The New Girl

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For once, it's quiet in the Glade. You can hear the sound of a few birds chirping in the distance, and if you really try, you can hear the wind blowing through the trees back over in the Deadheads. It's peaceful, and quiet, and all you have to do is lie back and enjoy it with a smile.

Then someone launches a roughspun cloth blanket at your head, and you're rudely awakened from your previously blissful state of half sleep. You pull the offending blanket from your face and glare at the boy who'd thrown it at you, the blond boy who's currently dissolving into laughter: Newt, your closest friend here.

You hurl the blanket back at him, but your vision is still unfocused from sleep and he's able to dodge it in time. "Why would you do that?" Newt grins. "It's time to get up, you lazy shank." You look balefully at him from your hammock. "It's practically dawn. Let me sleep."

Newt rolls his eyes. "Dawn came and went, love. Get up." You sigh dramatically, burying your head under the pillow. "I wish my friends were nicer. Maybe if I had nice friends, I could still be asleep right now." Newt, however, is unmoved by your plaintive hints, and mercilessly yanks your pillow away from you. "I suppose it's sad, then, that you never will. Come on, Y/N, today is important. It's Greenie Day, or have you forgotten that in your need to sleep?"

You grimace. "Oh, how exciting. I love it when shrimpy little Greenbeans won't stop pestering me with their questions or follow me around because I'm the only girl here." Newt snorts. "A little full of yourself, aren't you? You think you're that pretty?" You manage a smirk despite the exhaustion still hanging over you. "I know I'm that pretty. What, are you going to tell me that I'm wrong?"

For some reason, Newt's quiet laughter breaks off into a cough, and he quickly looks away from you. "Uh, I don't know." You raise an eyebrow, propping yourself up on one elbow so you can lean closer to him. "You don't?" Newt's cheeks flush, even though he's still doing his best to not make eye contact with you. "It's none of my business, anyway. Besides, this Greenie might be like Gally and hate you."

You sigh, sliding your legs over the side of your hammock to force yourself to get up. "We can all have dreams, Newt, but some of them will never turn out the way we wish." Newt grins. "That's bad for you, I guess. Shame I'll never have that problem." When you glance over at him spitefully, you notice that he's starting to leave you. You lunge forward and grab his shirtsleeve, dragging him back and starting to laugh when he nearly trips.

"You're leaving already? What was all this for, then? Why throw a blanket at my head?" Newt's smile is shameless. "It was funny. Besides, my job was just to make sure you were awake, and you are. I think I'm done here." You glare at him, although you can't maintain it for long. "Remind me why we're friends again?" Newt has the audacity to laugh. "Because we're meant for each other, obviously. Now come on, Frypan's starting breakfast."

You make a face at his back, but you can't hide a smile. You've been friends with Newt ever since you arrived in the Glade around a year ago, and despite early morning wake up calls and enough playful insults traded between the two of you to make Alby lose his mind, you wouldn't change a thing about it.

Well, maybe that's not entirely true. Sometimes, you swear that you could convince yourself that Newt feels more for you than just friendship, that every now and then you catch him staring at you like you're a sunrise that he's waited to see all night. He lingers by your side when you've been talking a while, and the two of you share blankets around the bonfire on late nights. Surely all that means something, right? Or maybe you're just making it all up.

Regardless of what it all could or could not mean, Newt is right- you've got to get going. Things are always busy on Greenie Days, because something invariably happens to interrupt work for the rest of the day. You'll have to help Alby and the others unload and catalogue the contents of the Box, make sure you have everything you need for the Glade to survive or that you can make do with what you don't have. This is how it goes every month, and how it will probably go until the very end of time.

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