemy. If you don't want any of this, feel free to stay away. Or don't."

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