Good For Now, Good Forever

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based on a request for platonic newt x lesbian reader (also i apologize for the dialogue at the end i got the idea at like ten pm last night and it was not my finest hour)

You are halfway across the Glade when you see it coming. It's the worst fear of many a Glader, certainly worth a quick dash to the Deadheads or anything to avoid such a fate. The situation in question: Chuck walking towards you, and by the looks of it, he's got enough conversation to last the better part of an hour.

You like Chuck, you really do. He's a good kid. However, when it comes to talking someone's ear off, Chuck's the reigning king. You were planning on getting some stuff done today, but it looks like that's not going to be happening; he's already upon you, and you can run no longer.

Chuck bounds up to you with a delighted grin. "Y/N! How's it going?"

You bring out your best attempt at a smile, although it's wearing at you already. "Just great, Chuck. Never been better."

Chuck nods solemnly. "Same here. Hey, do you know where I can find Newt? I really have to tell him something."

You're so caught up in the euphoria of realizing that you might not get stuck with this kid for an hour that you almost miss seeing Newt across the Glade. He waves a hand frantically across his throat, begging for an escape. You decide to give it to him.

"You know what, Chuck, I haven't seen Newt in a while. How about you go tell your super-secret news to Alby instead? I know he'd just love to hear it."

Chuck's eyes clear. "Actually, that's a great idea. Thanks, Y/N."

Your smile is a little too wide, but the kid doesn't notice it. "Any time."

You watch as Chuck sprints off, then head over to where Newt's doing his best to hide behind a nearby sapling. "You can come out now, you know. Chuck's long gone."

Newt breathes a sigh of relief. "You're the best. Look, I think Chuck's bloody fantastic, but I'm at my limit right now, honestly."

You grin at that. "Understandable. Judging by the contents of his right fist, he was about to show you a worm he found, but I can see why you'd want to miss out on that."

Newt groans. "Why would he show me a worm if I'm literally a Track-Hoe? I see worms every day."

You laugh as you start walking back through the center of the Glade, Newt at your side. "Ah, but this one would be different. It would be Chuck's."

Newt snorts. "I should have known. Do you want to stop by the Med-Jack hut to drop off your stuff? I have a feeling the Box is going to come up at any minute."

You glance down at the roll of bandages and small container of antibiotics in your hands. "Yeah, that sounds great. One of the Builders managed to impale himself with a rusty iron nail again, and Gally called me over. I swear, the guys can't figure out how to use a hammer without getting drastically injured in the process."

The wind is brisk, catching on your clothes as you walk. Newt grimaces.

"I'd never talk bad about the Builders, but if I did, I'd say that I don't think they physically have enough braincells to figure out swinging a hammer and not hitting themselves at the same time."

You laugh at Newt's words. "And I would definitely never agree with you if you did say something like that. Which you didn't."

You've scarcely passed by the Med-Jack Hut long enough to drop off your supplies before the Greenie Alarm starts blaring throughout the Glade. You and Newt turn towards the Box with equal sighs, ready for the drama of yet another newbie.

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