Never Trust Your Friends

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If he were smart, Newt would not be staring. He would be focused on his friends, on the bubble of chatter surrounding him. He would most certainly not be staring at the girl and boy across the Glade who stand together, speaking in hushed tones. They're leaning against a wall of the Homestead, exchanging words as their eyes cut across the Glade, lingering on different people. Alby gestures towards the scraggly woods of the Deadheads and says something, Y/N nods and counters his point. But Newt doesn't know any of this, because he is decidedly not looking at them. Not at all.

There's a laugh from behind him, and Newt belatedly turns to see Minho striding up next to him. "If you spend any more time focusing at Y/N instead of your food, Frypan's going to burst into tears." Newt glares at his friend. "I don't know what you're talking about." Minho just grins. "I'm sure you don't. Are you obsessed with Alby instead? Is that why you keep looking over at them?" Newt shoves Minho, but the dark-haired boy just laughs harder.

Maybe Newt's not exactly being subtle. Yet even after Minho walks away, still chuckling quietly to himself, Newt's gaze flickers back to Y/N and Alby. Their heads are bowed in conversation as they talk over every aspect of life in the Glade. Alby's first in command and Y/N is second, and between the two of them, they've managed to make life here in the Maze make sense. At least, as well as you can when you're a group of teenagers living in a giant bugging labyrinth.

Alby was the first one to show up in the Glade. Newt can't even begin to imagine what it must have been like to arrive in the Box, utterly alone except for the shrieks of the Grievers at night. Y/N came up next, and the two of them had to figure out how to survive with no one else around. They don't trust anyone as well as they trust each other, although that's no surprise. They had each other's backs when nothing made sense, and their friendship has only grown as more and more people arrived at the Glade.

Some days, Newt wonders if he could have been able to do the same- show up in the Glade with only one other person and not lose his bloody mind. No matter how hard it was, how many times they came close to giving in, Y/N and Alby still managed to set up the Glade and all of its rules, which have lasted the months until now. Newt came up a couple months after them, and he's been able to watch as Y/N and Alby shape the very lifestyle of the Glade.

Somehow, it doesn't surprise Newt that Y/N and Alby were the first ones sent up through the Box. He doubts anyone else could have managed the daunting task of running the Glade and keeping everyone in line. Newt can still see them now, where they always meet at the end of the day to run through everything that happened and make mental checklists of what needs to be accomplished tomorrow. Newt is lucky he's a runner- all he has to do is keep moving. Y/N and Alby have to consider the wellbeing of every single one of these poor shanks, and Newt just wears holes in his trainers alongside Minho.

Newt stands up, stretching. He hands his empty plate to Frypan, heading back towards the Map Room to make sure the day's run has been properly catalogued. Just before he disappears into the only half-completed wooden hut, Newt glances over his shoulder one last time. A slight smile appears on his face when he sees Y/N. Of all the Gladers, she might just be his favorite.

You're considering a tomato plant in front of you when you first see them. Today, you've been directed to work with the track-hoes: some slinthead was fool enough to mess with the builders and now he's spending the day under the watchful gaze of the Med-jacks. There are barely enough track-hoes as it is, so you'll be filling in the spot until the guy heals sufficiently to garden once more. That's the role of a second-in-command, you suppose, doing whatever needs to be done.

The tomato plant in question is finally ripe. You've been eyeing it for a couple of days now, and you think it looks good. You reach for a makeshift basket, propping it up on your hip while you pluck the crimson red vegetables (or is it fruits?) from the stem. A sudden movement beyond the rows of plants distracts you, and you look up to see the figures of two boys running through the Glade, having just left the towering walls of the Maze behind them. Newt and Minho, done with their day's work as Runners.

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