Chapter Six

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There was a certain unease at McKinley High School. Dirty looks filled the hall as people passed, a light show of eyes if anyone paid enough attention, but of course, no one really did. Even Santana and Finn struggled to keep themselves from acting on the hatred they have felt for so many years.

"I really don't know about this truce." Finn sighs as he sits beside Rachel in Maths.

"Why?" Rachel questioned as she idly jotted down notes from the board.

"Santana's giving me some looks in the hall. I honestly can't tell if she's going to kill me or not if she gets the chance." Finn laughs.

"Come on Finn, you know if anyone has the ability to kill you, it's me." Rachel smiles as she rubs his shoulder.

"Gee, thanks Rachel." Finn rolls his eyes, but a smirk grew on his face. "I just... I know Quinn is tense. And so is Artie, he hates them."

"Look, it's not gonna be something made easy overnight. Its something that will take time to get use too. And you gave Santana your word, I know you don't so that lightly."

"Yeah, well, I have a feeling she isn't going to be what gives us problems." Finn says cryptically, causing Rachel to look at him with confusion.

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"There's something wrong here. The air... It isn't right. Something's happening here in Lima. And I think it's going to cause us alot of trouble." Finn says as he looks at her, trying to gauge her reaction. He expected her to call him crazy.

"Well, with all the crazed wolves running about, I think you might have a point." Rachel comments, to Finn's surprise. "Something's driving them to not care about the Beast Laws. I feel whatever it is, that's what we need to focus on." Finn couldn't help but smile. How Rachel just took what Finn said without any judgement, and considered it. He had been so use to being seen as the dumb one, but Rachel never made him feel like that.

"Look, I promise I'll try get everyone to be more civil with the vamps. Its... Just hard you know?"

"Trust me, I've learnt enough about both of your kind to know Finn. I know it won't be easy, but I think it'll be worth it. Especially since Santana and her clan are... Unique." Rachel says carefully, making sure she used the right word.

"What's the deal with that, anyway? Them being able to walk in the sun?" Finn asked.

"No one really knows. The Blessed Clan are known for walking in the sun, I mean I did think it was a myth to be honest. But the stories range from deal with the devil, to blessing by Angels, to dark magic. But I doubt they'll tell us." Rachel shrugs.

"They do smell different, that's for sure. Its like heavenly fire." Finn comments and Rachel nods.

"Heavenly fire is Used against Nephilim. And there has been more recent attacks from them. Might be worth checking out." Rachel notes. "And did you notice Santana's eyes? That red, it's more... Distinct"

"Now that you mention it, yeah." Finn admits. Clan leaders usually have a much darker red, but Santana's were a blood red.

"It just... It doesn't make sense. The feeling I've got, Santana and her clan coming. I feel something is coming, Rachel. And I don't like that feeling." Finn admits as she slumps in his chair slightly.

"Well, you've got your pack, and you've got me and Puck. Whatever you feel is coming, we will be ready for." Rachel smiles as she grabs Finn's hand on the desk and gives it a small squeeze. Finn returns the smile and the squeeze as he draws his attention back to the lesson.

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