Chapter 13 "Are you okay?"

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Meadow POV

Sirocco thankfully fell asleep on the way back to the palace. I carry her gently through the castle and up to her room. To make sure she doesn't do anything.... Self destructive to say the least. I'm gonna need to handcuff her to one of the legs of her bed. A chain connects between one of the loops on the handcuff and her wrist. Giving her a few meters to roam around. 

Sirocco POV

What the hell just happened and why does my head hurt so bad. Why does my chest ache with every breath and movement I take?, did Meadow do this?. She could've, she could be lying to me. She could have caused all this struggle, all of this pain and all these cuts and bruises that line my body. My wrist is numb from the handcuff on my wrist. What did I do? What have I done to deserve this?. 

Someone must have heard my rustling, since there's a knock at my door. The chain just barely reached the door. I flung it open to see Meadow holding a tray with a glass of some sort of liquid and the pill the doctor was talking about. Although I was barely awake when the doctor was talking, so I'm not entirely sure what the pill is for. "I'm surprised you're awake" Meadow says. I nod and go for the glass, I fumble around, but eventually catch hold of it. Quickly, I take a large swig of it to be heavily disappointed. "Oh come on, why no alcohol?" I whimper. "Alcohol might mess with the pill, and I'm taking this opportunity to get you weaned off of that trash" Meadow replies. That's terrible news, I can't function without it. "You're doing what!?" I shout. Meadow flinches back out the doorway. Out of reach from me. I take a few deep breaths and try to calm myself down. It's somewhat working. I notice Meadow relax a bit from her tense position. "We'll deal with that later... what the fuck happened?" I ask. Meadow scoots past me through the doorway and motions for me to come along with her. "Have a seat, this'll take awhile" she sighs. I take a seat on my bed and she sits beside me. "First off, have your pill" she instructs. I don't like the idea of having something that I don't completely know what it does. I hesitate for a minute before swallowing it. "Pretty much, you were leading me through the forest to kill your sister. And you saved my life, we got captured. You were tortured nearly nonstop. Your sister was blaming it all on me, you were asleep while I escaped and I freed you from the electric chair Chinook had you strapped onto" she explains. This a whole lot to process. Although, doubt clouds my brain. "That can't be true can it? I'd never save the life of a sheep. My sister is dead. You did this didn't you?!" I begin to shout. Meadow gets up from the bed and backs away like I'm a monster. Little does she know, I'm onto her scheme. I'm onto her tricks. I know what she did. "N-no! That's not true. I could never do all of this to you. I could never!" She replies with a sniffle.  Meadow whips a tear from her eye. Pathetic, she's crying. "Sirocco please, Chinook must have brainwashed you or something" she adds. "You're sister, she runs a bandit ring remember? She was gonna kill me, but you stopped her. Then her lackeys showed up and captured us. She beat you until you bled and then she electrocuted you!" Meadow shouts. "You pulled the knife from my thigh remember?" She cries as she rolls up her pant leg to show me. I do remember. Meadow was right to back up, I am a monster. I snapped on the only person I can count on. I snapped on the only person who I can lean on. And that person would be Meadow.  Slowly, I approach Meadow and notice her shivering. I can't tell wether or not she's shivering out of fear, or if she's just cold. Now I'm inches from Meadow, I notice her tensing up. Shutting her eyes out of fear and waiting for a blow from me. But to her surprise, I don't punch or hit at her. I fall over onto her shoulder and weep. "I'm sorry Meadow. I'm truly sorry. You're right Chinook did this, I remember everything she's done now. I'm sorry for snapping on you, you're the only person I can count on now. I've betrayed everyone I cared about. I've done so many terrible things, and yet you've stayed by me this entire time" I cry. It's all too much for me right now. I need some alcohol, but I know Meadow won't bring it to me. "Meadow Shepherd, as much as I hate to admit it. I love you so very much" I admit. I can't believe what just came out of my mouth. I don't really mean that do I?, I don't know. I don't know. To my surprise, Meadow pats my back and pets the shaggy fur on my head down. I'm quite a bit taller than her, so she needs to reach if she wants to do that, she needs to stand on her tippy toes. "I love you too" she replies. Wait, what? She does?

New chapter tomorrow

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