Chapter Two.

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Rachel was up early the next morning, as usual. She had a routine, she would ensure she worked out for an hour, then the next half hour was spent on self care. She may be a hunter, but she did see positive of good presentation to her peers.

"Yo, Rachel! You've been in there for thirty minutes. I need to piss!" Puck calls as he bangs on the door. Rachel looked at the door with a disgusted face paired with an eye roll. She walks over and opens the door slightly.

"You know my routine, Noah! You should of learnt to work around..." Rachel was interrupted as Puck barges past towards the toilet, and Rachel squeals before rushing out. "Noah Berry Puckerman, you are a disgusting human being!" She yells as she slams the door behind her, before letting out a large breath to calm herself.

"You should be used to that, Rach." He calls out. Rachel huffs and folds her arms, and hears a faint chuckle from across the landing, seeing LeRoy looking at her.

"He has a point, sweetheart."

"You would say that, he's your favourite." Rachel smirks, and LeRoy simply shrugs his shoulders.

"I don't play favourites." He responds before he heads downstairs. The door swings open behind Rachel, and she glared at her brother who just wore a smirk.

"You're a pig." She tells him as she shoves him out of the bathroom and straight back to the sink.

"I'm the pig who drives your ass to school. So you should be nicer to me." He points out as he leans against the doorframe. "It is kinda embarrassing you don't have your license yet."

"Well, I'm far too busy to set aside the time to attain it, Noah. And, I don't mind walking most of the time." Rachel replies as she brushes her hair.

"God you're so high strung." Noah chuckles, shaking his head with a fondness. Rachel smirks at Noah through the mirror and shrugs.

"You'd not have me any other way, Noah." Puck normally hated being called Noah, and would threaten to kill anyone who called him that. Even his dad's don't call him that, or Rachel's mother. But he never minded it from Rachel.

"True that. Anyway, I'm gonna make some toast. You want any?" He asks. Rachel nods as she places down her brush and pushes her small bag to the side of the sink top and turns to him.

"I'll be down in ten minutes." She tells him as she heads off to get changed.


The two were early into School, as per usual. If it was up to Puck, they'd not be. But he knew arguing about it with Rachel was pointless, so he set off when she wanted. They were surprised to see Finn's pick up truck already parked, with him sat on the hood with a blonde girl curled up next to him.

"Suppose we should ask him." Puck comments and Rachel nods, and the two slip out of Pucks car and walks over.

"You two are nothing but predictable, you know that?" Finn calls as the two approach, looking up with a goofy smirk.

"I'm not predictable. But this one is. And she likes being here early for some unknown reason."  Puck says, pointing towards Rachel, who slaps his arm.

"They want something." The Blonde girl comments as she looks over at Rachel. Rachel could still see the look of distaste in her eyes. Although it was a bigger improvement that what it use to be.

"As observant as ever, Quinn." Rachel comments slyly, and she hears a low growl rumble in Quinns throat.

"Babe, she's just messing with you." Finn says gently, resting his hand on hers. The calming effect it had on Quinn was visible.

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