What You See

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Modern AU

There is a boy in the corner of this room, and he is– he is looking at you. Yes, you're sure of it now, even though he glanced away as soon as your eyes met. He wasn't expecting you to notice, which is silly, because you've noticed almost everything about Newt since the moment he first showed up in one of your classes.

The only thing you haven't noticed about him is all the times you haven't caught him staring, and how he smiles when he knows you won't be able to question him for it. Similarly, when Newt hastily turns his head and pretends that he's been studying the board at the front of the classroom this whole time, he misses how long your eyes linger on him instead. Almost as long as his, maybe. Shame that neither of you will do a thing about it.

You don't think you're staring for the same reasons, though. You only look at Newt because he's already looking at you. Newt must have a different motive for getting distracted by you so often, but he's not likely to breathe a word of it to you. Until that impossible day, though, when Newt finally manages to get over himself and finally confesses something, you'll keep looking back at him, wondering what all of this is about, and never, ever knowing.

You can't hold too much of a grudge against him for looking away, nor for rushing out of the classroom without a word more than hello or goodbye or the occasional sorry when he brushes against you in the hallway. That's not personal, that's just how Newt is with everybody.

Newt's quiet, you know. Doesn't talk to a whole lot of people if he can help it. Most of the time, he's perfectly content to sit by himself or walk alone to class, not needing anyone around him. He brushes off eye contact like dust from a faded photograph, not straying to orbit around the popular circles like everyone else in this school. The only exceptions are the small and select group of friends he likes to keep around, and then– well, then there's you, but that feels different, somehow.

You know of Newt's friends, they're all good people. The kind of good people that you'd expect someone like Newt to hang out with. There's Alby, tall and strong and ever-present in student leadership organizations. He keeps trying to get Newt to run with him in various elections. Usually Newt's too good of a sport to say no, but the blond boy would much rather fade into the background under more secretarial roles as opposed to vocal vice presidencies. You'd know, you've seen him.

Minho's a ton of fun, too. No one can crush the student athlete grind like him. He's captain of the varsity cross country team, and will happily swear to anyone around that he's the fastest one by far. Newt used to run with him, but there was an injury and a lot of crushed dreams and no one likes to talk about it much. It's surprising how quickly people can move on.

Thomas is new, just switched over to your school a few weeks ago. He's got this freaky sort of determination that makes you want to stand and watch while he tears up everything you've ever known. You're all sort of fascinated by him, and you have no doubt that if there's anyone capable of acing the SAT and making it far enough out of here to see the walls of an Ivy League, it would be him.

The others are just as fun. Teresa's new too, although she usually keeps to herself. Thomas knows her the best. Frypan, president of the school cooking club, can usually be seen proffering boxes of freshly baked delicacies to his friends. They're all good kids, the lot of them. Even Chuck, who might have been someone's younger brother or babysitting victim or just some kid they picked up. He's years younger than any of them and goes to the local elementary school, but he's still there half the time you see them hanging out together.

Of all of the friends, though, Newt is the enigma you'd most like to decipher. He's quiet, for one thing, even despite the fact that he's in such a joyful friend group. He's smarter than anyone gives him credit for, maybe because he's too modest to brag as much as anyone else.

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