Chapter Five

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Glee came around too quickly for Rachel's liking. She did not expect it to go well. A room full of vampires and werewolves is bad enough, but throw in raging hormones? Its a recipe for disaster.

Santana had asked Rachel to wait for her near the Library, and she felt she couldn't let them all walk in alone. With her with them, it atleast allowed them to have some sort of protection. After all, they'd not hurt Rachel.

"Hey" Santana calls as she walks over, with five others following shortly behind. She recognised one of them. His hair was styled upwards, and his outfit choices were unique to say the least.

"So, these are them?" Rachel asked, taking them all in. She could feel the hostility from the blonde guy, his whole body was tight, and she could see him itching to bare his fangs at her.

"You must be Rachel." The blonde girl says in a way Rachel could only describe as excited.

"Yeah, the famed hunter." The blonde guy says with distaste.

"Sam, cut it out." Santana growls, her eyes lock with his, and he backs down slightly.

"Yeah, I'm Rachel." She says awkwardly.

"So, this could end well or in a total bloodbath. Going by they're disgusting mutts, I'm gonna go with bloodbath." The light brown haired guy says.

"Kurt, don't be so dramatic." The blonde one says, which Rachel deduced was Brittany.

"Please. They'll take any excuse to kill us." The girl with blue streaks in her hair says through gritted teeth.

"Look, I'm not going to tell you this will be easy. It won't be. There's alot of bad blood between your kinds. But Santana has the right idea trying to set everything straight with Finn. He's a good guy, he'll listen." Rachel says with authority, and to her surprise everyone seemed to listen.

"Look, I ain't got a problem with wolves. But I think this is a dumb idea." Mercedes states. "Like you said, there's a hell of alot of bad blood between us. Why do you think this will make any difference?"

"Because we cannot stay here with the constant fear and fighting with them, okay?" Santana exclaims. "Rachel vouches for Finn, so I'm willing to give him a chance to be civil."

"And you're taking a hunters word, why?" Sam demands. "They're the damn reason my parents are dead!" His anger was obvious by his face, and the the daggers is eyes were sending Rachel affirmed his anger.

"Let me guess, they were soooo innocent and they didn't break any laws?" Rachel asks sarcastically. "Didn't drain a human dry? Mind dominate them? Hunters don't kill without reason."

"They were still my parents!" Sam yells.

"Sam, enough!" Santana yells, her eyes glaring at Sam who meets with her's.

"No, you are getting all buddy with a fucking hunter, Santana! How in the world can you see that going well?" Sam demands.

"You want to leave? Go right ahead, Sam. But don't you forget how many times I've saved your ass. My judgement has kept us alive." Santana says as she prods her finger hard against his chest. Rachel could see by his expression he had gave up. "That's what I thought."

"Let's just get this over with." Kurt sighs. "The sooner we know if these wolves are gonna kill us, the better."

"That's the attitude" Rachel mutters as she guides the vampires towards the choir room.


"Yo, Puck. Where's Rachel?" Finn asks, to which Puck simply shrugs.

"I have no idea. Last time I saw her she chased after that vampire girl." Puck tells him, causing Finn to tense up.

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