Chapter 29 "Over"

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Extra TW//; vomit, suicide

Sirocco POV

BANG! I awake suddenly to a loud bang. And then another, and another. Until the castle gates come crashing down. Meadow stands at the fronts of the door with a crowd behind her. "I'm home." Meadow snarls. I stumble upwards, gripping the wall for balance. "What the hell is this?" The crown asks. 'I don't know' I reply. "Sirocco Everglades. You are hereby charged with genocide, murder, assault and multiple other crimes" Meadow shouts as she draws her sword and points it at me. A Smokey smell fills the air. It's from all the anger people's torches. "Yeah, yeah. Where the fuck is Shire?" I ask. "Dead." Meadow replies. What? She better be kidding. "That better be a joke" I growl. Meadow and I have a few meters between us, and I sure don't want her getting any closer to me. "You're a manipulative, controlling, violent mutt who doesn't deserve any of these untold riches" Meadow says. The crowd cheers. A sea of pain comes over me. The whisky after taste doesn't help at all with the nausea, pain and sickness that's coming over me. A look of concern crosses Meadow's face before she shakes her head and returns my glare with a snarl. 

It's coming up. Oh fuck. I lean over and throw up on the ground, a black grimy goo coats the ground. Ha, the crown's lost the war. It's out. It shrivels into nothingness after coming in contact with the same air as a wilted rose. I stumble upwards toward Meadow. Meadow's shaking as I come closer and closer to her. Now I'm at arm's reach from the end of her sword. "Take this" I smirk as I hand her a scroll. The scroll containing revival information. "May nothing but death do us part" I growl as I pull her in for a quick kiss. She pushes me off and stumbles backwards. Her sword's pointed straight at my chest. Good. I walk forward until the blade is pressed against my chest. "This party's just getting started" I smirk as I put a emerald in her pocket. She doesn't know emeralds are what carry the crown's power. I then proceed to push myself against her blade. It's dark... Meadow's teary eyes are fading from my sight... it's over. Sirocco Everglade's story is over.

Meadow POV

My hooves tremble. The sound of the crowd's cheers fill my ears. But this isn' a rejoicing moment. I never wanted to kill her. Maybe just... reform her. Sirocco's lifeless body hangs limp over my sword. "J-just go home everyone" I weep. Surprisingly, they do. Everyone's gone. Except for me and the love of my life who I've killed. I put my hoof in my pocket and feel the emerald. I shatter it against the ground. There's no comfort it can bring me right now. That was a huge mistake. Black fog begins crowd the hallways. What have I done?. A figure appears from the smoke. The figure wears a black suit, black pants and a blood red tie. Glowing purple eyes and a long muzzle can also be seen from the fog. A big jet black wolf steps out from the fog. That creature has a good foot of height over me. 

"Well good evening Miss Meadow Shepherd. I appreciate you bringing me back to life" the wolf smirks as they adjust their suit cuffs. They also secure their wilted rose to their suit pocket. "W-who are you?" I stutter. "Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Gage Imperium. You probably know me better as 'the crown'" Gage growls. Oh fuck. How did the crown's power get out?

Anddd that concludes Dire Kingdom 2!! Expect the first chapter of Dire Kingdom 3 to come out soon! -Chinook Calypso

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