Chapter Three

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Rachel definitely got mixed feelings from the girl who sat beside her. She felt that something didn't quite fit. Something about her bent her the wrong way. But there was something comforting about her presence. Almost relaxing. Rachel was always taught to trust her instincts. But right now, her instincts were all over the place.

"So, what this school teach for history?" The girl asked Rachel.

"The Napoleonic Wars... I think" Rachel replies.

"You think?" Santana asked with a raised eyebrow and a smirk, Rachel simply shrugs.

"I don't exactly listen. I probably know more than they do about world history." Rachel tells her.

"Someone's got an ego." Santana teases.

"I wouldn't disagree." Rachel winks, causing Santana to chuckle.

"Napoleon, aye? Who would of thought a midget would cause so much trouble." Santana mused as she tapped her own against her bottom lip.

"Not the rest of Europe." Rachel adds. Santana nods with a smirk.

"You're not wrong. So tell me, a hot girl like you, seeing anyone?" Santana asked, catching Rachel completely off guard as she nearly chocked on her spit.

"I... I um, no, I'm not." Rachel finally replies, her face turning red as a cherry. Santana winks as she turns her eyes to the front of the classroom.

"Good to know." Santana comments. Rachel furrows her eyebrows as she brings her eyes to the front of the classroom aswell. Who was this girl? The name Santana sounded eerily familiar to her. But she couldn't quite place it.


Class eventually ended and Rachel begins packing her things, and noticed Santana stood a few feet away from her, books in hand.

"Can I help you?" Rachel asked.

"Depends if you can tell me where Bio is?" Santana replies.

"Yeah, I'm heading there now. I guess you can come with me." Rachel shrugs and Santana nods. The two leave the classroom, where Rachel is met by a punch of cold hitting her face.

"Get your ass out of here, Berry." Someone calls out as Rachel calmly wipes the thick liquid from her face, to see Santana gripping the perpetrator around his neck and pinning him against the wall.

"Do that again, and I'll skin you alive." She says in with fake sweetness, before letting him go. Rachel noticed that the wall had a slight indentation from the guys body, who was now walking away.

"You didn't have to defend me, you know. I'm use to it." Rachel states.

"I can't stand jackasses like that." Santana shrugs. Rachel walked over to her locker, which was thankfully just down the hall as she grabbed a spare shirt. "Wow, bring spare clothes to school use to it?"

"Yeah, well, gotta be ready." Rachel replies as she heads into the toilets. Santana followed her and rested against the sink, with girls glancing over awkwardly.

"Out." Santana demands with a surprising amount of authority to it, reminding her of Finn in a way. The girls practically run out as Rachel starts unbuttoning her shirt and shrugging it off. Santana eyes furrow at the sight of the scars that were scattered around Rachel's surprising toned body.

"Woah, what's with all the scars?" Santana asked, finding herself running her hand along the one on Rachel's stomach, which made Rachel's body feel like electricity was surfing through it.

"Don't worry about it." Rachel shrugs off as she slides on a black shirt and begins to unbutton it, but Santana stops her.

"When a eighteen year old girl is covered in scars, I think it's a good reason to worry." Santana says.

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