Chapter Ten

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Santana awoke with a feeling of hundred pound weights resting on her legs, along with fire rushing through her muscles. She groans as she rubs her eyes. She didn't realise how much her and Rachel had walked that night, but she was feeling it now.

"Santana, get up!" Brittany says as she walks through the door, looking down at her with a amused expression. "Hunting wear you down?"

"Shut up." Santana mutters as she adjusts her laying position. Brittany rolls her eyes before grabbing some sort of stuffed toy from the cupboard and chucking it at her.

"Tina's went hunting. Got us some blood. Come on!" Brittany says before leaving the room. Santana finally opened her eyes, looking around and sighing.

A few minutes later, Santana plods put of her room, her hair tied up in a messy bun with a dress robe wrapped around her.

"The Hunter in training has finally awoken." Sam smirks as he takes a sip of the thick red liquid in the glass cup. "God, rabbit blood tastes like shit." He shudders before putting the cup down.

"No deer around?" Santana asks as she walks over to the table, Tina already pouring Santana a cup.

"I nearly got one. But a damn bird scared it off. But managed to get a few rabbits, so we have blood for next few days." Tina replies and Santana nods.

"I miss deer." Kurt sighs. "Their blood tastes sweet."

"Well, Brittany has had the best blood out of all of us." Mercedes smirks. Everyone furrows their eyebrows as they look at Brittany, who just shrugged.

"I've drank Rachel's blood."

"What!" Sam exclaims, practically jumping out of his chair.

"Wait, you did what?" Tina asks, her eyes wide with surprise.

"I was injured after the battle with the wolves. Rachel let me feed on her to heal." Brittany shrugs. Everyone shared a look as if they were both angry and worried.

"You drank from a hunter?" Sam asks, his voice was restrained so he didn't tell the house down.

"It's not a big deal." Brittany shrugged. "I told her I couldn't, but she pointed out if the person is willing, it isn't against the law."

"That isn't the problem here." Sam sighs, rubbing the top of his forehead. "You drank from a hunter, Brittany. If her family find out, we are all toast!"

"She won't tell"

"How do you know that, Brittany!" Tina yells.

"You've been quiet, Santana." Kurt points out, bringing everyone's eyes from Brittany to Santana, who had just finished her drink.

"Well, I don't think it's a matter up for discussion. I don't see a problem with what happened. Rachel was willing." Santana shrugs.

"It's risky, Santana. You are getting blinded with your feelings for the hunter." Sam argues. Santana's gently places down her cup and looks over at Sam. Everyone could tell that he had misspoke. Their eyes flitting between both Sam and Santana.

"I'm sorry, how are my feelings anything to do with this?" Santana asks in calm, controlled tone.

"You're letting how you feel about Berry get in the way. You don't see that what Brittany did is a potential problem. Which it is, by the way. A massive one"

"What is your problem with her?" Brittany asks, clearly agitated.

"She's a hunter, Brittany. She hunts people like us. And the fact you drank from her is walking a very thin line."

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