Dating Newt Would Include...

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-With all the commotion and general stress of being in the Glade, there is certainly something to be said about Newt's kind of love:

-Soft, gentle, makes you feel both deeply wanted and desperately needed at the same time

-Everyone says that they have never known Newt not to be in love with you, despite the fact that there were a few months in between his arrival in the Box and yours

-Then again, it does sort of make sense

-Newt acts like a husband of fifty years every single day he's around you

-This boy is LOVESICK and it is fantastic

-He will sneak you fresh fruits and vegetables from the gardens whenever he can get away with it

-And also even when he can't– Zart has chastised him a thousand times about it, but that has never stopped Newt from sneaking the occasional tomato or sweet pea whenever the Keeper's back is turned

-On his off days, Newt is more than happy to spend his free time with you

-Sleeping in or taking midday naps is quite common, the two of you tucked into a hammock together

-You've memorized the sound of his heartbeat through his cotton shirt, specifically they way it feels with your head tucked up against his collarbone

-Despite the peaceful, quiet love, there is another side to Newt that you love just as much

-He's still the best friend of Minho, Alby, and Thomas, and that means he can be just as insane as the rest of them

-Sometimes that means the most competitive games of Glade hide and seek you've ever seen (there's no chance he'll go easy because you're dating, far from it)Or Newt waking you up in the middle of the night because he's just seen a superb constellation and you have to name it right now

-Newt has an extra burden on his shoulders due to the role of second in command, and that means he'll be as playful as he wants with you to get rid of some of that stress

-Despite the toughest days, though, it's you that Newt loves most, and the love of a boy like that is something extraordinary indeed <3

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