And We Will Try Again

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Newtmas Time Loop AU (there is suffering!!)

Thomas wakes, and it's brighter than he expected. He closes his eyes and breathes slowly. He doesn't know how many moments like these he's going to get, rare instances when he isn't running for his life. Thomas is still on the run, perhaps he always will be, but at least right now the ground isn't being torn to shreds beneath his feet. There are no bullets rocketing towards his skull, there are no Cranks throwing themselves towards him.

He gets up soon enough, but even that one quiet moment pushes off the inevitable. The sun is still rising on the horizon, giving Thomas and his friends enough time to get their lives together before the heat becomes unbearable. Out here on the reaches of the Scorch, the only schedule they'll ever need is that of the sun, their hours divided by the time they can survive out in the direct sweltering sunlight before being forced under the meager shade of the ruined skyscrapers surrounding them.

Today is important. Every day before this and every day after this has also been important, in their own ways, but today is pressing. Today, Thomas is going to save his friend. Minho is somewhere out there in WICKED's clutches, but that will be fixed that today. Thomas may have let his friend down by being unable to rescue him before this, but today is different. It has to be different.

Thomas' meager band of surviving allies has spent the night under the watchful gaze of the Right Arm. Thomas isn't entirely sure how much he actually trusts the organization, but it's not like he has any other options. Thomas either needs more time or more supporters, and seeing as he isn't likely to get the former, the Right Arm can suffice as the latter for now. Vince might betray them all later, but as long as Thomas can get one of his best friends back, he'll be alright.

The sunlight is already beginning to cut through the jagged windows. The Right Arm set up shop on the outskirts of the Last City, the final stronghold against the inevitable wave of the Flare. Thomas can still barely fathom the thought of it– an entire city free of Cranks? After everything he's been through, it seems impossible that anyone would be able to live in such a world.

Of course, the Last City isn't completely rid of the Flare. Not entirely. The Right Arm has been hearing reports that the city is one good shove away from crumbling entirely. People get sick and lie about it, show up to work as if nothing is the matter. Everyone knows it, too, how little safety they actually have, but it's far easier to pretend and watch the city desiccate around them. One spark, and it's all up in flames.

That's not Thomas' business, though, he's not in charge of the place. All Thomas cares about is getting Minho out. He'll have plenty of time for judgment afterwards. After a few last moments to himself, Thomas stumbles out of the corner of the room he's been using as sleeping quarters and goes to find his friends. They're getting the last of their gear ready, all done as quietly as possible. Vince doesn't entirely approve of this mission, which is to say that he's expressly forbade it. That being said, Thomas has never much cared about anyone else's rules except his own, so they're going anyway.

A few hours later finds Thomas even more unsure of his own direction than before. His band of stragglers managed to make it into the Last City, but they ran into Gally of all people. Gally, who despite all odds isn't dead, has actually joined up with another rebellion against WICKED. At least now they've got slightly better allies, right? Thomas can't believe he'd ever call Gally a trusted friend, but it's not like he's got any better choices.

After kidnapping Teresa, something that feels like both a great pain and a great justice at the same time, Thomas and the rest of his strike team are ready to break into the WICKED complex and rescue Minho. Frypan, Brenda, and Jorge split from Thomas, Gally, Newt, and Teresa to help out the other Immunes. For once, success is almost in their hands. It is a wonderful thought to consider.

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