Chapter 28 "Possessed"

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Sirocco POV

"You are one sneaky bitch. But getting away from me isn't as easy as that" the crown says. Vines wrap tightly around me, drawing small tears in my clothing. "You need to be punished. But killing you is all too humane. I will make you suffer" the crown whispers. My pulse beats faster and breath becomes rapid. Shivers run up my spine and chills go to my paws. "I'll enjoy playing with my new little puppet. Being able to pull the strings behind the scenes is pretty fun eh? You'd know what I'm talking about " the crown says. I do. I hate to say it, but I do. I've manipulated Meadow and many others for all this time. The crown's got me there. "And who would that puppet be?" I ask. It took me a lot of courage to ask that, for I'm stuck at a loss of words. "You." The crown says.

I fall to the ground. Gasping for air. Sharp jolts of pain run up every vein. I throw the crown off but it doesn't stop the pain at all. "Welcome to hell. The fun's just getting started" the crown says. What the fuck? I took the crown off. How is it still speaking to me? "Don't you realize Sirocco. I've possessed you. I can read every thought you have. I can control and stop every move you make" the crown laughs. Oh you sick fucking bastard. Thankfully, the vines begin to fall off me. I can move freely once more. But I can't think freely. I begin walking against my will and open the door out to the hallway. I'm going upstairs. But I don't want to. 'Stop that you' i think. "I'll do whatever I want Sirocco. For I'm finally free from the crown" the crown says. 'What even are you?' I ask. "Demon from the underworld. I'm from where every single one of your dead victims are right now" the demon says. 

I go to drink from my flask, but my paw is stopped. "You'll need to earn that" the demon says. This'll be a hell of a lot harder than I thought it might be. I walk out into the hallway and loosen my jabot tie from around my neck. I slump down against the wall and pass out. Once I wake up, I notice the demon isn't speaking or controlling my thoughts or actions. It must be sleeping!. The demon may think it has all the power over me, but what it doesn't realize is that it's revealing to me crucial information about revival. Reviving the dead that is. I grab a paper from my pocket and a quill from my other. All I need is ink. But if I stand up, the demon will surely awaken. So I use some of the blood from my wounds to write. I quickly write down the steps to revival and roll up the scroll in my pocket before falling asleep once again.

Meadow POV

Once I wake up, I notice I'm at a dock. The district dock that is. I'm back home! I get out of my canoe and pull it into the dock. I leave it there and walk off into the town. The first thing I need to do is go to the flower shop. I open the door and just about walk into a pot by accident. "Excuse me, but would you happen to have any old wilted roses?" I ask. "Yeah.. you can take as many as you want" the coyote working there says. Oh how it's my lucky day. I grab three wilted roses and stick them into the folds of my redcoat. "Thank you!" I call as I walk out of the shop. I notice that Woodlands Allegiance banners line the street and that people wear that symbol on their shirts. This is completely perfect. I need people to come with me. "Hear ye! Hear ye! I'm rioting in the castle! Anyone want to come?" I yell down the street. Heads turn and people stride towards me. "Oh yes!" A voice calls in the small crown gathered around me. "Perfect"

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