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In roughly thirty seconds, you're going to reach a milestone you never thought possible. You've been waiting for this for a while now, counting down the days and hours and minutes like you were going to find yourself anywhere other than right here when your self-imposed timer went off. All you've got to remember the date is a memory, but given the fact that you only recall so many of those, it was easier to place than one would expect.

An alarm goes off across the Glade, ear-piercing klaxons rattling off of the high stone walls surrounding you. The rest of the boys around you start to amble towards the source of the noise, the Box newly arrived from who knows where, but you stay put for the time being, just breathing in the moment.

One blond boy next to you, your closest friend and favorite person here, nudges you in the leg with his foot. You're both sitting in the unruly grass, ignoring the press of the green strands against your arms and calves. You have a habit of always wanting to keep him within reach.

"Why aren't you racing towards the Box?" He asks.

You tilt your head to the side, staring up at the sky. Robin's egg blue dappled with clouds, it's the only pocket of space outside the Walls that you'll likely ever know. "Today marks one year since I showed up here for the first time."

Newt whistles through his teeth. "Shoot, already? Feels like time has flown. I swore you came up just last month."

"No, I've been keeping count. Twelve months and I'm still here."

Newt winces. He made a promise to you at the very start that he would get you out in six months, then, when that deadline came and went, he lengthened it to a year. The oath was only sworn because you were nervous about this place when you were still a Greenie and unused to the idea of living and dying here in endless repetition. You're no happier about that fact now, but you are more used to it, at least.

"Well," he starts off, "maybe you're still here, yeah, but Minho and the other Runners are getting closer to finding a way out, I swear. Minho says they're this close to having mapped the whole thing, then we'll have an escape route for certain. Just give it another year. You won't even notice the time passing, I promise."

It's kind of Newt to try to distract you again, even though you both know by this point that it's useless. Minho is getting closer to traveling every pathway of the Maze, yes, but what Newt isn't mentioning is how little the Keeper of the Runners actually is to finding something useful. Whenever you ask Minho what he's learned about how to get out of here, he only ever comes up with a blank slate.

Still, harping on that doesn't exactly make for a good time, so you'll let yourself play along with Newt's idea of your inevitable escape from this place for now. He's losing hope even faster than you, even if he doesn't tell anyone. It would be good to keep up the pretense.

You eye his leg, the one with the limp, and nod. "Yeah, next year for sure."

Newt sits in silence for a moment or two longer, then stands up carefully, offering a hand to you. "Come on, then. We've got a Greenie to stare at and stuff to unpack from the Box, no time for musing. Besides, we've all got to get ready for the bonfire later tonight."

You accept his offer of help, and when you're on your feet once more, your smile is back. "I forgot about the bonfire! Oh, that'll make everything better. Always does."

Newt grins. "You're just saying that because it's the one time a month Alby will let all of us get proper wasted and skip work for the afternoon."

"Of course I am," you laugh, "I want to have fun! Is that such a terrible thing?"

Newt slings an arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer to his side as the two of you walk lopsidedly over to the Box opening. The other Gladers have already crowded around the opening, but there's enough space for the two of you to peer in at the befuddled newcomer inside if you squeeze past a few Track-Hoes.

Newt Imagines (The Maze Runner)Where stories live. Discover now