Chapter 18 "Shame"

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Sirocco POV

His cold hard breaths hit my neck and make my fur stand on end. "Sirocco Everglades, what a sight for sore eyes eh?" Bramble asks. His voice is much more grownup then when we were kids. "You're supposed to be dead" I mutter. Meadow's cautiously watching from her rope and tries to saw at it with her hoof. She's getting somewhere at least while Bramble is distracted. "So it seems. But you can't kill everyone in one foul swoop" Bramble replies in an icy tone. He's right. I should've known that it wouldn't kill everyone. Fuck, I should've blocked off so the exits somehow. 

"I mean, the majority of this angry crowd is made up of my people. And some, well. They're traitors to your reign" Bramble chuckles. Suddenly, Bramble's grip on his sword and my coat collar weakens. Until he gives weigh. "Wha- how?" I stutter.  I notice that Meadow isn't on the rope anymore. It all makes sense. Sort of. "Surprise" Meadow says as she dashes toward the stairway that lead up to the platform were on. She pulls over a wooden plank and begins to barricade the small door. "Stop standing around and help me!" Meadow shouts. More people come rushing down the sidewalk. I presume to join the crowd. But instead, it's the sheriff and an army of my valiant people behind him. "Citizens of Dire District! Attack!" The sheriff calls out. Arrows fly and smoke fills the sky. Sword clash and shields block. I can't seem to focus my mind. 

I can't do it. Not at all. Suddenly, a memory of mine replays in my head. It's of Chinook. It's of electricity and jolts running through my brain. Corrupting every though I have. Meadow's crying, but I don't know why. I'm a monster. How can she cry over me?. I'm the reason she's here in the first place. If only her goddamn father didn't apply her for my fucking dad's little apprenticeship program. She's the one ruining everything for me. She's the one who's made this all happen isn't she?

Rage fills me and I dash towards Meadow. "You're the one making this happen aren't you!? You're the one pulling at the string!" I shout as I undo her barricade of planks. "Sirocco stop it! You're wrong!" She cries. Smoke fills my nostrils and blurs my vision. But I think I can still undo the blockage and get my people to arrest her. "You did this!" A howl as I remove the last plank of wood. People fill the platform and trample me. They're going after her! Yes!

Suddenly, I begin thinking again. I snap out of my little trance. My little flashback. The terrible hallucinations Chinook has put into my head. I'm glad she's dead. No time for rejoicing. They!re going after Meadow. That's until I realize they aren't. They're carrying Bramble away. Medical professionals with the Woodlands Allegiance tend to the wounds Meadow made. The sheriff rides up next to the stage and dismounts his horse quickly. He strides up the stairs and gets between Meadow and I. "Your majesty, is this the one you're yelling about?" The sheriff asks. Tears are rolling down Meadow's face. Mixing with her bloodied wool and stained dark blue redcoat*. "No. No it isn't. It's the wolf I was yelling at" I lie. I know I was yelling at Meadow, but why? I can't seem to puzzle out why I'd do such a thing. A look of relief crosses Meadow's face. The sheriff bolts down the stairs and after the Woodlands Allegiance crew. Loyal citizens of mine gather around the platform.

*= a Redcoat is a style of jacket that can be in multiple colours. (Google it if you want to see one)

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