Chapter One

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The night had a sharp coldness to it. So cold it felt like it could pierce the skin. As Rachel breathes out, she could see her breath fade into the air. But her focus is suddenly shifted to the movement at the other side of the road. It was quick, too quick for anyone with an untrained eye.

"We've got movement. Heading into town." She says into the Comms planted into her ear as she reaches for the holster against the thigh.

"Be careful, Rachel." A voice calls through her ear as she begins to give chase, the large shadowed figure running along the streets of Lima. Rachel could see it's long fur reacting with the wind, and see's it's cold golden eyes meet hers for a single second before it turns into an alleyway. Rachel smirks as she pulls up to a stop at the entrance into the alleyway, pulling out her handgun.

"Come on, beasty. You know how this ends." She taunts as she slowly makes her way into the small gap between the building, completely enveloped in darkness. And she hears a faint growl from the darkness.

"You killed an innocent. Just let me kill you. I don't have time for this." She sighed. But she feels a large force bash against her, sending her a few feet back, knocking her handgun out of her hand. Rachel pushes herself off the floor, her face tightens as she pulls out a silver dagger from inside her jacket.

"Okay, now you get to die painfully." She grunts as she pulls out a small device from her pocket and gently throws it a few feet Infront of her, and a blinding lightly explodes from it as it touches the floor. Rachel could see the beast now. It stood around eight feet tall, it's black fur painted with blood, it's claws rough and jaggered as it tried to block the blinding light of the grenade. Its wolf-like features now fully on display.

Rachel took no time to lunge froward towards the werewolf and plunges her dagger into the chest of the beast, and a pain filled howl rips through the air as it tries to claw Rachel away, but the silver was working fast as it fell to the floor in defeat. Rachel pulls out her dagger along with a handkerchief and wipes the blood off.

"Et auferes malum de hac anima mea" Rachel whispers as she kneels down to the wolf. "Now, you gonna transform back? Or are you going to let yourself die the more painful death?" She asks. The wolf snarls at her, brandishing it's teeth, but there was no threat behind it. And sure enough, the fur began to retreat into the body, bones snapped back into place as a young man takes its place.

"You bitch." He grunts as he holds his hand over the wound.

"You know the laws, Wolf. Now tell me, what pack are you from?" She asks, venom laced in her voice.

"Please, I know exactly who you are. If I tell you that, I'd be writing my whole pack off." He bites back, his skin was growling paler by the second.

"You're the fifth wolf to break the Beast Laws this month. I need to know which pack is letting their mutts run rampant." Rachel corrects.

"Its funny how you think it's just one pack." The man smirks.

"What does that mean?" She asks. The man scans over Rachel and laughs.

"You hunters have.... No idea what's coming." He says, and Rachel brings her dagger up to his neck as her other hand grabs his head.

"Tell me!" She demands, but she knew full well this was an empty threat. He would be dead within the next minute, the silver in his blood was destroying him.

"Evolution." Is all the man says before is eyes are completely engulfed by a silver liquid, and his body flops in Rachel's grasp. She sighs as she chucks the body against the floor. Rachel sighs as she pushes herself up, running her hand through her hair.

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