Chapter Seven.

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After everything had died down, and Finn and his pack had disposed of the dead, Rachel found herself looking for the vampires. Santana in particular.

"Hey Rach." Brittany calls as Rachel wanders into the library. Brittany was sat in the corner on a yellow beanbag, a book held between her hand as she sends a small smile.

"Hey, you all alright?" Rachel asks.

"Yeah. Sam and Kurt sorta ditched school though. Wanted to be far away from them wolves as possible." Rachel nods, it wasn't the worst idea.

"Did you get hurt?" Rachel asks as she plops down on one of the red beanbag beside her.

"Just a little graze. Nothing to worry about." Brittany shrugs. Although Rachel could see the blood along her side through her shirt. Her face was much paler now that Rachel took Brittany in properly.

"That looks worse than a graze. Did one of them bite you?" Rachel asks, worry laced in her voice. Wolf bites on a vampire were extremely dangerous. It reacts badly and it takes up alot of energy to fight the effects off.

"Rachel, I'm fine." Brittany says as he tries to force a smile, but it was taking her alot of effort to do so. Rachel knew what Brittany needed. But she was too weak to hunt, and there wasn't exactly a large amount of people at McKinley who offered blood.

"You need blood, Brittany." Rachel states and Brittany shrugs.

"I'll be fine. I can hunt for some later." Brittany argues but Rachel shakes her head.

"You won't make it that long. And I know right now your fighting your bloodlust. Its why you're in here, right? Less sensory overload?" Rachel asks. Brittany lets out a sigh of defeat and nods.

"Yeah. But I promise, I can control it. I'm not gonna go killing anyone."

"I'm not worried about that. Well, maybe a little. But I'm more worried about you, Brittany." Rachel says as she pulls herself closer and pulls her jacket sleeve up and presents her forearm to Brittany.

"Rachel, I can't." Brittany says as she pushes Rachel's arm away. But Rachel pushes it back.

"You can. Its not breaking the law if I'm willing, Brittany." Rachel states. Rachel could see Brittany's face tense up, she could tell that Brittany wanted too. But she could also tell she was fighting the urge to do so. "Brittany, it's okay." Rachel says softly and Brittany's eyes lock with Rachels.

"Have you ever done this before?" Brittany asks and Rachel shakes her head.

"No, but I'd never of been marked by a werewolf pack before and that turned out okay." Rachel shrugs.

"So, when we drink, we sorta release a chemical of sorts. It will relax the area, and numb the pain, and... Well you'll find out I guess." Brittany says as she takes Rachel's arm gently in her hand and brings it closer to her mouth, her fangs extend out as she grazes them along Rachel's arm. She looks back up at Rachel. "Are you sure?" Brittany asks.

"I'm sure." Rachel responds, and she is instantly met with an overwhelming sensation flooding through her as Brittany's fangs pierce her skin. Her whole body tightens, but then loosens up after a second as she feels a warm feeling rush through her. She could feel Brittany's hand tighten slightly around her forearm, as the intensity of the warmness builds, her own hand grabbing Brittany's shoulder.

"Hey Brittany, Mercedes said I could... Oh." Santana stops in her tracks as she looks at Brittany and Rachel, Brittany's mouth covered in blood as she she pulls away.

"San, it isn't what it looks like." Brittany begins but Santana raises her finger and Brittany silences.

"I... I don't even wanna know." Santana scoffs.

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